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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sons of Guam Were Not Deserters

Junglewatch said some false things about the former Guam RMS and its local seminarians, which you can find here.    

First of all, the former Guam RMS was never a fake seminary.  That's what the mob wanted people to believe.  Anyone who had done their research on the former Guam RMS would have found that the seminary was approved and accredited by the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome (also called the Pope's University). 

Secondly, the seminarians from Samoa and American Samoa did not withdrew their seminarians because their bishops believed it was a fake seminary.  Their bishops pulled them out from the Guam seminary because they did not want their seminarians embroiled in the continuous attacks by the mob of angry protesters. After all, the protesters invading the RM Seminary was a great concern for the bishops of Samoa and American Samoa (See story here).    

And finally, the RMS seminarians did not abandon Guam.  They were rejected and exiled by the mob in Junglewatch Nation and by Archbishop Michael who was pressured by the mob.  The only reason the Umatuna and the Archdiocese of Agana published the story on Darren Tomas and Preston Perez was because they were "sons of Guam".  According to a former seminarian who has come forward: 
 AnonymousAugust 2, 2020 at 1:50 AM 
Tim Rohr has deleted my post that contradicted this statement: 
"Chancery give public media prominence to two individuals from Guam who deserted Guam to serve as priests elsewhere? They had a choice to go to a seminary in California and thereafter return to Guam to serve our people. Instead they chose to go to an NCW seminary and serve somewhere else."

First of all, let me introduce myself: I am one of the last 12 Seminarians from the former RM Seminary of Guam. We did not desert Guam --- Guam was our mission and home. In 2017m we were told to meet with the "Office of Vocations" director and liason to the NCW who would give us "options" on how to continue formation post-Redemptoris Mater. 
The truth was: there were no options. They proposed to us a deal they couldn't shake on, saying it would cost too much money that they didn't have. To the theologians, they said the proposal was for those who were beginning the Seminary. To those in Philosophy, he said the opposite --- the proposal was meant for those finishing the Seminary.
They told both groups of seminarians the proposal was for the other --- when neither were offered anything at the table. This is the truth. It needs to be said. No more "one-sided" truth. 
We did not desert Guam. The Church, under the INTENSE PRESSURE from CCOG and the Jungle, succumbed and kicked us out. We were not a fake seminary, as over 10 ordinations within the first 3 years have shown.
Again, my people of Guam, we did not abandon you. We were rejected and exiled with no option of remaining. Although, of course, those in charge will say an option was discussed....but it was all a puff of smoke. 
Archbishop Michael was under pressure by the mob (See the story here).  Four seminarians from RMS Guam were local men.  These Chamorro men wanted to become priests for Guam and met with Archbishop Michael according to an anonymous poster who posted on my blog on March 23, 2018.  According to that anonymous poster : 
AnonymousMarch 23, 2018 at 9:31 PM 
CLARIFICATION: The four Chamorro Seminarians who graduated from the Yona Seminary were college students and because they were never ordained by AB Byrnes, they never officially belonged to the Archdiocese of Agana.  
In fact, here is Byrnes' statement from an October 4, 2017 article in the Guam PDN: "Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes announced on Wednesday the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, which is controlled by the Neocatechumenal Way, will close by the end of the year because its model of priest formation is not sustainable for an island like Guam." ( 
The four Chamorro Seminarians met one on one with AB Byrnes and it was his decision not to ordain them under the Archdiocese of Agana because he felt the RMS was not the acceptable model of priest formation for GuamGuam has lost these four Chamorro Seminarians to U.S. mainland Archdioceses during a time when Guam really needed younger priests to begin replacing some of the aging and sickly priests on Guam. Sad, Sad Decision by AB Byrnes.
The four Chamorro seminarians were Juan Gomez, Darren Tomas, Preston Perez, and Gabriel Camacho.  Three of them are now priests in the United States, and one is presently a deacon.  These Chamorro men were not deserters.  They were rejected and exiled by the Archdiocese of Agana under intense pressure from the mob of the Junglewatch Nation.  

If there is anything to be learned, it is that one should never give in to mob rule.  Just look at what happened in Democrat-run cities of the United States who gave in to the mob. The citizens and businesses in those cities are hurting.  Violence have also increased in those cities.  And in the end, the mob turned against the mayors of those cities by demanding their resignations and defacing their homes.  As a result of giving in to the mob, Guam lost four sons of Guam, three of whom are priests and one a deacon, and Guam moved backwards into "borrowing" priests mainly from the Philippines.  And in the end, the mob branded these Chamorro men as "deserters" and even criticized the Archdiocese for recognizing two "sons of Guam."    


  1. The NCW in Guam continues to produce more local priests among its members. I know one Chamorro young man who is already in the seminary and another Chamorro in my community who is getting ready to enter a seminary in a foreign country. His travel expenses have been covered by our community. So, we have two local men in my community who could have been priests for Guam, but they will be priests in the U.S. or in other countries.

    1. @Anon. 8:59 am We also have a young Chamorro boy in my community who stood up for the priesthood but hes still high school. If God still calling him to be a priest when he becomes an adult, then he'll be sent to a seminary. For now, we just wait and see.

    2. Overall, there’s been 6 Chamorro priests produced by the NCW in Guam. And we continue to foster vocations among our youth whether it be the religious life, married life or the itineracy.

    3. Let's not forget that we also have some young wonen in the Way who have joined the religious life and happy in the convent.

  2. LOL! Great analogy comparing the jungle and BLM and Antifa socialists but what damage did the jungle do? They didn't tear down statues or burn down buildings.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:43 pm,

      They will shut down parishes and Catholic schools when they introduced and worked for the passage of a bill, removing the statutes of limitations. Only Archbishop Michael is trying to save the parishes and Catholic schools.

  3. Diana, Tim has decided to publish the former seminarian’s comment on his blog after all and is challenging him to reveal his name.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:01 pm,

      It is already on public record that Archbishop Michael Byrnes did not want the RMS priests for Guam because he felt that those types of priests were unsuitable for a small island like Guam. It is also on public record that Archbishop Michael Byrnes said that the RMS seminarians would have to continue their formation OUTSIDE of other words, he rejected them. The evidence is found in news report, which supported and validated what this former seminarian was saying all along. There were no options because it was already decided that they were to seek their formation OUTSIDE of Guam. According to the Pacific Daily News:

      “The main reason for closing the seminary is that it is just not a sustainable model for the Archdiocese of Agana," he said, adding that the RMS model envisions a type and formation of priesthood that works in a place like Denver or Miami, for example, where there are millions of Catholics.........Seminarians at the Yona property who want to pursue their priesthood would have to continue their studies in other seminaries outside of Guam, most probably also an RMS, Byrnes said.”

      The reason many people remain anonymous is because of the persecution. In fact, someone in the jungle already posted a threat to remove Father Preston Perez. So, what else is new?

  4. Hi Diana. I think you meant Fr. Juan Gomez rather than Fr. James Arriola. James left to Miami in 2011 to an END in Miami before JW started attacking Guam RMS.

    Don't know why Rohr is challenging the former seminarians to reveal his identy in JW so the evil can be exposed. He was the one who wanted RMS shut down and all seminarians expelled from Guam. Now, he's calling them deserters? Hypocrasy at its finest.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:53 am,

      Oops! My bad. Thank you for the correction. I will correct my post.

  5. While not a Chamorro I was in the RMS in Guam and have been ordained elsewhere. I had anticipated giving my life for the people of Guam and to have died there as a priest of Guam. I was truly heart-broken to have had to leave, but I know how much worse the Chamorro men felt being rejected by their own. Knowing these men I can say that they did not abandon Guam, leaving was the last thing they wanted to do.
    It is so striking, the vengeance of the CCOG; that is why they "challenge" people to reveal themselves, so they have fresh meat and new targets to hunt. Reading the Psalms we see in so many places, "see the wicked bracing their bow to shoot at the innocent in ambush" and similar verses. Do not get sucked into the gossip of the JW, it only supports then and encourages them, live the life of a Christian without malice or gossip. Peace be with you.

  6. In time, JW will turn against AB Byrnes. Just wait and see.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:59 pm,

      I believe that is already starting. The jungle is already calling Father Ron to return to Detroit and is criticizing the Archdiocese.

  7. Isn’t one soul worth saving? One on Guam or one million Elsewhere?, every person is a son or daughter of God and deserves receiving the good news when and wherever possible. The suffering brothers on Guam will have other bearers of the good news. Courage... our bishop today is trying and I suspect to be in a very sensitive position. Let just remember a key thing. Judgements come from perceptions. So may we have the wisdom to work on these perceptions. Peace!
