Blog Song

Friday, August 15, 2014

Recalling The Umatuna

It was brought to my attention that Junglewatch claims to have three copies of the Umatuna of last week, August 10th.  Well, I also have one copy.  The Umatuna was withdrawn due to the fact that the report on finances was not complete, and much worse things are coming out.  That is the reason why it was recalled as far as I know.  It was also brought to my attention that the financial mess of the cathedral and the cemeteries is much worse than we originally thought.  More to come as soon as I can get more information. 


  1. The Jungle and its inhabitants should be happy then since they all demand answers and insist on there being no mismanagement. It will be interesting to see how the Jungle will spin the repot. Well they asked for information, but I don't think it will change their minds.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:30 a.m.,

      I am not surprise that they will spin the audit report.

    2. I warned you about it! Say the wrong thing and a prominent member in the NCW and his/her family will be in so much shame if I come out and publish my horrid story in the jungle. I do not care who I bring down and at what cost. Members will be in shock!

    3. What are you deleting here?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:47 am,

      Now this is definitely a threat. The fact that you do not care who you bring down and what cost only confirms that it is revenge you are after.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:53 pm,

      I copied and pasted my comment over because I left out one word in a sentence and did not realize that I copied and pasted even the word "delete." So, I corrected it.

    6. Mine is not a threat! Mine is not revenge! Mine is the Truth! Like you said, to a priest, families don't matter. The only person that matters is God. The God is the Truth!

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:35 p.m.,

      Where in the Holy Bible does it say that it is okay to bring down a prominent member (whether it be from the NCW or not)? The Bible says do not put anyone first before God......that means do not worship others, only God should be worship. This has nothing to do with bringing down anyone.

    8. Anon 8:47 AM go right ahead, because the blood and tears of this family will be on your shoulder. After life you will ne judge but not by us.

    9. It's called as you say "echoing". My echo will be in an open forum. I learned from Diana that thru echoing I will be free. I wish to thank you Diana for making me see the light. For my crosses will now be lifted and I can live in peace! You have been my light and my salvation!

    10. Dear Anonymous at 11:05 p.m.,

      HUH???? I do not understand??

    11. Dear Anonymous at 11:05 pm,

      I never said nor taught anyone that through "echoing" you will be set free. Only Christ can set you free. Your crosses should be a blessing rather than a curse that needed to be taken away. As long as there is malice in your heart, you are not in peace.

  2. You never have anything to back up your claims. Show us something for once.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:30 a.m.,

      I said more information will be coming as soon as I get them. Patience is a virtue.

    2. I am constantly reading your post. So any word out of context or misinterpreted by you without proof posted on this blog, my story will automatically get printed in jungle watch.

  3. Another attack on the NCW. Let us pray for this soul!

    AnonymousAugust 16, 2014 at 3:59 PM
    Tim, I am almost at the tail end of my story. As I had posted on Diana's page, which she didn't post...I am going to "echo" the crosses I carry so I can set my soul free. I will somehow find your email somewhere here in the jungle. Please allow me a day or two to complete and edit it.

    1. I delete comments that are derogatory in nature, insulting, a one word comment that tells nothing, and anything I find inappropriate especially to other posters. All name-calling comments are also deleted. I do not want this blog to become a hate blog, but a blog where discussions can be held despite disagreements.
