Blog Song

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Unity Amid A Crisis

Sadly, the COVID-19 virus has claimed a second person on Guam.  The first person was a 68 year old woman.  Today, a 79 year old man passed away at GMH (See story here).  

The United States also leads the world in having the most confirmed cases of corona virus, surpassing China and Italy.  They also have the most deaths recorded.  The United States currently has 164,359 of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 3,173 deaths.  The state of New York has the most confirmed cases and the most deaths.  The health care system in the U.S. are reaching their capacity.  They are getting bombarded with so many patients, that some of these patients will be unable to receive proper care due to its health system being overwhelmed.    

People we need to come together united as one and do our part in ceasing the spread of this disease.  There are many information on the Internet on how to battle the corona viruses.  First and foremost, stay home.  Practice good hygiene and do not touch your face.  Many of us are used to touching our face.  Times are now different.  This is a time, we need to learn not to touch our face.  Take care of yourselves and others so we can get through this crisis.  We get through this crisis only if we stand together united.  

Furthermore, Father Alberto sent a message to the communities regarding Palm Sunday.  On April 5th, Palm Sunday, put a branch on the door of your house or on the window to celebrate Palm Sunday.  It could be any green branch.  Despite that we are physically isolated, we are not separated.  Remember always that we are united as the Body of Christ.  We can express this unity as we celebrate Palm Sunday despite our social isolation.  Thank you, Father Alberto for such a wonderful idea. 

The following video is a tribute to all the doctors, nurses, scientists, health care officials and all those on the front lines helping people stricken with the corona virus.  We can do our part in helping those on the front lines by staying home.  God bless you all!    


1 comment:

  1. There's a third death. People of Guam, this is serious. Stay home!
