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Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Truth About CCOG

 As I have pointed out in my previous post, the former Archbishop of Agana, Anthony Apuron, was a target for a witchhunt. The purpose of the witchhunt was to remove him from office. The Concerned Catholics of Guam (CCOG) went on a witchhunt to remove Apuron. In 2015, CCOG paid for an ad targeting Apuron. The ad was given to SNAP and published in the jungle. Below was the ad paid by CCOG. Notice the dates and places shown on their ad.

This ad specifically targeted Apuron and no other priest in Guam. CCOG and SNAP worked together to bring down Apuron, who still remains a bishop to this day. The Vatican never said he was guilty of child sexual abuse. The Vatican never gave a specific offense. Only the media and public opinion named the offense. Nevertheless, CCOG and SNAP worked together. According to the Guam Daily Post:

Rohr said the CCOG has been in contact with Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. The SNAP organization helps heal those who have been sexually victimized.

However, SNAP does not help victims of sexual abuse. They exploit them and use them to bring down the Catholic Church (see the information here). According to news report: 

The lawsuit by Gretchen Rachel Hammond names Clohessy and other SNAP leaders as defendants and alleges that "SNAP does not focus on protecting or helping survivors — it exploits them."
The group, which more than any other is responsible for revealing the scandals that have continued to rock Catholicism in the U.S. and around the world, "routinely accepts financial kickbacks from attorneys in the form of 'donations,' " Hammond alleges.
In exchange for the kickbacks, SNAP refers survivors as potential clients to attorneys, who then file lawsuits on behalf of the survivors against the Catholic Church. These cases often settle, to the financial benefit of the attorneys and, at times, to the financial benefit of SNAP, which has received direct payments from survivors' settlements."
Hammond, who worked on fundraising for SNAP from 2011 until 2013, said she feared reprisals from SNAP leaders over her objections to the lawyers' payments and suffered serious health problems as a result. She said she was fired in 2013, allegedly because she confronted her bosses over their practices with victims' attorneys and that the dismissal has hurt her career. 
The lawsuit was first reported by National Catholic Reporter.

Furthermore, CCOG does not represent Catholics. They only represent themselves.


  1. Exactly, CCOG makes things up to target Apuron, see the article from Dave Sablan’s lies! They made some stuff up destroy lives!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:23 pm,

      Sadly, Dave Sablan is more concern about WHO the main speaker is rather than the March for Life, an event calling for the end of abortion.

    2. Actually, any priest who steals James’ or Mike’s spotlight will have a target on their backs. I know the two all too well. The Archbishop should be very careful with these two.

  2. In the Archdiocese's Ecclesial Disclosure Statement, it states that Apuron was "Found guilty of delicts against the Sixth Commandment with minors". The statement can be found here

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:54 pm,
      See my response in my latest post:

  3. When is the Arch. moving into the cathedral as he should since the chancery is no longer an option? Oh wait… a certain priest will rally his troops quietly (again) so they can petition him to stay like they tried to petition him to be the next archbishop.

  4. “ Concerned Catholics of Guam Inc. is working to remove the Neocatechumenal Way organization from Guam and the region. Their methods of conversion and teachings are not in line with Scripture, the magisterium and traditions of our Catholic Church.”

    The comment above published in the PDN says it all. The NCW was accepted by 4 popes, making it align with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our Directory and Statutes were approved but the Pope.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10;47 am,

      CCOG broke the canon law of the Catholic Church. Canon 216 says that no initiative can lay claim to the title "Catholic" without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority (in this case the Archbishop). CCOG never got consent and is misrepresenting the teachings of the Catholic Church. The laity has no authority to get rid of what the Pope approved.

  5. At this point it does not matter what Apuron was convicted of. He was convicted of something so serious that it warranted - in the eyes of the Holy See - that he be banished from Guam and stripped of his episcopal rights and jurisdiction. Very serious.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:14 am

      I apologize for the late reply. Apuron was never stripped of his episcopal rights because he is atill a bishop. Furthermore, his appeal was never heard. Apuron had a right to appeal, which he did. But it was rejected.
