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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Facts About the Way

Fast facts about the Neocatechumenal Way

ü  Founders: Kiko Argüello, a painter, and Carmen Hernandez, a graduate in chemistry and theology, who met in the shanty town of Palomeras Altas, on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain, and developed a program for evangelizing the slum’s residents, many of them gypsies, prostitutes, drunkards and robbers who had no relationship with the Church.

ü  1974: The Congregation for Divine Worship, while preparing the reintroduction of the catechumenate for adults (known as RCIA), publishes a laudatory note, “Praeclarum exemplar,” (wonderful example)  and settles on the name “Neocatechumenate” to indicate an itinerary of post-baptismal formation for those who are baptized but not sufficiently catechized.

ü  May 8, 1974: Neocatechumenal Way is approved by Paul VI during a meeting with Argüello and Hernandez.

ü  1987: John Paul II opens the first Redemptoris Mater seminary in Rome to prepare priests for the New Evangelization; today, there are 100 Redemptoris Mater seminaries worldwide, with almost 2,000 priests already ordained and 2,000 seminarians in formation. Eight of those seminaries are in the U.S., including the one in Miami.

ü  1990: Neocatechumenal Way is recognized by John Paul II as “an itinerary of Catholic formation valid for our society and our time,” and an instrument for the New Evangelization.

ü  June 13, 2008: Five Congregations of the Holy See — Doctrine of the Faith, Divine Worship, Bishops, Catholic Education, and Council of the Laity — approve the final statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way

ü  Jan. 17, 2011: Pope Benedict XVI approves the “Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way.”

ü  Families in mission: Neocatechumenal Way sends families to areas on the periphery of cities, often immense slums, to form nuclei of evangelization and small communities that can contain the spread of Protestant sects until priests can be sent and new parishes founded. Currently, there are about 1,000 families in mission all over the world. 

ü  Missio ad gentes: Groups consisting of a priest and four or five large families who, at the request of a bishop, receive a mandate to evangelize de-Christianized or pagan areas. There are now 95 missio ad gentes in the world, including six in the U.S. dioceses of Brooklyn, Boston and Philadelphia

ü  Feb. 1, 2014: Pope Francis, meeting with about 12,000 members of the Neocatechumenal Way, sends 450 families in mission and 42 new missio ad gentes. 

ü  Today, there are about Neocatechumenal 25,000 communities in 800 dioceses and 6,000 parishes in 124 nations, including 1,000 communities in 300 parishes and 75 U.S. dioceses. 
Those who are interested in learning more about the Neocatechuenal Way, our website is below: 


  1. It is okay I will pass, I know that I need to know since 20+ years since it came to island, and what it has done to my family!

  2. "Jan. 17, 2011: Pope Benedict XVI approves the “Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way.”"

    No, the Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way was "approved for publication". So where is it? Why can we not see it, as we can see everything thing else the Church teaches.

    Why is Cardinal Arinze's letter (the same one referenced in footnote 49 of your Statutes) not available on this site, but Mr Gennarini's commentary on it is?


    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:33 pm,

      Mons. Juan Ignacio Arrieta's letter is in the website, which already included the things mentioned in Cardinal Arinze's letter.

    2. Dear Diana @ 12:33. That is incorrect. Mons Arrieta's letter does not cover all that was mentioned in Card Arinze's letter. Nor is it foornoted in the Statutes. Mr Gennarini's response to Card Arinze's letter is there - but the actual letter by the Cardinal is not.

      Incidentally, I notice that Mons Arrieta says nothing about the "sitting down" at communion.

      Also, you didn't answer the first question about the Catechetical Directory. Thanks.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:14 pm,

      Could you specify what part was not covered?

    4. First of all, Zoltan ( and yourself ( both misrepresent Mons. Arrieta's letter when you add this line: "The faithful receive the precious body while standing, take seat and wait until all have received. Then the celebrant says 'Body of Christ, bring us everlasting life!' and the whole congregation consumes immediately after the priest consumes the host."

      You will not find this on the official NCW website. Although, if it were true, or even if were possibly true, it would be there surely?

      We can assume it is not true, therefore.

      Secondly, Card Arinze's letter says this: "At least one Sunday per month, the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way must participate in the Holy Mass of the parish community."

      which is not mentioned in Mons Arrieta's letter.

      Nor is this: "Adherence must also be shown to what is set out in the “Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani” (nn. 105 and 128) and to the Praenotanda of the “Ordo Lectionum Missae” (nn. 15, 19, 38, 42). "

      Nor this: "Careful attention must also be paid to the Instruction “Redemptionis Sacramentum,” no. 74."

      or this: "In the celebration of the Holy Mass, the Neocatechumenal Way shall accept and follow the liturgical books approved by the Church, without omitting or adding anything"

      If you sit to consume you have added. If you don't kneel through the consecration, you have omitted.

      Given that the Cardinal's letter is included in the Statutes, it is curious as to why it is kept off the official NCW page.

      Finally, you still have not dealt with the matter of the "approval for publication" of the secret Catechetical texts.


    5. Dear Anonymous at 3:53 pm,

      I have already explained this over and over. We are not in contradiction with what was said in the letter. There are two ways to receive the Body of Christ in the Latin rite Church - either by tongue or by hand, We RECEIVE by hand standing up.

      What you disagree with is that we do not consume the Body of Christ "immediately" and we consume it "sitting" down. Are you going to measure how long "immediately" means so we can go by YOUR standard? Does it really matter that we wait one or two minutes before we consume the Lord's Body? As for sitting down to consume the Body of Christ, that instruction came from Kiko who received it from the Pope. In 2008, I remember Father Pius instructing us that we receive the Body of Christ standing up, then we sit down, and that this instruction came from the Holy See. The video that Tim Rohr published in his blog shows that the NCW in Guam is not the only one who received this same instruction. Everyone around the world (including the NCW in Rome) is doing the same thing. So, Rome is not ignorant of how we conduct our celebration.

    6. so why sit to consume and stand to drink?

    7. Dear Diana @ 4:46. Please read Redemptionis Sacramentum. When it was promulgated in 2004, the Congregation for Divine Worship said the following:

      "It is not possible to be silent about the abuses, even quite grave ones, against the nature of the Liturgy and the Sacraments as well as the tradition and the authority of the Church, which in our day not infrequently plague liturgical celebrations in one ecclesial environment or another. In some places the perpetration of liturgical abuses has become almost habitual, a fact which obviously cannot be allowed and must cease."

      "The Mystery of the Eucharist 'is too great for anyone to permit himself to treat it according to his own whim, so that its sacredness and its universal ordering would be obscured'. On the contrary, anyone who acts thus by giving free rein to his own inclinations, even if he is a Priest, injures the substantial unity of the Roman Rite, which ought to be vigorously preserved, and becomes responsible for actions that are in no way consistent with the hunger and thirst for the living God that is experienced by the people today. Nor do such actions serve authentic pastoral care or proper liturgical renewal; instead, they deprive Christ's faithful of their patrimony and their heritage. For arbitrary actions are not conducive to true renewal, but are detrimental to the right of Christ's faithful to a liturgical celebration that is an expression of the Church’s life in accordance with her tradition and discipline. In the end, they introduce elements of distortion and disharmony into the very celebration of the Eucharist, which is oriented in its own lofty way and by its very nature to signifying and wondrously bringing about the communion of divine life and the unity of the People of God."

      Paragraph 92 of Redemptionis Sacramentum states:
      "[92.] Although each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, at his choice,[178] if any communicant should wish to receive the Sacrament in the hand, in areas where the Bishops’ Conference with the recognitio of the Apostolic See has given permission, the sacred host is to be administered to him or her. However, special care should be taken to ensure that the host is consumed by the communicant in the presence of the minister, so that no one goes away carrying the Eucharistic species in his hand. If there is a risk of profanation, then Holy Communion should not be given in the hand to the faithful.[179]"

    8. Dear Anonymous at 5:39 pm,

      The fact that Pope Francis ceased all investigations into the Neocatechumenal Way is grounds enough to show that all those allegations against us are false and unfounded.

    9. @AnonymousSeptember 24, 2014 at 12:33 PM
      You can't see it because either you don't want to, or you are simply too lame to look up a publication. I have a published copy of the directory with isbn on it and I was able to find it on the publisher's website for sale.
      I have enough already of people saying that it is secret just because they do not have the capacity or will to find it.

    10. I would also add that in 1969 when the indult was first granted for communion in the hand, the Congregation issued the following remarks (SACRED CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP, Letter "En reponse a la demande," to presidents of those conferences of bishops petitioning the indult for communion in the hand, 29 May 1969: AAS 61 (1969) 546-547; Not 5 (1969) 351-353.):

      "1. The new manner of giving communion must not be imposed in a way that would exclude the traditional practice. It is a matter of particular seriousness that in places where the new practice is lawfully permitted every one of the faithful have the option of receiving communion on the tongue and even when other persons are receiving communion in the hand. The two ways of receiving communion can without question take place during the same liturgical service. There is a twofold purpose here: that none will find in the new rite anything disturbing to personal devotion toward the Eucharist; that this sacrament, the source and cause of unity by its very nature, will not become an occasion of discord between members of the faithful."

      Now, please tell me if it is possible for those present in the NCW Eucharist to receive communion on the tongue licitly, if communion is distributed prior to the priest's communion? I think it is obvious that the NCW manner of communion is in fact "imposed in a way that would exclude the traditional practice"

    11. Dear Anonymous at 5:14 pm,

      We stand to drink because there is only one chalice to go around. We do not get individual cups. :)

    12. So why not just pass the chalice around while sitting?

    13. Dear Anon @12:33. Do you mean volume 1 of the 13 volumes? Then yes, I have that. Its rare, but available. Someone has posted a copy online too. Are you suggesting that the remaining twelve volumes are similarly available? If so, can you please provide the publishers name? Thanks

    14. Dear Diana @5.51. What do you make of Redemptionis Sacramentum, particularly: "However, special care should be taken to ensure that the host is consumed by the communicant in the presence of the minister, so that no one goes away carrying the Eucharistic species in his hand. If there is a risk of profanation, then Holy Communion should not be given in the hand to the faithful."?

    15. The Letter of Arinze was superseded by the definitive version of the Statute. The letter of Cardinal Arinze was, in fact, an administrative act, a lower-ranking form of canon law, whereas the Statute (approved by five different Congregations of the Holy See: Congregation for Faith, Congregation for Divine Worship, Congregation for Clergy, Congregation for Catholic Education and Pontifical Council for the Laity) is a higher ranking form of canon law; moreover the Statute was published after the letter. Practically speaking this means that when the Statute legislates on the same issue differently from Arinze’s Letter, the Statute takes precedence and is the “regulatory charter of reference” as Pope Francis affirmed in 2014. This is the definitive opinion of the experts.

    16. I repeat : Jan. 17, 2011: Pope Benedict XVI approves the “Catechetical Directory of the Neocatechumenal Way.”"

    17. Dear Anonymous at 8:49 pm,

      Because that was not the instruction we received from the Pope.

    18. Dear Anonymous a 9:23 pm,

      That has not happened in the Way, but unfortunately it has happened in the regular mass especially in the States. I have heard of some militant atheists who received the Body of Christ, but did not consume it. Instead, they took it with them and trampled it outside the Church or even took it home with them to do with it whatever they want.

    19. @AnonymousSeptember 24, 2014 at 8:54 PM
      No, I saw the first volume only. According to you, should they have begin to publish with vol. 13?
      One thing is clear, however: evidently, the directory is being published, so it is not secret, as some claim. And that's my point: you now claim you have the first volume, but before you asked "why can't we see it?" as you were flipping through the pages... Isn't that a sort of a lie?

    20. Dear Anon @ 9.32.
      "The Letter of Arinze was superseded by the definitive version of the Statute."

      How can the "Letter of Arinze" be superseded by the Statutes when it is *in* in the Statutes? See footnote 49.

    21. Dear Diana @6.10.
      "That has not happened in the Way"

      This happens in the Way at every Eucharist! You do not consume the host in the presence of the of the minister.

    22. Dear Anonymous at 1:10 pm,

      I go to the Eucharist every Saturday, and to the Beginning of the Year Convivinece every year, and we always consume the Body of Christ in the presence of the priest.

    23. Dear Diana @ 1:33. Semantics again? The instruction is clearly speaking about the consumption of the host while the minister (the one distributing ) is observing. This does not happen in the NCW

    24. Dear Anonymous at 2:16 pm,

      The priest consumes the Body of Christ along with us. The priest does not need to observe us to see if we consume the host. We sit close to each other that we would know if the person next to us did not consume the host. Everyone who received the Body of Christ consumed it.

    25. Diana -- Regarding your response to why the chalice is not passed - "Because that was not the instruction we received from the Pope."

      The Pope also didn't give instruction for you to sit to consume the Body of Christ.

    26. Dear Anonymous at 9:42 am,

      Actually, we were told that the instruction to sit came from the Pope. I heard at it at the Beginning of the year conviviences about six years ago.

    27. You were told? By who?

    28. Dear Anonymous at 9:13 pm,

      I heard it from Father Pius when he instructed the Responsibles and Co-Responsibles of the communities on the new way of receiving the Body of Christ. He said the information came from Kiko who in turn received the information from the Pope. If you look at how every single community around the world celebrate the Eucharist in small communities, it is exactly the same. So, the information that we received it here in Guam is the same information passed down to all the communities around the world.

    29. The Pope instructed Kiko to instruct the neos to sit while consuming the Body of Christ?? Why didn't he tell the rest of us Catholics to do the same??

    30. Dear Anonymous at 10:27 pm,

      Because it is only for members who are in the Way. After all, the Pope also does not tell the Eastern Catholics to kneel, but you can kneel.

    31. Interesting. So only members who are in the Way are allowed to sit? Doesn't make sense Diana.

    32. Dear Anonymous at 10:22 pm,

      We are following the example of the EARLY CHRISTIANS of the first century who also SAT during their Eucharist.

  3. Diana!

    They do not know what they are speaking of :)

  4. Here is a link to Kiko published what he preaches in the kerygma.

  5. Question : What's the difference between a liturgist and a terrorist? Answer: You can negotiate with a terrorist....

  6. Its funny how you say that the NCW was developed to be a program for "evangelizing the slum’s residents, many of them gypsies, prostitutes, drunkards and robbers who had no relationship with the Church", yet you recruit or announce your "invitations to joy" in Masses on the pulpit...why are you concerned with the ones in the pews at mass? are they not already doing the right thing by going to mass? shouldn't you be out in the streets looking for the slums, prostitutes and drunkards? Or you are you really looking for the easy way?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:43 am,

      The NCW does go out into the streets to evangelize, but they also go inside the churches. Why inside the churches? Because even those inside our Church needs to grow in faith. Again, look at what is happening inside the Church. The priest holds in his hand the Body and Blood of Christ; yet, people fill up the back pews rather than the front. If these people truly believe in their heart that this is indeed the Body of Christ in the flesh, why are they in the back instead of the front to be closer to His Body and Blood???

    2. Actually the way started in the slums but then card morcillo asked kiko and carmen to bring it to one if the most central biggest and richest parishes in Madrid because he thought that the everyday Catholics needed to be re-evangelized.

    3. We start with the churched to reach the unchurched. And besides even the churched need conversion. I think the Gospel is clear about this!

    4. So Archbishop Apuron joined the NCW so he could be "re-evangelized"?

  7. It's easier to talk, read, text, eat (to mention just a few things I've seen) in the back without being too noticed! Duh! Diana! It also feels less disrespectful after all how else am I going to record the homily?!?!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:42 am.

      Exactly! And these are the ones who need to convert.

  8. Are you Christian Diana? Just wondering.

    1. Dear Isaias,

      I am a Catholic because I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of all that is, seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

    2. Isaias -- I don't think Diana has been converted yet since she's still walking. I asked her but she never responded, so I assume it's true.

  9. Anonymous September 26, 2014 at 12:16 AM

    Have you converted? Have you entered into the promise land? I assume you are already in heaven and have no sins.......can we also assume it's true?

    1. Anon @ 5:40 pm: Obviously not. It's funny that your definition of conversion means that you're already in heaven.

    2. So THAT'S the reason! The neos think that they're converted (already in heaven), hence the banquet in which they SIT at the table in which Jesus Christ comes to serve them.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:28 pm,

      Who said that we are already in Heaven? We are following the example of the EARLY CHRISTIANS of the first century who also SAT during their Eucharist. And these Early Christians of the first century were not yet in Heaven as well.
