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Monday, January 9, 2023

My Response to Anonymous Poster

 An anonymous poster made the following comment: 

What about your opinions of the Pope? You don't strike me as being progressive like the pope but you support the pope?

First of all, I agree that Pope Francis is a progressive pope. Why God allowed a progressive person to become pope is something I cannot answer.  I can only place my trust in God's wisdom.  Nevertheless, Pope Francis is the legitimate pope of the Catholic Church, and priests and bishops owe their fidelity to him.  I have always stressed obedience to the Bishop.  The only time a priest can disobey a bishop is when the bishop tells the priest to do something that is clearly immoral or against Church teaching.  In this case, the bishop should be reported to the Holy See.  If the bishop commits a criminal act, it should be reported to civil authorities as well as the Holy See.  Pope Francis has not said anything contrary to Church teaching regarding abortion.  He stated many times that direct abortion is murder. 

Abortion is a moral issue, but it has been hi-jacked by politics in the guise of women's health care and equal rights.  The bishop's conference does not have the power to bar Joe Biden from receiving Holy Communion.  That power is reserved for local bishops who have autonomy in their dioceses, or the pope.  Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington has already said that he will not bar the President from receiving Holy Communion.  Bishop-elect William Koenig of Wilmington, Delaware, Biden's hometown has remained largely quiet on the issue.  And the pope warned bishops not to weaponize the Holy Eucharist, which I find to be an unclear statement.  The Church today is treading on precarious and challenging times.   

Since Governor Lou Leon Guerrero is given Holy Communion even after she was told by a priest not to present herself for Holy Communion, that may open the door for others who are not in Communion with Church teaching to also receive Holy Communion, thus desecrating the Body of Christ, endangering the souls of those who received His Body unworthily, and causing confusion to the Catholic faithful. So, what was the Governor's intention for disobeying the priest who told her not to present herself for Holy Communion? 

Furthermore, Pope Francis has a lot to say about "climate change."  Climate change has to do with science, and science (as well as history) has been hi-jacked by politics. Previously, the term "global warming" have been used.  In the late 1970s, the Earth cooled a few degrees; therefore, the left-wing radicals stopped using the term "global warming" because it no longer fit their narrative. Instead, they started using the term "climate change."  The Earth's climate will always change.  It will either fall or rise a few degrees up or down in the next 100 years and so forth.  Many liberals have often said that "97% of scientists agree on climate change," but that 97% figure is a fabrication (See the weblink here).  Politicians (not scientists) have been pushing for climate change for years.  But you do not see those same politicians pushing China and India to cut back on burning their fossil fuels.  In fact, China and India are not even on-board with the climate change bandwagon.  The Church today is treading on precarious and challenging times.


  1. Only the Governor can answer why she disobeyed. But why did Fr. Rome give her holy communion?


    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:23 am,
      I assume you meant to write Father Romy. Whenever a parishioner presents himself/herself to the priest for Holy Communion, the priest cannot judge the person; therefore, he gives Holy Communion. The priest cannot judge even the Governor because he does not know her reasons. The Governor may be in delusion, thinking that she supports women’s health care and equal rights, not abortion. I have even heard Joe Biden say that.

      I am now hearing from the jungle that they are encouraging the parishioners not to give any money to the Church. That is only going to hurt the Church, not the Governor. And King Herold would gladly see the destruction of the Catholic Church. The best solution is to petition Archbishop Michael for an excommunication decree on the Governor. With the decree, no priest on this island can give her Holy Communion unless the decree is lifted. The Lt. Governor, on the other hand, did not present himself for Holy Communion; therefore, no decree is needed for him. He respected the Body of Christ and the policy of the Church.

    2. Are the Neos gonna start the petition to Archbishop Byrnes to issue the excommunication decree on LLG?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:00 pm,
      The NCW is busy getting our youth ready to attend the World Youth Day in Portugal. Anyone can start a petition. You can start one yourself or ask CCOG to do it. Maybe they can even encourage the elderly to picket in front of the Cathedral as Rohr suggested.

    4. Diana, you said it would hurt the Church if we picket. You changing your mind now?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:51 am,
      That is not what I said. Please read what I wrote. I wrote that withholding money from the Church is only going to hurt the Church, not the Governor. The best solution is to petition Archbishop Michael to issue an excommunication decree on the Governor so that no priest can give her Holy Communion even if she present herself. Archbishop Michael will probably speak to the Governor and tell her not to present herself for Holy Communion. If she consistently disobeys the Archbishop, he can issue an excommunication decree. That is really up to Archbishop Michael.

      I have always believed in the right to free expression. Petition and picketing are part of free expression. It is up to the person to freely express themselves about how they feel about the Governor receiving Holy Communion. In my opinion, I do not think she should receive Holy Communion because of her strong support for killing children, which is against the teaching of the Catholic Church. She can delude herself into thinking that she is supporting women’s equal rights to their bodies, but the truth is she is fighting for the rights of women to kill their own children. She can say that she is for women’s health care, but the data shows that the vast majority of abortions are used as a birth control method, rather than for health care.

  2. Yeah, my spell check put Rome . Thank you Diana for standing up for Fr. Romy. The fault should go to the governor for disobedience.

  3. Diana cardinal George Pell passed away may he rest in peace

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:51 am
      Thank you for the information.
