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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Easter Sunrise Mass

Easter was celebrated in the NCW in Guam differently as in previous years due to the fact that we obeyed Father Romy, the Apostolic Administrator. Father Romy made a few changes in our Easter Vigil so that it became a Sunrise Mass rather than a vigil. Although there were a few minor changes; overall, the Easter Mass was beautiful as always. Hours were spent preparing for the readings, the liturgies, and even the songs.  Of course, it was still six hours long because we go through all nine readings. Nevertheless, I am certain that in time we will celebrate the Easter Vigil again as we did before. Why? Because it is not only us who need to be obedient to the Bishop or Apostolic Administrator (as in this case). All Bishops must also be obedient to the Pope. According to the following article (the bold is mine):

The episcopal council of the Rome diocese, in a document distributed March 1, said the unity of the diocese — seen especially through the unity of the bishop and pastors of parishes in the celebration of the Eucharist — is especially important to emphasize during the triduum: the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Good Friday liturgy of the Lord’s Passion and the Easter vigil Saturday night.

“To express visibly the unity of the holy people of God and express the deepest meaning of belonging to an ecclesial community,” the council said, those who frequent non-parish churches, chapels and oratories or who belong to special groups, associations or new movements “are exhorted to take part in the celebrations of the Easter triduum in parish churches.”

An exception exists for “national churches,” like the U.S. Catholic community at St. Patrick Church in Rome, and for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes allow for small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil, Midili said.

Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, the papal vicar for the Diocese of Rome, published the council’s document with a note saying the joint triduum celebrations would make the parishes “the pulsing heart” of diocesan liturgical life, while the other churches and oratories could “rediscover their proper charism as privileged places for personal prayer and the celebration of reconciliation.”

As anyone can see in that March 1, 2019 letter, the Neocatechumenal Way was given permission by the Vatican to celebrate the Easter Vigil when they approved our statutes. In fact, the Easter Vigil is found in our statutes, which is approved by the Holy See. So, let us pray that all bishops be united and obedient to  the Bishop of Rome, our Pope.

At any rate, we started at around 11:00 pm on Saturday and ended at around 5:00 a.m. on Sunday. 😁 Afterwards, we had agape. It is still the Easter season. We also continue to help our youth fundraise for their pilgrimage to Portugal. Furthermore, many of the brothers are already evangelizing in other Pacific Islands. 



  1. Diana, the Way has its statutes and directory approved by Rome. With those approval from the Vatican, don't you think that would override the moratorium? Just asking.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:57 am,

      The approved statutes and directory does not override the moratorium. According to Article 1 section 2 in the approved statues, “The Neocatechumenal Way is at the service of the Bishop as one forms of diocesan implementation of Christian initiation and of the ongoing education in faith.”

      Furthermore, the letter of Pope Francis to the Neocatechumenal Way dated June 27, 2022 stated:

      This missionary spirit, that is, of letting oneself be sent, is an inspiration for you all. I thank you for this, and I ask of you docility to the Spirit who sends you, docility and obedience to Jesus Christ in his Church. Everything in the Church, nothing outside the Church. This is the spirituality that must always accompany us: preaching Jesus Christ with the strength of the Spirit in the Church and with the Church. And the one who is the head, let’s say, of the various Churches is the bishop: always move forward with the bishop, always. He is the head of the Church, in this country, in this state…”

      Therefore, the NCW should obey the moratorium issued by the Archbishop or to Father Romy who is the Apostolic Administrator. So, when the moratorium stipulates that the Holy Eucharist be held inside the Church before a consecrated altar, then the NCW should be obedient.
