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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Redemptoris Mater: Where seminarians are trained to stay in Holy Land


  1. Diana I know this is going off topic but I would like to tell you that the pay for souls box is back at the Agana cathedral

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:14 am,

      Pay for souls box??? I have no idea what you are talking about.

  2. The box that the jungle labeled as a pay for souls when Monsignor David was the rector at the cathedral the one that is in the front of the cathedral

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:38 am,

      The only box I remember was a donation box for tourists to pay.

    2. Yeah I know but remember they made a big deal about that box

  3. Glad there is no more RMS seminary on Guam.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:47 pm,

      Malicious comments like yours only show an irrational hatred. We pray that the Holy Spirit gives you a little candle so that the light from that little candle can dispel the darkness you are in.

  4. In the jungle Timmy's back starting up again talking about everybody hiding I think he's the one that should be hiding for what he done


    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:48 pm,

      Actually, Tim is trying to make himself feel better by accusing the others of hiding. What he does not realize is that the sexual abuse accusation against him is a lot worse than the rest combined. What makes it worse was that he was accused by his wife and daughters.....people who know him better than anyone else because they lived with him.

    2. Rohr has lost a lot of credibility since he was accused of child sexual abuse and child physical abuse.

  5. The seminary is not in the brightest position.Some were in hopes it would bring down the Neos.But we're not going anywhere.I remember someone saying "don't worry they'll just leave somewhere else because of intineracy" or something like that.If anything I can sense in the future intinerants will actually be coming TO Guam.Rather than leaving.This isn't some plan that's already in place it's more like a little prediction of mine.The seminary may have been harmed.But that will never stop those who god calls :)
