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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Unity Or Not?

It was the JungleWatch Nation who invited Bishop Athanasius Schneider to Guam as a guest speaker.  According to Andrew Camacho of CCOG:
Andrew CamachoJanuary 13, 2020 at 12:05 PM  An enormous THANK YOU to Lou Klitzkie who had the idea of inviting Bishop Schneider to Guam more than two years ago. Lou has worked tirelessly to make this visit become a reality. May God bless Lou and everyone who works for the good of His Church.

The good of the Church is to bring healing and unity to Guam's Catholics. In fact, Archbishop Byrnes expressed this many times.  According to news report:
"One of the things the Holy Father (Pope Francis) invited me to focus on is healing."
Byrnes, from Detroit, said his job was to act as "a bridge, to reunite and solidify the unity of the Catholic community".
To bring about unity and healing, Archbishop Byrnes instructed the NCW to celebrate the Eucharist inside the church building and to consume the Body of Christ immediately.  The NCW followed this change. However, Bishop Schneider, who was invited by CCOG, is well-known to be highly critical of both Pope Francis and the Neocatechumenal Way (See the articles here and here).  Bishop Schneider is entitled to his misinformed and false opinions of the NCW.  After all, I believe in freedom of expression.  However, one must ask himself/ the jungle truly seeking healing and unity?  What was their true intention of inviting Bishop Schneider more than two years ago?  

Ironically, Bishop Schneider along with other like-minded bishops mentioned in his criticism of Pope Francis, saying: 
One must keep in mind the fact that the Apostle Paul publicly reproached the first Pope at Antioch in a matter of a lesser gravity, compared to the errors which in our days are spread in the life of the Church. St. Paul publicly admonished the first Pope because of his hypocritical behavior and of the consequent danger of questioning the truth that says that the prescriptions of the Mosaic law are no longer binding for Christians. How would the Apostle Paul react today, if he would read the sentence of the Abu Dhabi document which says that God wants in his wisdom equally the diversity of sexes, nations and religions (among which there are religions which practice idolatry and blaspheme Jesus Christ)!   
First of all, the statement in the document has been twisted.  The document never said "God wants, in his wisdom equally the diversity of sexes, nations, and religions,"  That is only what Bishop Schneider and other bishops claimed the document stated in their criticism of the pope. The document quoted in news report stated (the bold is mine):   
The bishop told LifeSiteNews that he had a direct exchange with Pope Francis on a declaration signed last month by the Pope and the Grand Imam of Abu Dhabi. The document states that the “pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings”.
So, the document never said that God wanted the diversity of religions.  It stated that the diversity of religions (along with color, sex, race, and language) was willed by God. In fact, the words "willed by God" was even in the document. This means that different religions exist with the permissive will of God.  There is no error in this statement.  After all, God even allowed bad things to happen.

Finally, the criticism also stated: "St. Paul publicly admonished the first Pope because of his hypocritical behavior and of the consequent danger of questioning the truth that says that the prescriptions of the Mosaic law are no longer binding for Christians.  How would the Apostle Paul react today...." 

Many Protestants use this biblical scripture of St. Paul rebuking St. Peter (the first Pope) as evidence that Catholics should rebuke our pope for any hypocritical behavior or perceived errors in Catholic teaching.  What these Protestants (and now bishops) do not realize was that St. Paul copied the same "hypocritical behavior".  

After James and his friends came in, Peter removed himself from sitting with the Gentile converts and sat with the Jews in order to avoid conflict with the Jews.  The other disciples followed Peter.  However, St. Paul rebuked Peter for this behavior.  Later, St. Paul copied the same behavior in order to also avoid conflict with the Jews.  

Acts 3:16  Paul wanted to have him go on with him. And he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in that region, for they all knew that his father was Greek.

Lo and behold!  The Apostle Paul was the one who preached that circumcision, which was a Mosaic law, was not necessary; yet, he had Timothy circumcised to AVOID conflict with the Jews who lived in that region.  This was the same reason St. Peter removed himself from the Gentile converts and sat with the AVOID conflict.

The lesson learned from this scripture is NOT that one should rebuke or criticize the Pope. The lesson learned is that conflicts need to be resolved rather than avoided. The Council of Jerusalem settled the conflict. Continuing to avoid a conflict does not solve anything.  By choosing a side, the Council of Jerusalem resolved the conflict.  And now today, there comes a time when one needs to decide where to stand.  Should one side with the persecutors or with the persecuted?    

So, is the jungle really looking for the good of the Church?  Are the bishops who call out for the resignation of Pope Francis also looking for the good of the church?  Like Pope Francis, I believe constructive criticism can be useful, but there are also criticisms whose only goal is to mislead and destroy.  According to Pope Francis in a news report:
Criticism, he insisted, can be a constructive tool.  When a person issue a criticism that isn't fair, the pope said, he or she should be ready for a response and to dialogue about it. 
On the other hand, Francis said, a critic who cloaks his or her objections behind a facade is "an arsenic pill, a bit like throwing a stone and hiding our hand.  This doesn't help, and it comes from closed [minded] people who don't want to hear the answer." 
Recently, the NCW had brought families together through the festivities of the Three Magis.  Does this bring healing and unity?  Of course it does.  All Catholics came to enjoy the festivities regardless of whether they were walking in the NCW or not.  We celebrate together as one people of God.  So, what is the intention of the jungle for inviting a bishop who is vehemently opposed to the people of the Way? If this bishop speaks a word against the Way in their fundraising event, would that bring healing and unity?     


  1. I pray for the conversion of CCOG.

    1. Conversions to the way will never happen. So keep praying

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:12 am,

      No one is praying for them to convert to the NCW. We are praying that they convert their stony heart of hate to a heart of love.

    3. @ Anon. 9:12 am. As always, you misinterpret one statement. This is typical of JW. Anon. never said that he or she is praying for CCOG to convert to the Way. Conversion means to be close to Jesus Christ and to love as Christ loves. The problem with JW is their willingness to deceive rather than enter a dialogue. What really gets to JW is the fact that the NCW is still happy despite that they got rid of Apuron and RMS. Our happiness offends them because our happiness is something they can’t take away from us.

    4. Enter the dialogue? Ummmm brother cristobol, brother quitugua and brother tony have run away showing they don’t want to be a part of the dialogue here.

      Ai adai, you brainwash each other and mismanaged the diocese of Guam. It’s been obvious too.


    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:56 pm,

      Let us be honest here. They did not run away. You had all of them removed. You removed them because you did not want to dialogue with them. Well, you have accomplished that, so why are you complaining? You had them all removed and then try to deceive people into thinking that they ran away? πŸ™„. Really?

      And now you are trying to deceive the people into thinking that you are doing something good by inviting a bishop to talk about vocations and strengthening the Catholic Faith. Yet, you left out the fact this bishop you invited had bashed the NCW and criticized Pope Francis. To make matters worse, the bishop you invited tried to use Sacred Scripture to justify his actions for his harsh criticism against the Pope. πŸ™„. Really? So, what was your real intention of inviting Bishop Schneider?

    6. Lou Klitzkie's intention for inviting Bishop Schneider is found in the jungle. You hit it on the nail, Diana.

  2. Funny how Rohr claims he has nothing to do with Schnider coming to Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:00 pm,

      When I say "jungle" or "JungleWatch Nation" that includes CCOG, LFM, Silent No more. and all their supporters including Tim Rohr. That is the entire JungleWatch Nation. CCOG and LFM all work under the same umbrella... the "JungleWatch" and together make up the "JungleWatch Nation." Even Tim Rohr said so himself. According to Tim Rohr:

      "It means that without intending it, these spiritual colonizers dressed as Catholics are actually the ones who helped the JungleWatch blog give birth to the JungleWatch Nation—a people of the Truth dedicated to the fullness and the purity of the Faith of the Apostles.

      Some may object to the word nation, opting instead for a family or a people or a club. Call it whatever you’d like, but it’s not some grass-roots movement. It’s grown far beyond that, and what makes it precisely a nation is how we became what we are.

      There are two ways a nation comes to be. First is born of blood. One is born into such a group, as one is born a Chamorro or Sicilian or Irish or Sioux.

      The second way is by common experience of an event that permanently makes the group what it is.....

      Now, on a far less dramatic level (but no less true), we have become a JungleWatch nation. It began as the initial refusal to acquiesce, and it gained momentum.

      Rohr stated in his own words, "....the JungleWatch blog gave birth to the JungleWatch Nation." However, it was not the protestors at the Cathedral who helped the JungleWatch blog. The JungleWatch blog came FIRST before the protestors. And it was the blog that moved and enticed the protester to carry up their signs. Indeed, and who was the leader, author and creator of the JungleWatch blog? It was Tim Rohr. Therefore, it was Tim Rohr who created those mini-organizations under the Junglewatch umbrella, and they have always worked together.

      Mrs. Klitzkie of LFM was impressed with Bishop Schnider only because he bashed the NCW, and her opinions were published on JungleWatch. For more than two years, she worked to get him to Guam as a guest speaker, and CCOG was not far behind her. CCOG made a flyer, and the flyer on the JungleWatch blog with a link to a quote from Bishop Schneider bashing the Way. You see....they all work and come together.

      Also, Rohr was incorrect when he said that I made him famous. It was actually the other way around. He was the one who made my blog famous. Rohr attacked Apuron and RMS since 2013. My blog did not exist until 2014.

    2. That's true. A lot of people already knew Tim and his Junglewatch blog. His blog was already famous, and everyone knows that cuz he kept bragging about his pageviews. The only time people in the way knew about you was through Junglewatch. You got under Tim's skin so much that he kept bringing up your name and your blog. :)

    3. Correction on my part.... Tim Rohr stated, “....these spiritual colonizers dressed as Catholics are actually the ones who helped the JungleWatch blog give birth to the JungleWatch Nation—a people of the Truth dedicated to the fullness and the purity of the Faith of the Apostles.”

      The NCW did not help the JungleWatch blog give birth to the JungleWatch Nation. Rohr started his blog since 2010. His blog already existed three years before the Gofigan incident, which started the controversy with Archbishop Apuron.

    4. So sad. 😟 How far is the jungle willing to go and at what cost? So sad that they disguise their real agenda with something good as fundraising for Guam's seminarians and deacons studying in California.

  3. Lou must have been very bored to have "worked tirelessly" to get this visit to happen.It seems like the fruit of satanic religious zeal.

  4. CCOG been blinded in their hate against the Way that they didn't care to get a background check on Bishop Schnider. They invited a bishop to be a guest speaker on Guam who is spoke out against Vatican II. The last time I checked Vatican II is a true legitimate Catholic Council. What message is CCOG when they invite a bishop who speaks out against an ecumenical council?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:40 pm,

      Interesting article. Thank you!

    2. Oh Wow! 😲 CCOG invited a bishop whose a pope-basher and thinks Vatican II should be corrected. What message is CCOG sending to our future priests when they allow Schneider to be a guest speaker?

  5. How can Byrnes invite auxiliary Bishop who bashes the Pope, VaticanII and the neocatecumenal way? Prejudice! This submit us to prayer.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:44 am,

      Is it possible that Archbishop Byrnes did not know anything about Bishop Schneider and that he was hoodwinked by CCOG?

    2. Regardless of whether he knows or not, he should at least know who he's inviting because he's the Archbishop. We need to pray.

  6. Diana I'm very confused why is Bishop Apuron trying to settle his court cases why is he doing that isn't he innocent he told us he didn't do anything wrong why is he going to settle please help me

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:26 am,

      Bishop Apuron have always said he is innocent. He never said he was guilty. Settling his court cases does not mean he is guilty. It means he does not have the funds to go through a lengthy court battle that may take years.

  7. Incendiary people like the CCOG will never listen to reason.
