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Monday, August 6, 2018

2015 the Great Mission

I found this video of the 2015 Great Mission in Guam.  Great video! A community was born in Yigo as a result of the 2015 Great Mission. 


  1. New school year and our young people are heading back to school. Also, parish faith formation classes will begin anew soon. Sadly, I hear faith formation for the youth is severely lacking at St. Anthony Church. Don't know the situation at other parishes.

    This is a great opportunity for Catechesis! Has Bishop Byrnes made any decisions regarding Catechesis starting again? What about our communities? Will Bishop Byrnes bend to the demands of those against the Way on Guam?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:34 pm,

      We move foward. We continue to walk the tripod. Continue to walk and speak to your catechists.

  2. Why is it the people the three people in the jungle still hating they got what they wanted which to destroy the church and giving all the Marchers badges for what ?? To have a yard sale at the Seminary in which it was doing good

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:54 am,

      They are losing their credibility and they know it. The founder of Junglewatch has been accused of child physical and sexual abuse. Now they have very little support. Most people blame the lawsuits on the jungle. Even Klitzkie has become a Junglewatch in politics and is losing ground.

    2. The reason they suffer is because their faith is a faith before and not a faith after. I remember how I was before walking in NCW. It was before. I was suffering. Then something happened at initial catechesis when God asked me where are you?

      Am I in bondage or sojourning in the desert?
      Am I marching toward the promised land or am I escaping in fear?
      Where am I?
      Where was I?

      This realization gave me the gestation. Now my faith is not before but after. My suffering turned joy in the Father. After your faith is in gestation, it is not the same. That is what they don't know. They don't know their faith is not after. Not yet. They are suffering. They need the true Word of God. They need gestation.

      Remember what our catechists told us. We were full of demons. We did not know about it that made it more dangerous. When you are full of demons, then you are possessed. Then you are suffering. Then demons act in you, rather than Jesus, rather than the Holy Spirit. I want Jesus in me and not the demons. I don't want to suffer. I want to do the works of faith, not the works of the devil. Remember we all wanted that. That is the single reason we walk.

      They should be abhorred by their demons. If they look inside, they find possession. Bondage to sin. Suffering. That is who they are. That is who we are. We are all the same in sin and in suffering. The price of sin is death. But we walk away from sin and they don't. They don't even know it. Their demons made them blind. We have to tell them with love, brother walk away from sin, walk away from your demons. You need gestation in faith, brother. You need to convert. You need a faith after and not before. Listen to the loving call of the Father. Conceive faith by the Holy Spirit. The Lord is risen, alleluia! This is our victory.

      We have to tell them. It is our great mission.

    3. I recall our catechists consistently reminding us that God will turn all these events into a good. Into something better. So we are encouraged to continue our walk. With the tripod of Word, Liturgy and Community.

      'Do not judge'. We are admonished by our catechists, Pope Francis and Jesus to not judge. Very difficult to do. But for the most part, I think the brothers have been humble and quiet with all the persecutions and the closing of the RMS Guam.

    4. It is a blessing from the Father so we endure persecution. This is how to be humble. We embrace the Lord of cross in tears every day. We humbly carry on the cross. This is our walking. Persecution is when we blocked from the Lord. When we are prevented from practicing tripod. When the bishop tells us things.

      What a bliss is to endure suffering for the Savior! What a bliss is to sweat the scourging of the persecutor. We are made humble for praising God. We grew complacent with RMS on board. We took it for granted that we'll have our presbyters of convenience forever. But convenience is the enemy of a humble heart. Lord Jesus, make me humble that I may love your cross and never leave you.

      Bishop Byrnes is blessing in disguise. He thinks we are crushed while we are invigorated. He smiles as we sweat tears. But our tears are turning into pears to adore the cross of suffering with. He closed the place of our stumbling. Be blessed his name. Now, we avoid stumbling in pride. Pride of heart even if hidden is poverty in spirit. Our reason to be humble is Jesus.

  3. It’s funny that Janet B. Uses Wonder Woman as her logo. The name of Wonder Woman is Diana. 😀 Janet B. must really envy you Diana.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      I think Wonder Woman is her favorite super hero. However, my super hero is better than Wonder Woman, which is why I use his image as my avatar. My super hero is Jesus Christ. Unlike Wonder Woman, He is a REAL person. Wonder Woman is a fictional character that does not exist. :-)

  4. Diana I believe that they are trying to influence the appeal just like they did in February or March when that man came out accusing the Archbishop

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:24 am,

      Yes. De ja vu. Same thing all over again. Someone is so desperate to influence the Appeals trial.

    2. JW was also the first one who reported the new allegation before any of the news media. The news media reported in the late afternoon. JW already announced it early in the morning. Again, sounds fishy. Another “orchestrated” allegation.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:19 am,

      I would not even be surprised if the jungle already knew the identity of D.M.

  5. Diana, how would you know that this new allegation is related to JW's doing?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:14 pm,

      See my response in the following weblink:
