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Monday, August 5, 2019

Bishop Keenan's Interview

There are many bishops and cardinals who speak well of the Neocatechumenal Way.  They had many good things to say about the Way, which has borne many good fruits for the universal Church.  Bishop John Keenan is one of those many bishops who spoke well of the Way.  In his interview, he stated:
I would always refer to the newer movements and our university chaplaincies in particular: Faith, Evangelium, the pro-life movement, Neocatechumenal Way and Communion and Liberation, to name but would also add, however, that this is also true of older movements like the Legion of Mary and the SVP, particulary when they are active with enthusiastic younger members.  What they do is offer a serious way of your faith.  If you want to live your faith more intensely, with more commitment then this is a good way to go.......... 
........the key to many of these movements is the proposal of a serious prayer life, and seriously teaching the Catholic faith and why we believe it.  Those who come then conclude: now I see how it all fits together.  Now I see the faith as a unity, and I see the extent of the faith.  A test of renewal and strength then is to be asked by the world what it is to be Catholic and to be able to confidently answer.  This confident faith, supported by authentic Catholic friendships, is what these movements can offer. 
 Bishop's Keenan's full interview is found here.  Although the interview is too long to publish on this blog, it is worth a read.  

There are some Catholics in Guam who prefer to focus only on the homeless and the poor.  However, the homeless and the poor are NOT the ones set out to change society and destroy the Catholic Church.  It had always been the pro-choice movement, feminist movement, and LGBT movement that sought to change the norms of society and destroy the Catholic Church because they sought POWER.  The homeless and the poor never sought power because they are simply too busy struggling to survive as always.  As Bishop Keenan stated in his interview: 
It is a new manifestation of what Orwell said: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."  This is where we are now.  All rights are "equal", be they religious rights or LGBT rights...but some are more equal.  Orwell used that as a parody of communism, and eventually he identified this as a fatal flaw which would bring about its downfall.  It was predicated on a contradiction, as is postmodern society.  He said that of the Eastern Bloc, but it now equally applies to the politics of the West.  You cannot have equality for all and say that some are more equal.  Ultimately it ceases to be about truth, but about power.  It is built on sand, not nature, or reason.  It is built on the will to power. 
Many of us are aware of the story The Emperor With No Clothes.  We must be a Church who exposes the emperor with the solid truth....that he actually had nothing on.   

Image result for bishop john keenan


  1. No offense, but I don't get the point of your post. You have several ideas that aren't expressed fully. Furthermore, your comment about the poor and homeless and comparing them to the various political movements is like comparing apples and oranges, Mary and Martha. Although, I only did a quick read through of your post and the transcript of the interview, I could be wrong. Anyway, provide clarity if you see fit. Otherwise, leave it as it since it is your blog.


    1. Dear Fly on the wall,

      Perhaps, I should have elaborated more. I feel that many Catholics have avoided controversial issues on human sexuality and prefer to focus only on helping the poor and homeless. By avoiding the more controversial issues, these political movements were able to move forward in changing the norms and mentality of society. We should not avoid standing up for the truth on controversial topics such as human sexuality.

    2. Thanks for the reply Diana. I support your point.

      Also, perhaps instead of a lack of courage in talking about this issue, it could also be that consciouses have been poorly formed in the church's teaching on human sexuality. Thus leading to the poor accompaniment of individuals with same sex attractions and the misleading of many individuals in the church about true catholic doctrine. I found an interesting article about that here: and here:

    3. Dear Fly on the wall,

      I agree. Thank you for providing those interesting articles.
