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Sunday, July 27, 2014

SNAP Monitoring Anti-Catholic Sites

One of the commenters in the last post said that Msgr.James Benavente was removed from his duties.  I googled the information regarding Msg. James Benavente, and  I came up with SNAP monitoring all the hate sites on their list.  Guess what!!!  Junglewatch is on that list.  See the weblink below:  

SNAP monitors Junglewatch

SNAP knows that Msgr. James Benavente was removed from his duties, and SNAP did not get this information from KUAM, but from Junglewatch, which they listed as their source. According to the jungle, which was copied and pasted by SNAP, Msgr. Benavente was removed due to financial mismanagement. KUAM, on the other hand, reported the following and gave no reason as to the reason for the removal: 

KUAM News has received a copy of a letter that was sent to several people in the Archdiocese of Agana today announcing Archbishop Anthony Apuron's removal of Monsignor James Benavente as Rector of the Dulce Nombre Maria Cathedral-Basilica.  According to the letter his removal went into effect Friday, July 25th.

According to the letter Monsignor James was also removed as the Director of Catholic Cemeteries for the Archdiocese of Agana. The letter also announced the Archbishop's directive dissolving the Archdiocesan Development Group. The Group served as the umbrella organization for the Cathedral's gift shop, museum and Media Ministries.

Monsignor Benavente served as Rector for 20 years. His removal is the latest controversy for the Catholic church in Guam.  Earlier this week, the Archbishop removed Father John Wadeson from active ministry in the Archdiocese of Agana. His removal followed the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests or SNAP exposing his past and the fact that Father Wadeson was twice accused of child molestation in California. Father Wadeson was banned from the Los Angeles Archdiocese. The day after he was removed, Father Wadeson left Guam.

News From KUAM



  1. More updates from KUAM which states the following:

    "However a source close to the Monsignor tells KUAM that he was removed on allegations of financial mismanagement which he denies. Calls to Archdiocese of Agana spokesperson Father Adrian Cristobal have also gone unanswered. Although we have not received a response from the Archdiocese the Jungle Watch blog which writes about the local catholic community also reports Msgr. James was removed on allegations of financial mismanagement."

    I wonder who Tim's source was who said that it was financial mismanagemen? KUAM says they got their source from someone close to Monsignor.

    1. Diana of course TIM ROHR is the whistle blower and a garden hose blower also. Even without asking the financial mismanagement. Take a look out the surroundings?
      A. St.Thomas Aquinas H.S. ====> Over kill... FD, ND & AOLG. Do you think the Alumni would let their children attend that school? No. To parallel St.John Episcopalian School? What for? The erection of that school was Tim's idea also. Aaron Quitigua took a free ride with that school also because he is Msgnr Benavente's boy. Did the Archbishop say anything? No.
      B.Cemetery ====> Nice renovation however it also committed encroachment of neighboring property owner, plus additional overkill 20 foot towering statues of apostles. Does it have to be that big? A mural would be nice.
      C. Cathedral renovation =====> Additional Chapel, 20K Roll up door. Bathrooms are lot nicer now but is a overkill with additional chapel. Do the numbers, but yet the Archbishop nice enough to support him.

      I'm not surprise he (Benavente) was not obedient and did not accept his new appointed assignment. He does not accept and obey. This is not an injustice but a decision has to be made. Beside it's been 20 years he needs a new mission, there is nothing wrong with that.

    2. Dear El Camino,

      St. Thomas Aquinas High School was Benavente's and Tim's idea? Why build a new school when the others were not even overcrowded? Did Tim Rohr's kids go to that school and did they go there for free? If so, they are part of the financial mismanagement.

    3. Another "fruit" of Tim Rohr... ughh!

    4. sorry to inform you, but they are homeschooled

    5. Catholic Schools cannot just be opened without the approval of the Archbishop.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 3:27 p.m.,

      Why are you sorry. I never accused them of even going to St. Thomas Aquinas High School in the first place. I asked if Tim Rohr's kids go there and if they attend for free. And IF they did, they would have contributed to the financial management. That was a question, not an accusation.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:29 p.m.,

      The Archbishop has the right to sign everything, but whomever he delegates as financial manager also has some responsibilities.

    8. Diana - of course, I remember Tim had that TV show in KUAM. They were boasting about it. I said great an additional Catholic School but an overkill since the other Catholic HS are not even crowded. One of the older daughter who attended the school but not all children. It's true the rest of the children were home school.What gave this away, their marketing print out from St.Thomas Aquinas.Her picture is on the cover.

    9. Dear El Camino,

      Thank you for that information. I agree that if the other schools were not overcrowded, it is unnecessary to build another one, especially if it's main purpose is to compete with St. John's. The fact that we already have 3 high schools already operational and doing well says much.

    10. El Camino,

      Msgr. was not disobedient. Rome was coming down hard on the chancery for financial mishaps (just ask Fr. Adrian) so Deacon Dominic Kim and the Archbishop needed a scapegoat and Msgr. James was the one.

  2. It doesn't say anything about Mgsr James on that weblink. It was about Fr John

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:01,

      The weblink is on Monsignor James. The title is "Blog Speculates on removal of Monsignor James Benavente.

    2. Im sorry but the SNAP weblink you posted has only has
      stories about Fr John and nothing on Mgsr Benavente. Where exactly is that?

      Are meaning that KUAM has the story titled "Blog Speculates...."

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:26 p.m.,

      I checked the weblink, and they took it out. So, I googled "Monsignor James Benavente, removed" and it came up on their website, but the article was removed.

  3. Do u think he could be the leaker? the one who leaked info to JW during the closed meeting?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:35 p.m.,

      That is a good question, and I do not know the answer. The Archdiocese of Agana is remaining silent. The jungle is claiming that he was removed for financial mismanagement, but KUAM's source denies it. So, why he was removed from duties is still a speculation.

  4. Diana and Co.,

    Thanks for the persecution.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:05 p.m.,

      You are welcome. The truth hurts. On our side, Christ takes up our suffering because our persecutors bombard us with lies instead of truths.

    2. Who is persecuting whom? After the crucifixion of Fr John it should be clear: Tim Rohr and his trolls are the ones who persecute and torture everyone who question them! The faithful of Guam will not let this continue. Tim Rohr is the cause of pain and suffering in our Catholic Church, but he also makes his own to suffer, his friends, family members and employees.

      Chuck White now demands that the Neocatechumenal Way be inserted into the scandal and in the news reports. Wow, what a shameless person this Chucky is... Their hate against our Way blurred their vision and mind and they don;t even notice what are they doing: they unleashed the forces and feed the army of the Evil One.

    3. On your side, really?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 4:11 p.m.,

      Yes, on our side Christ takes up our suffering, which is why we do not need to thank you for the persecution. In the Way, we encourage one another in our trials and times of persecution. Our suffering only brings us closer to Him.

      Those who say "thank you for persecuting me" are the persecutors themselves. They say this only to mock us. The only thing we say to you is that we will pray for you.

    5. Thank you for the persecution was your slogan, now you deny it.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 4:34 pm,

      Our slogan has always been "Courage." We encourage the brothers to persevere in persecution and remind them that Christ told His Church that they will also be persecuted just as He was.

    7. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014 at 3:09 PM if you are right if they are planning an uprising. I pray to GOD they'll be prepared. More than a dozen lawyers in the WAY. Imagine if they were given the blessing to fight back an immense pain will go to Chucks Way. I know for a fact they will not do such a harm but if they do, Good Luck to yah Chuck. Your going to need it.

  5. Oh what lies you spread on this blog. Msgr. James has done nothing but build up our Church. If the Archbishop did not agree with the renovations of Pigo Cemetery and the Cathedral, then why did he elevate Msgr. James to the status of Monsignor? Renovations took place prior to his elevation to Monsignor in 2006. If Archbishop removed him for financial mismanagement, that would be very hypocritical since Archbishop won't even disclose diocesan finances the way Rome and many many dioceses have done. As for St. Thomas Aquinas High School, I know for a fact that Aaron Quitugua did not get a free ride as I was involved in the opening of the school myself and often took the tuition payments. As a matter of fact, no student got a free ride. STA offered scholarships and financial aid, not freebees. The school was meant to be yet another source of Catholic education. You just attack and judge personal characters without even knowing these people. How very Christian of you. Is this really what the Neocatechumenal way teaches? Of course it is.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:20 p.m.,

      In the first place, we do not even know if "financial management" is the reason for his removal. According to the KUAM news, the person whom they spoke to is a close to Monsignor James Benavente and he denied that financial management is the reason.

      Also, if the other schools are overcrowded, then I can see building St. Thomas Aquinas High School. But if it was built to compete against St. John, that would be a ridiculous reason.

    2. anonymous....I believe you can personally ask the Monsignor or the Arch Bishop to explain their actions and reasoning. You'll have then something concrete..a better understanding to surmise an opinion.You'll called someone a liar based on what? Your sense of all knowing self righteousness? Or is it just out of malice? Could it be that you just don't know.

    3. Juan,

      And how can you claim that Diana does not lie? Is it because he is your neo brother? News neo is synonymous with liar. The archbishop has the ultimate say in regards to finances.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 4:40 pm,

      Juan made a lot of sense. If you are going to call me a liar, you need to base it on what? When I am mistaken about something, I have the courage to admit my mistakes or errors. But if you are going to call me a liar, then you must specify exactly what I lied about.

    5. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014 at 3:20 PM you mean structural sound or beautification? There is nothing wrong with that. But building a Church to evangelize the answer is NO. I love Msgnr James and respect him dearly but the debt is the overflowing and it got out of hand.

      Don't mean to point the barrel at Tim Rohr but again he wrote the Federal Government to stop Federal funding of Archdiocese, he admit this. Again another intent to destroy the Catholic Church. Who hurts? We as a Church.

    6. anonymous....if you want truth, go find it. To rely on newspapers, opinions of people with self serving agendas is not looking for truth but sorry to say laziness. You are correct, Diana is my sister but the absolute truth is that you also are my brother in Christ.

    7. Diana, I think you should not comment on every level of operation of the Archdiocese unless you identify yourself as an inside operative. You just cannot help it. Dishonest Diana..

    8. Juan,

      That is exactly what I'm saying...go find the truth instead of simple commenting on this blog just to back up your neo sister. I'm telling you that here is a whole lot of evidence out there that shows there are shady dealings with the neo leaders and the Archbishop. These actions against Fr. Paul and Fr. James are a result of their agenda to control the assets of our local church. ITS ALL THERE IN JW, NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK OF TIM, THE FACTS ARE THE FACTS. STOP IGNORING THEM, IT MAKES YOU GUILTY AS WELL.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 11:09 p.m.,

      My identity has nothing to do with anything. Anyone can comment on the operations of the Archdiocese.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 a.m.,

      All the things you claim as truth are all one sided and interpreted by only one man.

    11. I am telling you.....really anonymous.....I was responding to you calling a person a liar and simply offered you perhaps a suggestion...a advise to speak directly with the parties involved. As for thanks,,,,,I believe in Gods judgement in his appointment of Arch Bishop Anthony Apuron. Who am I to dispute this blessing? I wanted to ask you to read ISAIAH 55:8 but you may read 55:6-9 for clarity. Peace be with you anonymous

  6. Junglewatch demands revolution now. Yes, you are right, revolution! It is no surprise how these left-wing liberals, disguised as "traditionalists", think and act. Their alliance with extreme anti-religious organizations as SNAP and shameless collaboration with liberal anti-Catholic media give them away.

    Revolutionists always want to raise the stakes and incite emotions higher and higher until a major blow happens which they call revolution. They worship their revolutionary ideologies, which is all deception. Here is what their "revolution" truly means: pain, suffering, turmoil, chaos and sheer destruction.

    1. anon 3:31PM. So you say, so it will be done!

    2. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014 at 4:42 PM remain anonymous, I pray for you which your heart spew of hatred. I sincerely pray for you that there is time for repenting your sin. Pray that you won't die anytime soon, a Christian accepts everything and obey.

      God Bless you.

    3. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014 at 4:42 PM stay anonymous. I pray for you despite your heart spew with hatred, hope you don't die tomorrow but a Christian accepts everything comes their way. With Tim Rohr being like the way he is, surprises me and lost respect for the man who boast about our Catholic Church. Now I don't if he really a Christian now. I pray for you sincerely for a change of heart.

    4. from 4:42 Pm to El Camino, I pray for your soul and salvation too!

  7. Check this out I know you won't post it. Would like to know your input.

    im, was this a result of asking the Archbishop for financial statements and he asked for the Cathedral's accounting revenue and expenses? Who runs the cemetery and gift shop?

    TimJuly 27, 2014 at 4:25 PM

    No. This is a result of Msgr. James simply being a superior person in every way compared to His Highness Apuron. It's the same with Fr. Paul. Both are excellent priests, make friends easily, and are much admired and loved. Apuron has to go off to Europe and South America and offer foreigners goodies in order to find someone to love him...or at least pretend to. Msgr. James has been one of the quietest, most obedient, and most servant-like of priests, especially when it comes to serving the Archbishop. However, he's not a neo-kiss ass and that's what Apuron wants. So death to all who won't kiss it.

    But it's also because Apuron thinks that Msgr. James is my informant. He’s not. I’m not stupid like the ding-dongs in the chancery, and neither is Msgr. James. Because of my involvement with the gift shop at the cathedral it would be too easy to link Msgr. to me, so I specifically distanced myself from him. I even relinquished my position as the manager of the store many months ago because I knew that Apuron would come after me through Msgr. James.

    Because Apuron is not man enough to engage legitimate criticism he simply bullies and terrorizes in the name of his episcopal hat. However, this is exactly what St. John Crysostom was referring to when he said “The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishop.” It is the fate of bishops who bully and terrorize in the name of the church.

    1. Oh my Gosh. There you have it folks. Archbishop Martin Krebs do you see this dark side. Is this unity? He needs to be Excommunicated without a doubt. Calling the Archbishop a ding dong, TAYA RESPETU!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 4:25 p.m.,

      I do not normally allow comments from the jungle on my blog, but this time, I will allow this one to be published. Tim Rohr made the comment. In my thinks one doth protest too much.

      One wonders where all this hatred is coming from that he is even implying that the Archbishop will be in Hell. Tim is the only one saying a lot of bad things about the Archbishop. The Archbishop has not said a single bad word to Tim Rohr or even about him. He remains silent.

    3. Tim is saying that Monsignor James is not his informant. I wonder what brought that up. Is the Archbishop accusing Monsignor James to be Tim informant??? Well, there's only one way to resolve that. All Tim has to do in order to clear Monsignor's name is to reveal his informant.

    4. @8:25 pm Diannnnna, you are wrong. He has MOST certainly said things about ROHR.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:43 p.m.,

      In my post, I said "bad words". So, what "bad words" did he say? Or are you going to leave it at that without any evidence?

    6. satan can wear the cloak of humility but he cannot wear the cloak of "OBEDIENCE", St.Faustina.

  8. Taya Respetu, common brother, look at the facts and see who is really being tai Respetu. The Arch and his leaders were given respect from the start, but they did everything possible to lose that respect. They have become traitors to their own people, attempting to give away land and control of church assets. To make it worse, they have used their power to rid our church of anyone in a position to protect it. Many of these comments in favor of the Arch are probably from foreigners who have no appreciation for our culture and history, especially if it gets in the way of their agenda. They claim that we are disobedient if we even question our Archbishop who has obviously become a traitor to our island. WE ARE NOT STUPID! Some of us are just ignorant, but that can be fixed. Find the facts, the truth on JW. NO Diana, I do not worship Tim, however I do recognize the truth when I see it.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:24 a.m.,

      How is he a traitor? Some of the priests on this island want the Archbishop to obey them rather than the other way around. Do you consider him a traitor because he will not show you the financial report. Why do you even ask the Archbishop for the financial report?? Why not ask Tim. After all, he is great at stealing documents. Tell him to steal the financial report and publish it in the jungle. That is right up his alley.

      And no, I never said you worship Tim. You just see him as a saint.

    2. AnonymousJuly 28, 2014 at 5:24 AM your not stupid just misinform. Know both side before you start throwing stone behind a wall.

    3. We can all hem and haw but the problem will continue to exist. Now is the time for prayer.

  9. AnonymousJuly 28, 2014 at 5:24 AM Have you seen Tim's post where everyone bash the Archbishop with out asking him? Think about it, the Financials are so overwhelming the auditor can't even make out of it. El Camino point out the financial burdens above. A 20 foot statues and additional Chapel in the Cathedral. Nice but is it really necessary? So if you don't want any property sold? Then what do you really want then? You only know the other side but not the whole picture and your not being fair here. Pray on it, that GOD may open your heart.

  10. Please all understand that Any Catholic building that is to be erected must have the approval of the Archbishop. The buck stops here with his seal of approval. Let us just all pray for unity.

  11. it's funny how we are asked to submit to the Archbishops decisions and control because he is the absolute authority in the Diocese. Nothing moves. Nothing gets built unless the Archbishop deems it so. But when things go amiss it is someone else's fault, it's never his.

    1. AnonymousJuly 28, 2014 at 9:11 AM on the contrary is the other way around. Who planned the project, the Archbishop is far busy,

  12. Go ahead and keep blindly defending the Arch. He had overall say in what money was spent and how it was spent. I have looked at both sides, and it's not even close. The Arch is wrong.

    I have family memebers who are part of the NCW and I love them as much as I have ever loved them. They have come a long way in their faith because of what they learned from the NCW, but that does not make it ok for the NCW leaders and the Arch to do what they have done. The NCW is not the only way to learn to serve God through the Catholic faith. I have attended several events of the NCW that I was invited to, out of respect for family memebers, but I already could see the strangel hold that they have on my family members. It's not for me and many others.

    The truth is the truth, you can attempt to conceal, distort or destroy it will always be there and it will never change. Embrace the truth with unbiased judgement, be honest with yourself. You may want to protect what you have with your communities because you love that life, but it is against God's will if you have to lie, cheat, steal,

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:15 a.m.,

      That strange hold that you describe is the "love of Christ." How many people (especially youths) would spend 2 hours in Church or even 6 hours in the Easter Vigil? In the Neocatechumenal Way, people dressed up for the Eucharist for Christ and they do not leave early.

  13. Diana,

    In all fairness, you should publish responses, even if not in your favor

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:22 am,

      I will not publish comments that insults or demeans the poster. I would prefer that people discuss the problem rather than launch personal attacks.

    2. You also don't publish comments with valid points against your agenda.

    3. Okay, so how about these..

      1. Aaron Q.
      2. Fr. Paul
      3. Fr. John
      4. Msgnr James
      5. Arch trying to give Yona property to NCW
      6. RMS board of trustees majority NCW
      7. Removal of finance council members who opposed transfer of Yona property to NCW, And replacing with majority neo members
      8. Comments made at Tagatay
      9. Non disclosure of church finances
      10. KOLG recordings, the disappearance of the recorded interview, and the lie to cover it up

      The list goes on, but let's start with these. Do you not see a pattern? Will you continue to avoid the issues and pass of concerns regarding these issues as simple disobedience and anti Catholic?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 2:14 p.m.,

      If those valid points is accompanied with demeaning insults, I will not publish them.

  14. AnonymousJuly 28, 2014 at 8:25 AM Sorry Msgnr James has delegated each entity such as Pigo Cemetery, Gift Shop ( Rohr entity ), Museum and the Cathedral. The three headed self sustain entity has a responsible maintaining it. He appointed the individuals. Now on Rohr entity GIFT SHOP, is he being charge for rent and utilities?????? HMMMMMMM. Catholic Concerned you want the financials? There you have it. Whomever Msgnr Benavente appointed to manage each entity are also accountable, failed to managed it for the good will of the Church. When it comes to money it destroy friendship,family etc. BOTTOM LINE is MONEY, where everyone heart is. Simple analysis.

    1. All these fall under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Agana which is under the Archbishop. So he is the responsible party in the end.

    2. How about the simple analysis of one Hotel Accion, whats the BOTTOM LINE of that one?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:00 p.m.,

      All Departments fall under the Governor of Guam, but if the Director of Public Works is found to be guilty of financial mismanagement, it will be the Director who will be taken out.

    4. You're right for Gov Guam, but this is the church, the Arch has final say. Also in Gov Guam or any business the overall responsibility is on the head of organization.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 5:58 p.m.,

      Like the Governor, the Archbishop can delegate his authority just like the Pope does in Rome. The Pope has a finance committee and has placed certain people in charge.

    6. You are right! However with any Government agency, the director is given an opportunity to answer the charges against him before getting booted (due process). In this case it seems Msgr. James was removed without given any due process. He was released and that was it. After 20 years working at the Cathedral, you would expect the Archbishop to give him the respect of answering the charges against him. In fact, media reports suggest that the charges were never reported or given to Msgr. He is left in the dark wondering why he was removed.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 6:06 p.m.,

      I agree with you that Monsignor James should know what he is being charged with and be given the opportunity to defend himself. It is up to Monsignor James to communicate with the Archbishop.

    8. Mgsr James did ask Archbishop for a list of charges but the Archbishop remains silent about it. I guess this is a reason why so many of his flock are angered about this issue. In the real world, private or public, charges are presented first then action is taken; not the other way around!

    9. Dear Anonymous at 6:33 p.m.,

      The Archbishop said he would give it to him. Monsignor James needs to do a follow-up if he has not received it yet. Because it involves him, he is more likely to get results. Right now, we do not hear anything from Monsignor James. He is also remaining silent.

    10. Diana,

      Not once have I ever seen you agree to any fault of the Arch. Why? You lose credibility that way.

    11. Why is it always on the victims to right their wrong, never the Arch, according to you?

    12. Dear Anonymous at 7:21 p.m.,

      That is not quite true. I have admitted in my blog that the Archbishop is not perfect and had made some mistakes. I have also made mistakes as well. Therefore, it is not my place to judge the Archbishop because like him I am also not perfect.

      Regardless of his fault, I respect him because of his office. His office is sanctified by God despite that he is not a perfect man. Because of his office as Archbishop, I will not bash him. It would be improper to show any kind of disrespect toward an office sanctified by God.

      Jesus told His disciples to listen to the Pharisees despite that they are hypocrites. Why? Because the seat of Moses was sanctified by God.

      Matthew 23:2-3 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

    13. Folks common sense? If the Archbishop have not said anything that means its beyond audit for reconciliation. Tim's stated mismanagement. The Archbishop is not the one who planned the projects. Who did? Msgnr Benavente and the appointee. It's easy to put it together with out asking.

  15. You might post this but review it. I pray for these guys.


    There's been a huge amount of stuff posted to this blog in the last 24 hours expressing your outrage over our lawless Archbishop, and a lot of it has been very well written.

    You need to take those same statements and go to the stories that are in the media TODAY and post those same comments there. You need to light this island on fire and the press has given you a chance to do that TODAY, NOW!

    The post below has all the current stories and the links to them. Get on those websites and start saying the stuff you are saying here. For those of you who are even braver, you need to call into the radio shows. It's HOT news! Make it hotter.

    You can also contact the writers of those media stories and give them details about the stuff that you know that I know that you know but you don't want others to know that it's you who spilled the beans. The media writers are sworn to protect their sources if you ask them.

    Now is the time because they are coming for YOU next!

  16. Dear Anonymous at 11:35 am,

    When Tim says that they are coming for you.......who is THEY??? What exactly does he think "they" are going to do to them?

    1. here you go

      AnonymousJuly 28, 2014 at 11:06 AM

      Please explain "coming for YOU NEXT"

      TimJuly 28, 2014 at 12:05 PM

      Apuron, the Kiko's, the chancery bullies, going after your parish, your culture, your faith, your church.

    2. they... conversion of catholic churches into the lutheran neocatechumenal visage

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:46 p.m.,

      The Neocatechumenal Way is Catholic, not Lutherian. The only ones who has been saying that we are Lutherian are those who oppose the Way.

    4. And the only ones saying that is about 99 percent of the Catholics on island.

    5. AnonymousJuly 28, 2014 at 3:46 PM How are we Lutheran, we still have the sacraments, we obey the Pope vice a Lutheran who opposes the POPE. The Way venerate the Blessed Mary.Read the early Catholic Christian. Do your homework, the catacomb did it the Early Catholics. This is illiterate findings.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 9:50 p.m.,

      The island of Guam only has 85% Catholics. The number has been decreasing over many years, and you have done nothing about it. It is the Way who have been trying to increase Catholicism through its missionary work.

    7. I said 99% percent of the Catholics, not that 99% of Guam is Catholic. And 85% is huge in any country, so don't down play it so as to give the NCW importance here on island. The NCW numbers is actually the one that is decreasing, stagnant at best.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 4:33 p.m.,

      Well, I saw your prayer support for Monsignor James on the news tonight. The number of people there is not even one fourths of the Catholics on Guam.

  17. He wrote you religion,faith and culture. I'm still local, all it matter for me Christ was brought to my life. He is going crazy. Tomorrow a vigil prayer at the cathedral steps at the front.

  18. Monsignor Benavente ‘abruptly removed’ as church rector coming from Marianas Variety which the owner is non Christian by Jasmine Stole. Choose your words wisely.

    He was instructed when he cannot handle the finances, who takes the hit? The Archbishop.

  19. Oh Diana, I feel so sad for you. You are willing to follow Apuron and Kiko through the mud. When Rome comes back and makes the changes and Kiko decides to leave the church since he feels it is going the in wrong path what will do you? Have you ever asked yourself that question? As a long time priest (not a part of the archdiocese) I can speak from experience- it happens- people don't get their way, organization lose sight and focus then they break away. It will happen- it is the NCW destiny. Kiko is only a councillor and so are 25 other people- title is honorary- no real role- look it up. It doesn't make the NCW any more special. You know the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". I can only offer you this advice- the ongoing trials and uprising is a good thing that will cleanse the church and renew it. Lampas Lakas Lakas! To the people of Guam- LABAN!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:24 p.m.,

      It was not long ago when you had the Papal Nuncio here, and what did he do for you?? If the Nuncio did nothing for you, what makes you think the Pope will. The Pope supports the Way. As a matter of fact, it was Pope Francis who confirmed Kiko Arguello as Consultor for the Pontifical Council for the Laity for five more years. See the weblink below:

      So, as you can see, Kiko has a position in Rome. And you think Rome will back you up and take out Kiko Arguello?

  20. The Papal Nuncio was a breath of fresh air. He is a man who knows how to lead, communicate, to build bridges, to hear the faithful, to work for the good. He is the total opposite of Apuron. He gathered our letters, our evidence, ask us for our notes and concerns. Many of us are still emailing him and he responds.

    Kiko's position is nothing in Rome. The rest of the Roman Curia laugh at him and his bizarre ways. I've spent many years studying in Rome and he is a "nobody" who wishes to elevate himself and his ego and cause. The Pontifical Council for the Laity is one of hundreds of council, commissions- "The Members of the Council are 32 Bishops, priests and, especially, lay people, men and women, from all parts of the world, who meet in an annual Plenary Assembly to deal with matters which seem at the time of greater urgency for the life and mission of the laity. With the Council also cooperate 30 Consultors, who are convoked for working sessions or consulted individually on specific matters" that He did so by getting some Cardinals to vouch for him and asked for his appointment as a consultor- so basically- he advises the advisers. (wow -what a great job) I am sure he is doing a fine job -doing nothing since they don't really need the consultors advice.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:56 pm,

      The point I was making is that because he was given a position in the Catholic Church means that the NCW is Catholic and not Protestant. The fact that you demean and belittle any position in the Vatican says more about you.

    2. I propose to meet Chuck White, Tim Rohr and the rest to tell us. Instead of hiding from his blog or the media.
