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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Back To Lockdown

I'm glad to see that the Church remained open despite that it is a parking lot Mass.  Better a parking lot Mass than no Mass at all.  In the first lockdown, all church buildings were shut down, and Mass was conducted on the Internet.  Church is essential, and I'm glad that the Archdiocese of Agana were able to work cooperatively with the government in allowing the churches to remain open despite that it is a parking lot Mass.  The parishes have done an excellent job in following the emergency health guidelines and protocol to ensure the safety of its parishioners.  Church is essential.  

According to the Pacific News Center, there was a 1,150% increase of calls to the crisis hotline in the last six months while Guam was under the pandemic.  Many people called in seeking out help to deal with the mental stress caused by the lockdown and the pandemic.  The Church also helps in alleviating this mental stress.  The word of God and the Eucharist are nourishment for our troubled souls as we struggle through this crisis.  People are laid off and jobless.  Businesses are closing.  People who are still employed have the virus to worry about, but there are those who feel more stressed because their livelihood have been destroyed due to a loss in job or closed business. 

Due to the lockdown, the Neocatechumenal Way have resorted to Zoom.  Listening to the word every week is nourishment for our soul.  It helps us to overcome the daily stress we are facing and to rely on God's providence.  God provides, and we have seen this first hand in our lives.  God bless Guam and may the Lord strengthen us in our faith as we go through this second lockdown.      


  1. The virus hit my home two weeks ago (two of my family members got a positive test) I got negative, but after struggling a lot helping take care of them and others in my home during this time. I have gotten sick, and it is most likely of the coronavirus. Now my region is in a state of emergency due to wildfires. Both of these are a blessing! The problem isn't covid or natural "disasters", it is our sins that make us afraid of dying of these situations.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:11 am,

      You and your family are in our prayers. Yes, I have heard about the fires in California. God bless you and your family.

  2. I think Rohr is trying to get the people to rise up against the Archdiocese's decision on parking lot Masses. He doesn't seem to like Fr. Ron too. 🙄

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:11 am,

      I apologize for publishing your comment a day late. At any rate, he can incite people all he wants, I don’t think LFM will be protesting the car Masses. Most people in LFM are elderly folks who are more likely to die from the virus. I wouldn’t be surprised that they appreciate Archbishop Michael for looking out for their safety.
