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Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Root of the Problem

 An anonymous poster brought up an interesting remark.  He/She stated: 

AnonymousNovember 19, 2022 at 8:13 AM  
Jane Doe, you got that right! We see that in the US where conservative speech are being censored while hate speech from liberals are being tolerated. All this nonsense comes from somewhere, and my guess are the colleges taken over by liberals

 I agree.  People in our society did not simply wake up one day and decide that Donald Trump is the epitome of systematic racism and should not run for President of the United States.  Members of BLM, ANTIFA, and some members of the Democratic Party were brainwashed into thinking this way.  They did not simply wake up one day and say, "Okay!  Enough is enough!  Donald Trump is a racist and is the very epitome of systematic racism in America because he is against immigration."  Trump has always stated that he is against ILLEGLAL immigration.  He is not opposed to immigrants who enter the United States legally.

Hatred is taught.  It is not something a child is born with.  And unfortunately, in many of America's universities, Socialism and Marxism are promoted while traditional conservative values are being suppressed.  Universities and probably even high schools are where these ideologies are being taught.  There is always a root cause of where all this hatred is coming from. Is this not the reason why the LGBTQ+ community are promoting the teachings (or should I say "indoctrination") of Critical Race Theory into the elementary schools, where children are most impressionable. The video below points out the problem that America is facing in some of its universities.  When a person or an institution demonizes and persecutes another person (in this case Trump) or a group of people (in this case the MAGA crowd who voted for Trump), they are simply causing division and hatred. Disagreeing with a person is not hate speech nor violence.  Apparently, some of the educational system in America needs to be revamped to foster civil dialogue and learn the difference between speech and violence.  



  1. "When a person or an institution demonizes and persecutes another person (in this case Trump) or a group of people (in this case the MAGA crowd who voted for Trump), they are simply causing division and hatred."

    The ones doing all the persecutions are liberal Americans. Americans fighting against each other. So sad.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:10 pm,
      Those persecutors are actually left-wing radicals. There was a time when Liberals and Conservatives were able to see eye to eye on some things. But today’s Democrat Party has changed into something different. It has gone too far left that some of its members left the party.

      Yes, it is sad to see Americans persecuting other Americans, but this is happening because their sense of morality have been twisted. Most of them avoid civil dialogue. Why? Perhaps because they do not know how to refute the other person’s argument. I watched a show by Dr. Phil in which Matt Walsh was able to successfully argue his point while the transgenders on the show could not even define what a “woman” is. And that is the problem with the leftist. There is no reason and logic in their debates.

  2. Hi Diana,

    Tim is back in his jungle. I guess he’s coming out to play again on same topics

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:58 pm,
      I do not see how he can still play the same topic when he himself was accused by his wife and daughter of spousal abuse and child sexual molestation. That was in the news. It was his wife and daughter making those accusations. See the web link below:
