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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Kiko met with Pope

It is not very often that one would be granted a private audience with the Pope because the Pope is a busy man and usually have more important things to do.  Guam is very honored that the Pope was able to grant the Archbishop's request to meet with him.  The Pope was also able to receive a private audience with Kiko Arguello, and he said many positive things about the Way. 


Pope Francis receives in private audience at Kiko Argüello

Rome, 05/12/2014. -This Morning, Pope Francis received in private audience at the Vatican, the initiator and the international head of the Neocatechumenal Way, Kiko Argüello.

The audience lasted about 30 minutes and it took place in an atmosphere of great cordiality. During the interview, Kiko explained to the Holy Father what constitutes the Neocatechumenal Way by illustrating a number of  initiatives.

For his part, the Pope assured Kiko that he knows this and reiterated once again his gratitude for the work that this Itinerary of Christian Initiation for adults realizes in the Church.

He also welcomed eagerly the proposal to hold a meeting with the families,  priests and the Neocatechumenal communities to speak about the missionary nature of the Church, which is also one of the main features of the Way.
Kiko Argüello then requested the Pope to send the communities of Rome "on mission" in the  de-Christianized areas of the suburbs of the capital, in order to help the parishes in difficulty.

Already Benedict XVI had sent on January 10, 2009, the first fourteen communities, on the occasion of the celebration in St. Peter's Basilica for the 40 years of the Neocatechumenal Way.

Vatican City, 5 December 2014 (VIS) – Today, the Holy Father received in audience:

- Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples;

- Kiko Arguello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way.


  1. Another one-sided view. We can assume this was from Zenit?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:55 pm,

      It did not come from Zenit.

  2. Can you post the link to this story please?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:06 pm,

      If you notice, I posted the audiences of the Pope, which can be found in the following weblink below: It came from the Vatican News. The Pope saw him on December 5, 2014.

      The article was emailed to me from a friend who had to translate it in her computer because it was written in Italian. The news is also found in Rome Report.

    2. publishes all the audiences of the pope both private and public on the website. So, these are not secrets nor neo machinations as the jungle will want you to believe.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:07 am,

      Is it not amazing that when Tim Rohr uses the same website, they do not question it. But when I use it to show that the Pope received Kiko in a private audience, they question it.

    4. Thats because the translation is poor. Your friend has embillished the translation to be more favorable to the Way

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:12 pm,

      How would you know when you have not met my friend?

    6. Can you send the article link in italian then? Because i am not finding the article in the links you sent, just a small paragraph saying that Kiko met with the pope. The blue paragraph is onl similar to the news on (ps i do not know the jungle or whatever so i am different.. I just want the NCW to accept there are mistakes in various areas and to be responsible enough to accept and change them)

    7. Dear Keith,

      The article was emailed to me by a friend who had it translated. It may have been translated through the computer. My computer also has a way to translate non-English websites.

      Why would you want the NCW to ACCEPT that there are mistakes in their liturgy? We have been following what Kiko Arguello has told us, which he got from the Pope. As I said before numerous times in my blog......the changes were made in 2008. I was there when I heard the Head Catechists on Guam tell us that these changes which were to follow came from Kiko who got it from Pope Benedict VXI. Instead of telling us to accept what you perceive as "mistakes", shouldn't you be writing to the Pope and tell him that.

    8. The events occurred like this- first Kiko started a movement he gathered people etc... Then after he had gotten a large amount of people already the church started investigating. By the time investigations were finished the movement was quite big ... So honestly if the NCW had some wrong things (which is proven every time a pope has a general audience on the media with NCW members by giving 'opinions' on improving) do you think the church can just stop the movement? It would lose 1) its credibility because the people in 2008 told the pope he should accept it, and 2) the members would most likely be lost because they only listen to the pope when kiko agrees with him (e.g. The three things pope francis said in February) .. And I didn't say the mistakes are in the liturgy because personally I don't mind some differences here and there in different masses but i was referring to the manipulations and techniques the catechists use and the lack of theology they have

    9. Dear Keith,

      History has shown that the Catholic Church has risked losing millions of their members than condone errors. The Great Schism and the Protestant Reformation is proof of that. It is the duty of the Church to preserve the correct teachings and practices rather than allow her members to continue errors or heresies of theology due to fear. The Church has no fear because her head is Christ. Furthermore, the Statutes and Catechetical Diectory of the Way have already been approved by the Vatican. Also, the three things that Pope Francis said to the Way are recommendations to help us improve our evangelization. They are not reprimands as some of the anti-Neo websites have been saying. In fact, many of these anti-neo websites changed the wording of the Pope by substituting the word "recommendation" to "reprimand".

    10. Dear Diana, the pope's comments about allowing people to freely leave the NCW could only be understood as a "recommendation" if it was not already obvious that people should be free to leave the NCW.

      So to say this is merely a recommendation is to suggest that the pope thinks its optional that someone not be forced to remain in the Way.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 9:26 pm,

      As the Pope said, he suggested three recommendations to the Way. One of them, of course, is that people are free to enter and leave the Way. In Guam, invitations were given out. It is up to the people to decide on their own to attend the catechesis or not. The choice is theirs.

    12. And what would make you think that something like the protestant reformation was good?? Maybe this pope and the people in the vatican today want to try another way, they want to improve and work on kiko's teachings because if they just say it was a mistake to accept them they would lose not only the people's trust but also all the NCW members. To answer the last statement.. I am more worried about members leaving rather than members joining ;) that is where freedom is forced.. That is why the Pope 'recommended' that the members are free to leave and search for other means of finding their christian faith ;) - i am one of those people.. Who left the NCW not because of the mass because i have mo problem with some changes but because of the emphasis on sin, too much emphasis on how the movement saves people- please as much as it has saved it has caused breakages of families, even suicides just to be clear- and if what the NCW members understand by the pope's recommendation when he said this was to not speak to the member who leaves the NCW except obviously to send invitations to join again... Is wrong on all levels, human,religious, personal, social.

    13. Dear Keith,

      My reply to you is found in the weblink below:

  3. I doubt this would not be good enough for them.

    1. If both the Pope and Kiko are in spirit of humility...knowing that by themselves they are following the spirit of evangelization, the spreading of the gospel to all of Gods children then they are in communion in one is not is not Kiko who is doing the work. They are both the instrument of the will and love of God.

      rohr, white, Isaias, benavente, gofigan and the lords of the jungle are the kings of their their actions. Thanks be to God that he loves them nonetheless.

    2. The jungle folks are in good company. We are on the side of the Rebel Jesus.

    3. Dear Isais,

      It does not matter that you are with the jungle. After all, you are not Catholic.

    4. Dear Isaias, since you have abandoned the true faith, it shows you have also abandoned all reason and knowledge of the faith. If Jesus was a rebel, then he should have zapped all the romans and his enemies to smithereens thus eliminating the obstacles to complete his rebellion. The fact is that he took upon himself all the sins of humanity - something a rebel cannot do because a rebel deep down is selfish. O YE of little brains dear Isaias.

    5. Dear isais do you know who the very first rebel was? Hint: his name was lucifer. I wouldn't put Jesus in his same class.

  4. video to romerepots youtube channel "pope meets with kiko arguello from neocatechumenal way"

  5. For Rohr, the truth is not essential. What matters for him is to destroy, at all costs, the archbishop, the seminary and eventually the church. Wow! What a great apologist!

    1. Diana - these are PRIVATE questions/COMMENTS to ponder:

      1. if benavente and gofigan are to saying noting about toves, then it means that they are giving approval to all the lies, calumnies and defamation of toves. In this way they are giving their blessings to the sin of 'false witness against thy neighbor'. this is a cause for scandal. this is very serious in the laws of the church. Gofigan and benavente in an indirect way are giving their priestly blessings to lies, calumnies and false defamatory remarks. They are leading people into sin. This is a source of scandal and is therefore punishable.

      2. WHo is behind toves? He is here at the behest of a host of people: benavente,, gofigan, richard untalan?, steve martinez?, etc. YOU need to ask this question.

      3. I see that behind benavente is a host of money kingpins. It could be for several reasons: casino gambling or gay lobby. if they have benavente as bishop, then they have their man. Guam is a cash cow for the P.I. and the Orient. So, if some big name wants to make money fast, then come to Guam! Tagle loves benavente because when Tagle pushes out apuron, then he can come and feast in the greenbacks.

      SEE the connections - benavente - rohr - toves.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 1:56 pm,

      I do not think that Tim, Monsignor James, or Father Paul would advocate casino gambling or same sex marriage. But I would not be surprise that Tim would want his position back so he can go back to having the Church pay him a salary and support his business.

  6. TO anonymous 1:56 pm.
    If gofigan and benavente want to remain quite, then it is their choice. So, leave them out of this!

    I don't know who is behind toves, but the fact is that he's here and so what if he is financially supported by others.

    As for the money kingpins, there is no proof to what you say. Msgr. James is an opponent of casinos I know this because when we had the wave for anti-casino years back, he was one of the monginiors who stood at the corner of ITC at the request of the bishop. I am an Agana parishioner and I was there with and I saw him waving.

    Please don't tarnish the reputation of Cardinal Tagle. he was almost elected pope and is very popular in the media.

    I am a supporter of Msgr. James, he is my hero. But, Rohr has hurt him. I blame him, not the bishop, for bringing down the good name of Msgr. Benavente. If only Msgr. James can just stop please associating with Rohr, he is bad news. Lots of people I talk to don't like Rohr's tactics and his attitude. Even people who are against the neo. He makes us non neo people look bad! We're just plain fed up with him. He's bad news. We non neo folks don't want rohr to be our spokesperson, he is bad news.

  7. DEAR Anonymous at 1:56 PM. My uncle Fr. James is a good man, How dare you speak like this! I remember when he was a seminarian and how bishop tony loved him very much. fr. james was a favorite of the priests. My uncle is a good man, please stop this non-sense! If I find out who you are I will take you to court to sue you and make you pay for your lies! I will make you so poor, so homeless, I will throw you out of this island in a heartbeat! Leave fr. james alone! Stop this now! You have hurt my family! You have hurt fr. james career! He could have become a bishop, not NO! You idiots have ruined his career. I wanted him so much to be our next bishop! But look at what you've done! Don't you have any mercy???? Fr. James was destined to become a leader of our church, but you people have ruined him! I am so mad! I am so angry! STOP it please! You're; hurting my family and fr. james career. STOP the madness now!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:10 pm,

      The NCW has nothing to do with removing Monsignor James. We did not ruin his career. In fact, he still has a career. Your uncle was given another position in Tamuning, and he is still a priest. But I agree with Anonymous 10:32 pm in that he should not involve himself with Tim Rohr. The Archbishop assigned Monsignor James to another position without going public. Priests get assign to different parishes and different positions all the time, which is no big deal. But it was Tim Rohr who first made it public about the financial mismanagement.

  8. As far as I know, priesthood is NOT a career! It is a service. Perhaps this is the problem.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:44 pm,

      If your comment is addressed to me, I was only responding to Anonymous 11:10 pm, who said that we ruined Monsignor James' career. He/she used the word "career", so I used it too since that is how he/she saw it. I agree with you. The priesthood is a service to God because it is God who calls the man to serve him. God does not call every man to be a ministering priest. And of course, He does not call every priest to be a Bishop.
