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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Archbishop Byrnes' 2015 Letter

 You can find Archbishop Byrnes original letter written on March 15, 2017 here. Below is what I want every reader of this blog to pay attention to. According to the Original letter by Archbishop Byrnes dated March 15, 2017, he spelled out the directives specifically (the bold is mine): 

First of all, I have asked the lead catechists here in Guam to put a "pause" on the formation of communities for a period of about a year.

Is there anyone in the Chancery who does not know how long is a year? Did anyone invent a new definition for the word "year?" Am I supposed to believe that a year is MORE than 12 months? Therefore, the NCW in Guam did not violate this directive given in 2017. The 2017 directive given by Archbishop Byrnes gave a specific time frame for the "pause." And it is now 6 years past.


  1. Well said. It's true. AB Byrnes put a pause for only 1 year. And it's right there in the letter for anyone to read. I've also heard that the Chancery asked the NCW to include the parish youth outside the NCW to the pilgrimage to Portugal, and our head catechists said NO! And with good reason.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:06 pm,
      If the Archdiocese desires Guam’s youth in the parishes to participate to World Youth Day, I am certain they can organize it themselves. Allowing people outside the NCW to participate in the WYD trip with us would only open the door to those who hate the Way to bring a false child sexual abuse charge against one of our members.

  2. Since Archbishop Michael is mentally ill, he may have forgotten what he wrote in his letter. But you're right, the archbishop put a time frame on building new communities, which he most likely forgot since he's mentally ill. Prayers for Archbishop Michael Byrnes.

  3. But the moratorium still stands cuz it hasn't been lifted.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:04,
      The moratorium still stands. This is why my community celebrates the Eucharist inside the church in front of a consecrated altar. However, regarding the pause on the formation of of communities, it did say that the pause will be for one year.

  4. To Fr. Ron in Detroit, JW, and those in the Chancery who don't know the definition of year, look it up in the dictionary. 🙄
    As far as I recall, the Way didn’t build any new communities until two years after 2015.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      I believe you meant two years after 2017. The date of the letter on the OP was incorrect, and I had just corrected it. I do not know exactly whether it was two or three years after the directives were given when we started to build new communities, but I do know for a fact that the NCW followed the directives of Archbishop Michael.

    2. It was sometime in 2019 that we started to build communities. No communities were built in 2020 cuz that's when pandemic hit. All the communities were on zoom for meetings and word celebration.

  5. The words that were emphasized in the OP are “period of ABOUT a year” (my emphasis). The phrase “about a year” could be interpreted as “more or less than a year.” And it looks like the phrase has been interpreted as “more than a year” in the latest directive.

    BTW: The letter from Archbishop Byrnes was dated 2017, not 2015 as was claimed in the OP. So the “pause” has not gone on for 8 years, but more accurately SIX (6) years.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:13 pm,

      According to, “about” is defined as:
      1) near in time, number, degree, etc,; approximately
      2) nearly; almost

      Therefore, it would be incorrect to interpret it to mean “more” than a year. It would be correctly interpreted to mean approximately, close to, nearly, or almost a year, but definitely not more than a year. The phrase “more or less” is an idiom that should always be avoided when giving directives.

      Thank you for the correction on the date. I will correct the OP.

  6. Diana, you should also look at Fr. Ron's letter. His letter was written on 2021.


    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:46 am,

      Very interesting. So, let me see if I got this straight. On March 15, 2017, Archbishop Michael wrote, “First of all, I have asked the lead catechists here in Guam to put a ‘pause’ on the formation of communities for a PERIOD OF ABOUT A YEAR.”

      Then FOUR years later on August 18, 2021, Father Ron Richards wrote, “The pause dated March 15, 2017, he placed on the formation of new communities, remains in effect today.”

      How interesting that Father Ron interpreted ABOUT A YEAR to mean 4 years. Perhaps 5 years or 6 years? Oh dear! Oh my! Oh my, my, my! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Just goes to show that the Way in Guam is truly being persecuted. Rejoice brothers! For just as they persecuted Christ, so will they persecute us!

  7. hi, sorry for my bad english. In my parish we spent 9 very difficult years, with a parish priest who was against the Way, he didn't kick us out just because the bishop prevented him, also because we were more than 600 brothers, not counting the children. He thought that all the problems came from us, that people didn't go to mass or send their children to catechism class because we were there. He put us aside, we obeyed and respected him, NEVER arguing. The reality however was different, people were looking for excuses not to participate in the life of the Church, the truth is simply that many no longer seek God and the glorious cross that saves life. Another problem was his homosexuality, everyone knows that in the seminaries of the Way there is a profound evaluation of these things, which prevents ordination, he hated this, he hated the catechists who were faithful to the Magisterium of the Church on these principles. Today we thank God, the parish priest has changed, the religious order that leads the parish has sent two excellent priests, of great culture, but very humble, ready to build and not to destroy, our parish has been reborn! Not only is the Way growing, but also Catholic Action, Caritas, the Cursillos, Communion and Liberation, but also the number of children attending catechism or attending Mass. Leave it to the Lord, what we must all do is: humility, simplicity and praise! Happy Palm Sunday and Happy Easter!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:24 pm,

      Thank you for your post. Happy Palm Sunday and Happy Easter to you too. 😀
