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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Congratulations Gabriel Camacho: Another Son of Guam

On June 27th, Cardinal Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, ordained five men as deacons.  One of the five men is Gabriel Camacho from Guam.  The ordination took place at the Cathedral Bascilica of the Sacred Sacred Heart in Newark, New Jersey.  Congratualtions, Gabriel!  We continue to pray for you and for all the priests and clergy.  You can find information on Deacon Gabriel's diaconate here


  1. Biba Deacon Gabriel! Biba! Deacon Gabe is yet another former Guam RMS Seminarian who was transferred to the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey.

  2. Congratulations Deacon Gabe and many best wishes! BIBA! 🤗

  3. Congratulations Deacon Gabriel, Fr. Darren, and Fr. Preston. You make Guam stand out on the map! BIBA GUAM! BIBA NCW!

    Diana, there are 3 more young men in my community who feel a calling from God into the priesthood. One of them is already in Rome. The other will be leaving when the country he was assigned to opened its borders. He will eventually become a priest in that country. The third is still in high school. When he's old enough, and if he still feels the calling to be a priest, the catechists will further advise him.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:38 am,

      One of the strengths of the NCW is to foster vocations for young men and women. Some young ladies have gone on to the religious life to become nuns while young men felt the calling for the priesthood.

      Another strength of the NCW is to strengthen marriage and family. Some marriages that were on the brink of divorce were healed and couples were taught on how to live out a Christian marriage. Of course, not all are called to a religious life. Some are called to a married life, which is great. The youth in our community continue to discern the vocation God calls them to. Many prayers and blessings to the three young men in your community in responding to God's calling.

  4. There are two unsung heroes behind the ordination of all these priests and deacons who came from the former Redemptoris Mater of Guam. They are Father James Starasanich who was one of the first Rectors and Father Pablo Ponce who was the longest standing Rector of the said Seminary.

    Without your faith and your wisdom all this would not have been possible. Si yu’use maase...

    And God who sees what one does in secret, will reward you...

  5. And the truth is that the real hero of this whole plethora of vocations from Guam is ARCHBISHOP APURON. He was amazing. Such vision. Such courage. Such determination. One day we shall understand.
