Blog Song

Saturday, January 30, 2021

In Memory of Father Edwin "Pius" Sammut O.C.D.

Father Edwin "Pius" Sammut O.C.D. was our lead catechist who brought the Neocatechumenal Way to Guam in the mid-1990s.  He will always be remembered with love and fondness by all the brothers in Guam.  Father Pius once said to one of the brothers in the Agana Community that he is ready to go with the Heavenly Father, but doesn't know when that will be. The funeral for Father Pius will be on Monday, February 1st at 9:30 a.m. in Malta, which will be at 6:30 p.m. Guam time.  The funeral will be live streamed at the St. Therese Church in Birkirkara, Malta.  A link for the live streaming was sent to all the brothers in the communities. 

We were taught in the Way that death is not the end.  It is a reality and the beginning of eternal life.  Father Pius will always live on in our hearts, and one day we will see him again.  He is now in a better place, interceding to Christ for all of us.  We love you, Father Pius!    


  1. He saved many souls... how many have entered the priesthood? Cloistered life? How many marriages rebuilt? How many lives prevented from suicide? From abortion? How many more catechized by his catechumens? Dayenu!

    The seed was planted in Guam, in our hearts, by him, Pat, Javier, Paulo, Woijeck, Marco, Daniel, Luka, Mate, Manuel, many many more! Their sacrifice gave value to my life... I was nothing... felt like nothing... and I learned to be at peace despite the trials of life! All because they led me back to the mother church. Biba to the catholic faith and to all these men and women who are living saints! Ready to do Gods will. In my heart, he is a instant saint! He is making his way to the best home ever with the best Father ever! Also to be surrounded by the best cantors ever!

    We love you Father Pius! Pray for us!

    1. I may have left james out but not out of disrespect. It was a moment in posting.

      The catechists today are the modern real life saints attracting the youth and all! I give special thanksgiving to those families who uprooted to transmit faith and announce the gospel to us today. David and Maruxa and their family! Uprooted! Across the world! Just like Father Pius, coming from far to a place not known to them. Trusting in God. It’s crazy when we see it, crazy! but that is sincerely the zeal of the Holy Spirit..... how beautiful are the feet of those who announce the good news to me. Biba!

    2. That’s what happens when you get excited to post. Correction.. Not “james” but “many people”. Lol

    3. I want to thank God for sending Fr Pius here on Guam. God made me see Him in a different light through Fr Pius. He made me understand that if I continue to sin against God, I still wander in the desert & that if I reform my life by obeying God I travel towards the Promised Land! This deepened my understanding of the Faith. Last time I saw him was 5 years ago. I want to thank God for this faithful priest. May God have mercy on his soul & may he rest in peace! We love you & will miss you Father Plus!

  2. Thanks father pius you for saying yes to coming to Guam if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have seen that I’m a nobody but for god I’m a somebody who he loves you will be missed god bless you father pius love you pray for me

  3. Thanks you will be a heavenly soul praying for us on this earthly journey and it comforts me so much at this seemingly sad moment but Jesus has conquered our physical death and many other deaths we have inside of us so thank you for being an instrument in the Pacific to gather souls for the Kingdom of God.

  4. I ❤️ you papa! 🙏🌹🇨🇦🕊 You kept me in the palm of His hand, protected me and directed me towards His Light. All my love! You are always in my heart and will remain alive in Christ! Distance cannot separate us now!

  5. Truly a great man. Full of courage. The Holy Spirit was so close !
