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Monday, April 29, 2019

Pope Francis Goes to Confession

An anonymous poster posted the link to the following YouTube.  Pope Francis going to confession to another priest made headline news because people do not see this very often if not at all.  What Pope Francis have done in public was something that the RMS priests have been doing before Francis became pope.  They have also been confessing their sins to another priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  The NCW does not hold their Reconciliation in the traditional manner.  Reconciliation is done where everyone can see them, but confessions can only be heard by the priests even with the cantors playing in the background.    

In fact, here in Guam I have also never seen any of our local priests attend confession.  As one anonymous poster pointed out in my last post, the only time he/she ever saw a priest going to confession to another priest was when he/she entered the Neocatechumenal Way.  I agree with him/her.  I also had the same experience.  When I first saw a priest confess his sins to another priest, I thought how wonderful. And it was in the NCW when I first saw a priest confess his sins to another priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  After the priest made his confession, he stood in one corner to hear the confessions of the laity.  This humble act made me realize that the priest was human just like us.  Right there, in the Neocatechumenal Way, the idea of putting a priest on a pedestal was demolished.  Right there, I understood then how the priest became a brother with us and a father for us.   


  1. Maybe they should all go to confession for throwing the Bishop under the bus.

  2. Let's see the Bishop removed Not only a Rapist but a murderer from church ground, In which she was doing his job and then refused to sell Church property For a Deacon's management, 30 years and no one came forward ??? And now a bulletin board pops up, Anyone been molested Rewards of $500000, $500000 will make anyone tell a lie, Even if it destroys in innocent man, There should a been a private investigation.

  3. I’ve never seen our local priests go to confession too. I’ve seen them give confessions to parishioners, yes. Who do our local priests confess to? Do they go to the archbishop or another priest for confession? Do they confess their sins directly to God?

    1. I wonder if the Pope Confession Is about giving a bad judgment on an innocent ArchBishop

    2. Dear Anonymous at 5:16 pm,

      Let us not judge the Pope. I have a feeling that the Pope knew that Archbishop Apuron was innocent otherwise he would have sentenced him to a life of prayer away from children. But he did not. There is nothing in his penalty saying that he must stay away from children. The only thing he was told to stay away from was Guam. Therefore, it sounds like the verdict was based on politics because obviously the Vatican did not see him as a threat around children. The Pope has his reasons, and we are unaware of it. We need to place our trust that God has a better plan.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:06 pm,

      I would be laughing if our local priests confess their sins directly to God. 😄

  4. I am sure priests confess their sins with a brother priest through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. God knows.

  5. Sadly, priests I know say that few parishioners received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I myself see the handful of people waiting to confess their sins with a priest before Mass. And see practically everyone attending Mass lining up to receive Communion. This seems to be common in parishes just about everywhere.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:26 pm,

      Perhaps what is needed in the parish is a time for reconciliation alone, but then, I wonder how many parishioners would show up? Would the parishioners show up, knowing that there will not be be a Mass, only reconciliation?

    2. Dear anon at 4:26
      I think this is a problem of the times. We have been lead to believe that we are not sinners that we are all good and even to think that certain mortal sins are not sin.
      Hilariously enough the same people who convince us that sins are not sins later virtue signal for the most idiotic things.
      Let us pray that the announcement of the good news may reach this generation and they may see that hell does indeed exist and sin leads us to it even to live hell in this life.

  6. I'm a person who goes to confession almost weekly and I can tell you that the more conscious you are of your sins the more sinful you realize you are even if they are venial,and the more grateful and eager you will be to go to confession.This whole receiving communion when a person needs to confess is really awful because the only way we will feel Jesus is in a state of grace.The reason many people don't see him in the blessed sacrament is because they take the sacrament of reconciliation for granted first.Its actually sacrilege for a person to receive communion without confession.Who does it harm more? The individual.It is said that if you do,you will only feel your own sins.This had happened to me one time because I didn't make it to confession one day a few months back,but I wanted the host so bad.I took it anyway,and I lost appreciation for it because I took it for granted.But it taught me a lesson to never take the host if I wasn't in a state of grace.So many people take the Eucharist for granted.But Jesus is really there! I'm used to going to Latin mass so I don't hold the host in my hands very often.When I receive him in a NCW mass,I don't get scandalized but instead I realize "Oh my goodness Jesus is in my own hands and now I must protect every little piece given to me" and I start carefully consuming it and sometimes I lick my palms almost entirely to make sure no crumbs are left behind.The jungle should be more worried about people not taking Jesus in a state of grace than on the way the NCW takes him.Because many people do not even take him in the state of grace,and they are missing out on something absolutely beautiful!

    -Anonymous Dominican

  7. Why does the jungle hate the NCW so much ?? They found a way to get rid of their Bishop A Bishop who is born in Guam In innocent Bishop and Now NCW, With all that hate look what happened to Tim Now with no family John no longer here I wish the fake victims will read this Maybe There's time To save their souls.
