Blog Song

Friday, November 23, 2018

Kudos To The NCW Youth

Kudos to Guam's NCW youth who left to Saipan to help in the recovery effort, which was devastated by Super Typhoon Yutu.  God bless you!!  

And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

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  1. There is no comfort doing the work of the Lord in a recent pilgrimage of NCW youth to Saipan. All work's of the Holy Spirit.

  2. WYD Panama is in January 2019. Haven't heard of any organized plans to go there. Did the Rome and Saipan pilgrimages replace any plans to go to Panama?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:41 pm,

      I do not think the 50th anniversary Rome pilgrimage replaced the WYD. I heard that there were no organized plans to go to the WYD Panama, but the NCW can still go, but they go on their own. It would also be difficult for many of our youth to attend WYD Panama because they will still be in school in January.

      At any rate, the NCW have always participated in the WYD that the jungle even claimed that we hijacked the WYD. Well, since the NCW is not making an organized plan on attending WYD Panama next year, then this will give the Archdiocese or the parishes the opportunity to organize it themselves. Surely, they do not depend solely on the NCW to represent Guam in the WYD Panama?

    2. I remember several years ago, at least one parish organized a WYD pilgrimage separate from the NCW youth. Guam schools are in session in January and youth would miss a couple weeks of classes.

    3. Anon @ 4:49pm
      Not necessarily. If you organize using the weekend and just make it a few days you'd only miss a couple days of class.
