Blog Song

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Announcement on Comments

Dear Readers, 

There has been a large number of positive comments on either a post or this blog.  Although I appreciate the positive comments, it gives no depth or substance to the discussion. Therefore, these comments have not been published.  This blog is a place for discussion.  Please stick to the OP.    

Thank you, 


  1. How is Tim Roth still posting on his website when his children are accusing him of abuse?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:35 am,

      From time to time, he would post on his blog. Other times, it would be Frenchie. At any rate, hardly anyone has been making comments in the jungle.

    2. No one has been making comments in JW because their credibility has been shot. Rohr wants people to believe he's innocent, but the accusation is coming from his ex-wife and his daughters. He's not taking any responsibility for the breakup of his marriage. He quotes a lot of Catholic femininity in his Facebook page, but nothing about Catholic masculinity. What does that tell you?

  2. In a KUAM story, Delia Wolff is accusing the Archdiocese of ‘acting in bad faith’ and ‘She further alleges the Church is using a different realtor to handle these transactions and have failed to provide plaintiffs with the appraisals to show the fair market value of the assets: "These appraisals are documents we were light of these revelations we are having to rethink going to mediation."’

    Where is CCOG now? They call themselves the Concerned Catholics Of Guam. Why is CCOG silent on this issue of clergy sexual abuse victims attorney, Delia Wolff, asking the whereabouts of promised documents? CCOG, LFM and the Jungle were relentless is demanding documents from the Way and the RMS. CCOG, LFM and the Jungle are hypocrites.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:41 pm,

      What does that mean when Delia Wolff alleged that the Archdiocese is using a different realtor to handle the finances? Are there two different realtor?

    2. I think KUAM should investigate that allegation. Why have 2 different realtors and who is the second realtor?

    3. Where is CCOG's David Sablan? Why is he not asking for transperancy of the Archdiocese's actions as he insisted and demanded of the RMS?

      Maybe he is preparing for his court case in October on 'charges of official misconduct, conspiracy and violating the Open Government'. Don't know how he can chastise the Way and the RMS when he supposedly engaged in shady secret GHURA board meetings which he chaired.
