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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Systematic Racism or White Privilege

 I was reading the Guam Daily Post in the morning, and an article written by Peter J. Santos caught my eye.  I disagree with his letter to the editor.  He wrote that White privilege or systematic racism exists and gave examples of his own experience.  However, what he experienced was not systematic racism or White privilege but plain prejudice or racial bias, which does exist.  You can find Mr. Santos letter here

First of all, it is not the right-wing extremists who is claiming that White privilege  exist.  It is the left-wing extremists who are making that claim.  Systematic racism or White privilege does not exist in the United States.  However, racism and prejudice still exist.  If White privilege exist, Barack Obama would never have been elected President of the United States.  He was voted by the majority of White people who make up about 61% of the U.S. population.  Barack Obama could not become President without their votes.  In addition, Mr. Santos would also never be able to accomplishe anything nor be in a position he is in today if systematic racism exists.  I find it ironic that those who claim the existence of systematic racism are people who have made accomplishments in their life.  For example, Oprah Winfrey is a millionaire and she claimed the existence of systematic racism and White privilege.  Oprah Winfrey, Barak Obama, and many others are examples that systematic racism does not exist.  If one wants to make it in the U.S., all it takes is hard work, determination, and perseverance. Today, the racial group with the highest income are NOT Whites.  Asian Americans make up the highest income bracket.  According to an article, which cited a 2019 Census Bureau survey, Asian Americans were found to have the highest income.  They surpassed both the Blacks and Whites.  This is evidence that systematic racism does not exist.  However, prejudice and racism still exist and it exist in anyone, including people of color.  

The following YouTube video is an interesting one to listen to.  According to Morgan Freeman, race has nothing to wealth distribution and he and Don Lemon are both proof of that. 


Today, the Left-wing radicals focus so much on the color of a person's skin, which is why they have such movements as BLACK Lives Matter and Critical RACE Theory being placed in some American schools.  These Left-wing radicals are offended when people say, "All Lives Matter" or when parents oppose CRT in the schools.  When one focus simply on race or the color of the person's skin rather than on the character of the person, it only serves to cause division and promote racist attitudes.                                                                                                      


  1. Yep. The problem in the US is they’re too focus on race since the death of George Floyd. Too much division is being spread by fake news.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:10 am,

      The left-wing extremists are indeed obsessed with race, and now Whites are being demonized and discriminated. The Catholic Church can learn a valuable lesson with what is going on in America. To achieve unity, all need to view themselves as Americans rather than Black, White, Asian, etc. We are one nationality: American.

      In the same way, we are all Catholics regardless of whether we are from the NCW, Catholic Renewal, Traditional Latin Mass, etc. All priests are also Catholic regardless whether they are Jesuits, RMS, Dominicans, Diocesan, etc.

      Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

      Ephesians 4:3-5 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

      The beauty of the the American people is that we come from all over the world and have shown that there can be unity in diversity as each contribute their ethnic variety into one country. The beauty of the Catholic Church is the variety of gifts we all have, which is contributed to building one Church. There in unity in diversity, which makes the Church beautiful.
