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Friday, June 7, 2019

Mistaken Gender?

I was reading the Guam Daily Post today.  Two persons accused Father Brouillard of sexually abuse and rape.  To protect their identities, they were only identified as F.A.D and S.P.  Both filed for five million dollars in their lawsuit.  

The Guam Daily Post identified S.P. as a female rather than a male.  Was that an error done by the Guam Daily Post?  According to the Guam Daily Post (the bold is mine): 

S.P., now 46, alleges she was sexually abused and raped by Brouillard between the ages of 7 and 9. 
The complaint alleges Brouilard sexually abused her while teaching her how to float during a Boy Scouts outing. She alleges the rape occurred in a back room at the church and she cried, but Brouillard told her to be quiet and that it was OK for him to do this to her because "it was God's will." 
S.P. alleges she was sexually abused approximately four times a month over two to three years. 
She was sexually abused during a Boy Scouts outing?  Correct me if I am wrong, but did the Boy Scouts of America allowed girls to join their organization?  Was she also an altar server in Mass?  It was not until approximately 1994 when girls were allowed to become altar servers.  If S.P. is indeed a female, was she an altar server at 7-9 years old?    

The Guam Daily Post did not reveal the age of F.A.D., but it stated that S.P. is currently 46 years old, and that she was sexually abused and raped by Father Brouillard between the ages of 7 and 9.  She alleges that she was sexually abused four times a month over two to three years.    

Father Brouillard worked in Guam from 1949-1981.  He left Guam in 1981.  If S.P. is currently 46 years old as stated in the news report, this means that she was born in 1973.  At 7-9 years old, the years would be 1980-1982.  Was S.P.'s gender an error printed in the Guam Daily Post?  Only boys are accepted into the Boys Scouts of America and girls did not become altar servers until around 1994.  

In another lawsuit, the Guam Daily Post reported that a non-Catholic also claimed to be abused by Father Brouillard when he was an altar server in the Tumon Church (See the story here).  This non-Catholic is suing for ten million dollars. 

One of the requirements of being an altar server is that they should have already received Holy Communion.  Of course, a non-Catholic cannot receive Holy Communion.  Another requirement is that altar servers should participate in receiving the Eucharist whenever they serve at the altar.  If, for some reason, an altar server cannot receive the Eucharist on that Sunday, he/she must first go to confession or do not serve that Sunday. These guidelines were in place because it would look controversial (and even hypocritical) that a person serving at the altar with the priest is not in communion for all the parishioners to see. Every priest knows the guidelines of being an altar server.  It is even in the USCCB website.  Did Father Brouillard violate these guidelines by allowing a non-Catholic to serve as an altar server during Mass?  


  1. Diana, the PDN said that Brouillard took boys and girls out swimming during a Boys Scout outing.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:21 pm,

      I checked the PDN and you are correct. However, before S.P. came out with her lawsuit, the men who accused Father Brouillard all stated that they were told to swim naked in the river. They never said anything about girls being present. So, if there were girls present during that you see where I am going with this? Why didn't the men mentioned them? They mentioned all the other boys whom they saw being abused while swimming. Did Father Brouillard also tell the girls to swim naked with the boys? There are so many questions surrounding Father Brouillard's sexual abuse.

    2. In my parish, we would be complaining if a Protestant was an altarboy. He has no business serving at the altar.

  2. Could it be that the victim is a biological male who now prefers to be referred to as “she”; and could it be that the other victim was but is no longer Catholic? Although I do not agree with those who believe gender is merely a social construct and I would prefer that Catholics remain in the Church, GDP perhaps is of a different opinion about gender and many people do leave the Church unfortunately.

    1. Dear WBSM,

      That is a possibility. The news report did not say that the person was a transgender. However, it is interesting that the PDN, for the first time, mentioned that Father Brouillard took BOTH boys and girls on the Boy Scouts outing.

      As for the non-Catholic, he admitted that he is not Catholic, but has some Catholic friends.

  3. What up with Tim Rohr lately Acting kind of weird

  4. Dear Anon @ June 9th 2019
    Personally I've never actually met this man,but based on what I've read in this blog and on JW and the story of his family criticizing him.I can see that this is someone with a heavy cross that he's avoided for a very long time.I think him losing his family was not "karma" or some conspiracy he's trying to make people think is happening.I think his family was telling the truth out of complete anger for not being the same as he makes himself online.In truth I don't think he was supposed to create jungle watch at all,it took a LOT of time away from focusing on his real vocation.I don't think this was a heroic sacrifice.Marriage is to bring both a couple and their children to heaven and if he took this vocation for granted because he thought HE HAD to "expose this this and that" then I don't think his "sacrifice" is holy but a terrible deceit from the devil.His two little ones need both him and his mother,and I honestly think the abuser here isn't the mother but him,because he provoked this to happen in the first place.She doesn't trust him.Why? Because he's a narcissist.How do I know this? Because I'm also a narcissist.I wear masks.I know the consequences of wearing them.These masks make people not want to be around me anymore.Not even people who used to be close to me.The people that applaud him for "sacrificing" his family don't realize that they are praising a sin.They do not realize the sanctity of marriage and that this poor soul took it for granted and they are basically calling sainthood a joke.Do I wanna see this man go to heaven? Of course. Because I understand his pain.I've spent months checking these blogs and now I've come to realize that...JW was not supposed to come into existence at all.If Tim should be angry at anyone for what happened to his marriage it should not be whoever the heck "AC" is.(And even if someone did "work with his family to destroy him" think of it this way,why would his family even agree to it in the first place if this was put into the equation? They must have had no problem with going against him,which would still prove that what his family accused him of is STILL true)He should be mad at the very blog he created.This man would have been more of a saint if he had focused on his real vocation.Its never too late to say yes to the real road to sainthood.You can be in the church your whole life,and if you are living a double life,you can still go to hell.

    -Anonymous Dominican

  5. Tim spent too much time Trying to destroyed the "Archbishop Apuron" and NEO, And he still trying to, I don't feel sorry for him

  6. Well Said Anonymous Dominican👍

  7. Anon @ 6/10 2:54 PM
    The life of a narcissist,especially when filled with accusing others constantly,is a horribly miserable one.You should feel ESPECIALLY sorry for him.If Judas had repented he would have been St.Judas :)
    -Anonymous Dominican

  8. It's hard to To feel sorry for him After He destroying an innocent man of God, a man who grew up in Guam, his Family, A man who is not from Guam The same man who is getting accused of the same thing What's worth it's his own family, Is accusing him All the lie that he is told

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:26 pm,

      I feel sorry for Tim. He felt compel to defend Father Paul and Monsignor James, and he relished in the praises of those people for defending them. He got carried away with the number of pageviews while his family suffered because his blog got more attention. What Tim did not realize was that Father Paul and Monsignor James are grown men. They do not need anyone to defend them. Where is Father Paul and Monsignor James in Tim's life now?

      The sad part is that Tim will realize later that when one gets old, bedridden, and in need of care, his family should be the ones there beside him in his elderly years, not Father Paul and Monsignor James. Tim's vocation and calling is to be a husband and father, not the defender of the Church. The Church has withstood conflicts even before Tim was born. The defender and protector of the Church is Christ, her spouse. God never called Tim to defend His Church. God called him to a married be a husband and a father. Tim is in deep pain right now, and so is his family. The pain and suffering of divorce is not something I would wish on anyone including on Tim Rohr. The little ones suffers the most in the divorce.

  9. Anon @ June 11th 2019 3:26 PM
    My brother I think you should ask our lord to help you have mercy on Tim as Christ has had mercy on you.I don't know your sins but God does and he still loves you.He still loves me,he still loves Tim.He's the only one who can love any of us the way we are.Invoke the gift of the holy spirit.We are all useless without it.God wants to use you,he wants you to be a saint.I'm assuming you are walking in a community right? If you walk with humility and obedience,some day this community God has given you through the Holy Catholic Church,will bring you to salvation for many reasons.Which you will learn over time.You've got a long way to go.No more wasting time going after Tim on his blog.If you trust Jesus you'll be able to reconcile whatever things you and Tim have had with each other.Whether its something personal that happened or if you're simply doing this out of anger for what happened with Apuron.I think Apuron said he forgave his accusers and was praying for them and I think you should too.

    -Anonymous Dominican
