Blog Song

Saturday, October 27, 2018

My Response to the Non-Resident Anonymous

To the anonymous person who wrote that he/she is not from Guam and is using my blog as his/her voice to those whose ears can hear.........

First of all, I would not know that you are from Guam or not simply because you did not choose a username that would distinguish you from the rest of those who go by the same name "Anonymous."  It is only a matter of inventing a username, which some people like "Faithfully yours", "God is one", "Jokers Wild", and "Jane Doe" had done.

Secondly, you are blind to think that following Archbishop Byrnes' instruction will make the jungle hatred go away.  As anyone can plainly see, the NCW followed Archbishop Byrnes' instruction on celebrating the Eucharist inside the Church and in consuming the Body of Christ standing.  Yet, it is clear from the comments in the jungle that they hate us even more.  Therefore, it is YOU who needs to open your eyes.    

In the third place, my blog will not be used to spread propaganda against the Way.  Mine is not the only blog where you can make comments.  You can always post comments in the jungle, which boasts of having over 8 million page viewers.  You can also write your own blog.  No one is stopping you from creating your own blog.  However, your comments were not published because my blog will not be used to spread your propaganda. 

Finally, the NCW in Guam and elsewhere in the world have always followed the Archbishop or Bishop of their country.  When Archbishop Anthony Apuron was in charge, we followed his instructions on how to celebrate the Eucharist.  We do not follow YOUR instructions because you are not the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana.  Now that Archbishop Byrnes is in charge, we followed his instructions.  We do not follow your instructions because you are not the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana.  The same is true with the NCW worldwide.  There are hundreds of bishops who support the Way and all of them are in communion with the Pope.  We are told to follow the Bishop, NOT a layperson like you.  We do not follow any layperson, which is the reason why we do not follow YOUR instructions.  End of story.  


  1. I see a lot of positive "+" coming from the way, A lot of negative -coming from the jungle and the CCOG All the lost of the church property The loss of a good Bishop A Innocent Bishop Who is from Guam, Where is Tim and his picket line Now ? What a shame For the people in Guam They deserve better.

  2. JW has lost all credibility since Rohr has been accused of sexual abuse and beating his wife and kids. JW is speaking out against abortion, but Rohr was accused of beating his wife while she's pregnant. If her allegations are true, then Rohr's stand against abortion becomes questionable.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      You have a point there. According to KUAM news:

      "She details being in an abusive marriage claiming Rohr boxed, kicked, choked, and stomped on her while she was pregnant, and held her upside down against the wall as she pleaded for him to stop. All of this, she alleges, occurred as two of their young children watched."

      If what Rohr's ex-wife said is true, one then has to wonder and question the jungle's stand against abortion....that is if the allegation is true. Kicking and hitting a pregnant woman can harm the unborn baby, probably even cause a miscarriage.

    2. I met Tim & Leone Rohr about 10 years ago and to be honest I have a hard time imagining Tim holding Leone upside down. She’s taller than Tim and has big bones compared to him. She sure doesn’t look like someone who could be manhandled IMO.

    3. I met Tim and Leone 10 years ago too. Leone weighed much less 10 years ago and wasn’t big-boned at all. Her daughters look like her. Slender.

  3. Dear Diana,
    re your "Secondly, you are blind to think that following Archbishop Byrnes' instruction will make the jungle hatred go away."
    My posting had absolutely nothing to do with the jungle; it had everything to do with the world-wide way the NCW celebrates their Mass with the unapproved additions and deletions.
    re your "In the third place, my blog will not be used to spread propaganda against the Way."
    The words I printed refer to what Popes/Saints have and are saying re the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is NOT my propaganda, it is theirs! I'm just the messenger.
    re your "You can also write your own blog."
    If I do, I will inform you. Will you let your readers know??

    Finally, re your last paragraph, please refer to what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says in 883 "The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peter's successor, as its head." As such, this college has "supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but this power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff."
    If the NCW follow the Bishops who are not in union with the Pope(s) on this issue and who are not correcting the errors of the NCW Mass, such as "denying Communion on the tongue as per Pope Francis' catechesis on the Mass this summer of 2018," they may claim to be obedient to their Bishop, but they are disobeying the Pope.
    And if NCW members are afraid/unwilling to correct the errors which exist within their Man-designed Liturgy, they are collaborating with the enemy - the spirit of deception; the spirit of pride; the spirit of disobedience.
    This is sent with no ill will towards you or the NCW. It is sent in love, and with love of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
    The truth will set you free.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:07 pm,

      Get a username so everyone knows that you are the one who is not from Guam.

      It does not matter that you are not from the jungle. The jungle got all their information from the same anti-Neo source that you also obtained from. All repeat the exact same complaint because all got it from the same source.

      You asked if I will let my readers know once yo created your own blog. My answer is no.

      It has already been over 50 years. If the NCW is wrong, the Vatican would have disciplined the NCW and its founder. Instead, Kiko Arguello was awarded a Doctorate by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in May 2009. In June 2013, Kiko Arguello was given an honorary doctorate from the John Paul II Catholic University in Poland for his contribution in the renewal of the Church. And in August 2014, Kiko Arguello was confirmed as the Consultor for the Pontifical Council of the Laity by Pope Francis for another five years. The NCW has been in existence for over 50 years, and not once has the Vatican disciplined the NCW and its founder. Instead, they gave him awards. That alone should have told you something! The reason why the Vatican have not disciplined Kiko Arguello is because he has obtained the permission from the Holy See to celebrate the Eucharist the way it has been celebrated worldwide. If he had not obtained that permission, he would have been disciplined rather than given awards. That alone says it all. It has already been over 50 years. Stop bringing up the same old argument. Move one, and that is said with tough love.

    2. Dear Anonymous, we are not afraid of criticism, on the contrary, we welcome sound opinions and views of New Evangelization which NCW is part of. We ask you to be honest and open. When you repeat the same arguments we have answered over and over many times in the past, then you make an impression that you are just pushing forward an agenda but do not care about any response. This is what is considered politically motivated propaganda! If you are interested in real answers then you ask real questions and don't just push forward politically motivated propaganda.

      If you ask honest and open questions then I am sure it will be appreciated and published.

      You talk about "unapproved additions and deletions" to the Celebration of the Eucharist, but could not name any. Because there are none! You claim NCW is denying Communion on the tongue. Really? Have you ever been at a Celebration of the Eucharist in the communities? Then you would know the Holy Host at our masses is not a piece of wafer but a piece of bread that is the Body of Christ! Now, tell me please, how would you place a piece of bread on the tongue? If you do, the person may choke or spit out the Holy Host which is not an intention. Would it be for you?! What you say is technically impossible.

      You talk about love. Well, my standard of love is St. Paul: "4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth." (1 Cor 13:4-6) If you claim love but you are impatient and unkind, you are arrogant and rude, even resentful, who will believe you?

      It is hypocritical to invoke the love of Christ while you are resenting your brother. If you deprive yourself from the true meaning of pure emotions, then how could your life be steered into the safety of salvation? We Christians believe salvation is coming from imitating Christ by loving your enemy and laying down your life for her/him! Yes, if you are unable to sacrifice your life for your enemy, then how could you be a Christian, a follower of Christ? If you do not have love in your heart as St. Paul sang about it in his beautiful Hymn of Love, then why are you not a hypocrite, a Pharisee who causes the death of the most precious person alive, our Lord, again and again in our time?

    3. Dear Anon at 4:07
      If you know so much that what we are doing is wrong why don't you take your concerns to the Vatican. Oh that's right because you're against the Catholic Church and think you know more than the prefect of the faith and pope Benedict who has personally read all that is taught by the neocatechumenal way approved and it and provided references to church documents like the catechism of the Catholic Church to support what the way says.


  5. Bravo Diana.... :)))) That's the way
