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Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Truth Revealed

In time, the truth will come to light because the truth is stronger than all the lies put together.  The truth about Mother Dawn has already revealed itself.  In the past, the NCW often said that we have the permission to celebrate the Easter Vigil from the Pope, and our story have never changed.  Nevertheless, the jungle accused us of lying.  According to the jungle:
Diana, please show me and everybody else, where in this statute is the papal permission to celebrate your own vigil apart from the parish. In fact, § 3 instructs the Neocatechumenate to "stimulate the parish" to a "richer celebration of the Paschal Vigil. And lest there be a question about what that means, note the footnote number 46. Footnote 46 references the letter from the Congregation for Divine Worship entitled Paschalis Sollemnitatis. You may want to read the letter, Diana. See paragraph 94 of the letter. Here is what it says:
The celebration of the Easter Vigil for special groups is not to be encouraged since, above all in this Vigil, the faithful should come together as one and should experience a sense of ecclesial community. 
Tim Rohr also wrote Junno Arocho Esteves, the author of the Zenit article and accused him of promoting NCW propaganda:  According to Tim Rohr
So, I wrote to Junno Arocho Esteves, the author of this Zenit article about the problems with his article. This was his response: 
Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions on the article. While I had attempted to show nothing more that the Eucharist and Easter Vigil celebrated by the parishes with Neocatechumenal Way were permitted,......
Yes, Mr. Junno Arocho Esteves wrote that the NCW's celebration of the Eucharist and Easter Vigil were already permitted.  However, Rohr's response to his readers is to UNSUBSCRIBE to Zenit.  Then Crux published this article dated March 29,2019, which stated (the bold is mine):
“To express visibly the unity of the holy people of God and express the deepest meaning of belonging to an ecclesial community,” the council said, those who frequent non-parish churches, chapels and oratories or who belong to special groups, associations or new movements “are exhorted to take part in the celebrations of the Easter triduum in parish churches. 
 An exception exists for “national churches,” like the U.S. Catholic community at St. Patrick Church in Rome, and for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes allow for small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil, Midili said. 
"An exception exists for.... members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes allow for small-group celebrations of the Easter Vigil,...."  Did anyone think that these exceptions came only on March 29, 2019 at the time the article was published?  As the NCW had been saying all along, we ALREADY had permission from the Holy See to celebrate the Easter Vigil including the Eucharist.  


  1. What does archbishop Byrnes say about the NCW celebrations? Are not all Catholics under archbishop Byrnes suppose to follow his guidance? Or is the only group having issues with following the church guidance the NCW? I’m just trying to see the big picture here.


    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:08 pm,

      All Catholics (including priests, deacons, and the rest of the clergy) should follow their Bishop. When Archbishop Apuron was the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana, the NCW followed him. The jungle and some of our local priests did not. Now, that Archbishop Byrnes is the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana, the NCW followed his instructions. Archbishop Byrnes made very minor changes in how we celebrate the Eucharist, which were: 1) the Eucharist is to be held inside the church building and 2) we are to consume the Body of Christ immediately after receiving it by hand. Everything else in the celebration remains the same. The purpose for these minor changes was to appease the junglefolks. Unfortunately, the appeasements has not been fruitful.

      While the NCW followed the instructions of Archbishop Byrnes, it is also imperative that the Archbishop himself follow and remain in communion with the Pope, the Vicar of Christ. Pope Francis supports the NCW and any bishop who opposes what the pope supports is NOT in communion with the Pope.

    2. It sounds as if you assume that archbishop Byrnes doesn’t communicate with the Vatican or doesn’t understand what the pope wants when archbishop Byrnes just saw the pope this past summer.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:44 am,

      On the contrary, I never said that Archbishop Byrnes does not communicate with the Pope nor understand what the pope wants.

    4. Ummmm...,

      “While the NCW followed the instructions of Archbishop Byrnes, it is also imperative that the Archbishop himself follow and remain in communion with the Pope, the Vicar of Christ”

      From an outsiders point of view, it seems that you don’t believe archbishop Byrnes communicates with Rome.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:53 am,

      How so? What I say is not an accusation of any kind. What I say is the truth. It is imperative that the Archbishop (and all bishops for that matter) follow and remain in communion with the Pope, the Vicar of Christ. Do you see anything false in that statement? I never said anything about "communication". I said "communion."

    6. So are you assuming archbishop Byrnes isn’t in “communion” with the pope?

    7. Dear Anonymous at 12:28 pm,

      On the contrary, I never said that Archbishop Byrnes is not in communion with the pope. See my comment on August 15th at 8:11 pm.

      I specifically stated: “ is also imperative that the Archbishop himself follow and REMAIN in communion with the Pope, the Vicar of Christ”. Would you like me to define what “remain” means in the dictionary for you?
