Blog Song

Saturday, December 6, 2014

At What Cost?

This was on KUAM news (the bold red is my emphasis).  John Toves accused the Archbishop of sexually molesting his cousin and he admitted that he never got this information from his cousin.  He admitted that he heard about the alleged molestation from fellow seminarians.  Did it not occur to him to even ask his cousin if what he heard was true?

Tim Rohr continues to encourage John to defame the Archbishop on information that was heard from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone else.......and so on.  Instead of advising John Toves of the unreliability of his allegations, Tim Rohr points a finger to the Archbishop's failure to reach out to John Toves.  Nevermind the fact that John Toves drags the media behind him. 

This whole scenario is beginning to look very fishy!  What is the purpose of having the media there if not to further humiliate the Archbishop?  At what cost is the jungle willing to go to remove the Archbishop?  They have already brought forth a man who accused the Archbishop of sexually molesting his cousin......a cousin he never spoke to.....and allegations he heard from someone else other than his cousin.   


Guam - John Toves continues to demand an appointment with Archbishop Anthony Apuron. Today he once again went to the chancery in hopes of scheduling a meeting but instead met with Father Adrian Cristobal who told him that a lawyer would be contacting him to make an appointment. 

Toves is accusing the archbishop of sexually abusing his relative over thirty years ago. Despite these allegations however Toves admits that he had never spoken personally to his relative about the alleged abuse.  According to Toves he obtained the information through fellow seminarians when he was in the seminary.  At this point no victim has stepped forward.

The archbishop has said the allegations are untrue.

Late this afternoon the Archdiocese of Agana announced that the Review Board on the Policy of Sexual Misconduct convened to consider the complaint of sexual misconduct brought by Toves against the archbishop and determined that an investigation cannot be conducted based on the third party complaint received.  

The Archdiocese sent Toves a letter stating: Based on the allegations you have lodged with the Archdiocese of Agaña, and the new allegations that you have disclosed to the media on today’s date, please be advised that your requests for a meeting with the Archbishop are hereby denied.
Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron, OFM Cap., D.D., has publicly addressed the issues you have raised, and the Archdiocese has determined how it will address this matter pursuant to its established internal policies.
For the last two days, you have appeared at the Chancery requesting an appointment, and you have brought the media with you on each occasion. Your efforts are not only disruptive to our daily operations, but serve no legitimate purpose, religious or otherwise. Therefore, you are hereby notified that any demands for an appointment or attempts to, in your own words, “confront” the Archbishop, on Chancery grounds or elsewhere, will be responded to appropriately and in accordance with the law.

Molestation Complaint Can't Come From Third Party


  1. Toves is the puppet in this play.His script is to use lies to force a litigation to further insult the church. The puppet master's goal is clear: Benavente, Gofigan, Rohr. Bring them back to power. In this way the big money puppet master can advance his goals by using Benavente as the new boss to bring in casinos and gay unions. It's clear now. Get rid of Apuron, he's an obstacle to casinos and gay union, and put in someone the puppet master's can use to do his work, someone who owes dues to puppet master, someone who won't be a thorn on the side. Big money needs casinos for guam. Apuron is an obstacle to this plan.

    1. His name is no longer John typhoon. His name shall be 'John The Puppet Toves'.

  2. He's song from Tim Rohr should be I'm your puppet.

  3. Diana....New group called "Concerned Catholics of Guam, Inc." has been formed to help Mother Church. Could this be the start of the NCW's demise on Guam?.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:57 pm,

      I am not worried about it. Their president said that they are a very small group. They want to help the Church. From what I heard, they feel that the some of the leadership should change. It appears that this group forgot that the Archbishop was appointed by the Pope, and only the Pope can remove him. Any archbishop that this group install will be illegitimate because they do not have any authority to replace any leadership in Guam's Catholic Church.
