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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

NCW Saipan in Church News

How beautiful that the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa in Saipan published the NCW pilgrimage to Rome.  There were 50 pilgrims from Saipan who attended the 50th anniversary of the NCW in Rome.  And how beautiful that the pilgrims received a "send off blessing" from Bishop Ryan Jimenez before they left to Rome.  

Guam, on the other hand, did not receive any recognition from our Archdiocese.  We did not even receive any "send off blessing" from Archbishop Michael Byrnes.  Such shame, and there were 300 pilgrims from Guam.  Such shame.....well, so much for the year of reparation in Guam. Nevertheless, despite the fact that we did not receive any "send off blessing" from Archbishop Byrnes, we received a much higher and greater blessing in the end.  We represented the Church of Guam and received the blessing from Pope Francis.  

Congratulations to the brothers in Saipan and to your Bishop.  You can find the following article here.


Saipan Pilgrims Travelled to Rome for the 50th Anniversary of the Neocatechumenal Way

By: Julie Anne Loong
If you ask any of the pilgrims who participated early this month in the pilgrimage to Rome, to describe it in one word, they would reply with, “Beautiful.” In fact, it was more than beautiful. It was perfect.
On April 26, 2018, Bishop Ryan Jimenez bestowed a send- off blessing on 50 pilgrims from the parishes of Nuestra Señora Bethen De Los Remedios and San Vicente de Ferrer, including the parish priest Father Jason Granado, who travelled with them to participate in the meeting with Pope Francis and the initiators and international team of the Way, Kiko Arguello, Father Mario Pezzi, and Maria Ascension Romero, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Neocatechumenal Way in Italy.
These brothers and sisters joined over 200 more from communities in Guam, Palau, and Hawaii.
The pilgrimage officially began on the early morning of Sunday, April 29. The pilgrims embarked on roughly 48 hours of travel time including layovers and actual flight time; however, upon arrival at the Fiumicino Airport in Rome, Italy the joy and excitement on everyone’s faces were evident. Despite the bags under their eyes and obvious jet lag, they were all smiling.
About 150,000 people in communities around the world gathered on May 5 in the University of Tor Vergata, in the outskirts of Rome to give thanks to God for opening the Way. The flags of over 130 countries waved in the air under the perfectly blue sky.
Spending a week in Rome is an obvious bucket list goal, but being there during that time served a different purpose. It was to simply, as Pope Francis said in his speech, “Go!” It was to leave comfort zones by becoming a part of the mission and to go to announce the good news of the love of God to everyone.
“Go. The mission demands that we leave. But in life, there is a strong temptation to remain, not to take risks, to be content with having the situation under control. It is easier to stay at home, surrounded by those who love us, but it is not Jesus’ way. He sends us out: ‘Go’. He does not use half measures. He does not authorize reduced transfers or reimbursed trips, but he says to His disciples, to all his disciples one word only: ‘Go!’. Go: a powerful call that resonates in every corner of Christian life; a clear invitation always to be outbound, pilgrims in the world in the search for the brother who still does not know the joy of God’s love.”
Pope Francis also sent out 34 new missio ad gentes, communities consisting of a priest and three to five families with children, to various countries as well as 25 communities to parishes in the Diocese of Rome.
At the end of the meeting, Kiko led the assembly in singing the Te Deum in order to give praise to God.
The architecture of the buildings dating back to as early as the 11th century were a drastic change from the fruiting mango trees and tin roofs back home.
The pilgrims were given the opportunity to see the incorrupt bodies and tombs of numerous saints and former popes, world-famous buildings and art pieces created by Renaissance artists.
During a 10am mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, four youth from Saipan (Julius Reyes, Trinity Camacho, Leveque Iguel, and Margo Quitugua) had the grace of being selected to bring up the water, ciborium, and chalice during the offertory. They were given blessings by the cardinal who presided the mass along a mixture of more than 20 other archbishops, priests, and cardinals, and were seated on the farthest front pew below the Chair of St. Peter with hundreds of parishioners behind them.
The tomb of Saint Francis Assisi, St. Peter’s Square and Basilica, St. Paul’s Basilica, and The Basilica of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem where a fragment of the true cross of Jesus Christ and other holy relics are on display were a few of the main destinations visited during their stay in Italy.
They returned almost two weeks later, carrying happiness and unforgettable experiences.
“We thank all our benefactors and brothers who continuously supported us and helped us go on this pilgrimage through generous donations and prayers. Most of all, we thank God for yet another year of the Neocatechumenal Way, another year of miracles, for the pilgrimage, and for the countless blessings he has given us through it.”
(Julie is a parishioner of Santa Remedios, Tanapag) 


  1. Yeah. That's kinda sad that AB Brynes didn't give us a send-off blessing. How does he intend to bring unity, healing, and reparation when he makes himself part of the problem? What kind of example is he setting?

  2. In all dioceses of the world the bishops blessed the pilgrims who were going to Rome. Only one thing you can do, pray for your bishop and love him as he is

    1. Pray that he is able to convert from where he is standing right now.

  3. I am sorry to say you did not represent the Archdiocese of Guam. You represented the NCW in Guam. That is a big difference. I loved the times when NCW did not even vie for the blessing of the bishop/s but instead just go and attend the conferences/convivences.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:13 am, 

      Your comment only goes to show that it had always been your hatred that caused the division. We celebrate the Eucharist outside the Church building, and you say we are not Catholic. Now that we celebrate inside the Church building as per Archbishop Byrnes' instruction, you still say the same thing. 

      The members of the NCW represents the Catholic Church of Guam. That is the truth, and I know the truth hurts you. But you need to see the truth so that your hatred can burn less bright. Hatred caused the division. 

      Look at the brothers of Saipan. You see a lot of youth. This is what the devil hates. Satan attacks the Catholic Church because she can bring many youth to her through her many charisms. The NCW is only one of those many charisms in the Catholic Church. And if Archbishop Byrnes had given a send off blessing to those in Guam, he would have seen many youth and families. 

      Hate and jealousy is the reason of the division.

    2. Diana, you don't represent me, because I am not part of the Way. Your pilgrimage to Rome was to celebrate Golden Jubilee of the Neocatechumenal way. It is the Neocatechumenal Way movement on Guam that you represent. Please don't include me in your representation.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:17 pm, 

      I never said I represented you. We represented the Church of Guam because we are part of the Church of Guam, despite that we are from different parishes. We also represent our island because we are from Guam, and we proudly held up our island's flag.

      You do not need us to expel you. You expelled yourself from the Church. After all, isn't that what happened? When an RMS priest was assigned to a parish, people like you took it upon themselves to leave the parish. We did not tell you to leave nor did we drive you out. You left on your own.

    4. @ 9:13AM.....
      When Jesus, the Light, healed a man born blind, the Pharisees condemned Him for breaking the Sabbath. They were the real blind men who live in the darkness of their spiritual pride and wouldnt admit their need for Jesus. The blind man had true sightgenuine faith. Examine your spiritual eyesight, and focus your vision on Jesus as the Light of the World.

  4. Ouch....@ anon 9:13am.....The NCW is a gift to the church here in Guam.,.i guess some gifts are not appealing but given out of love....anyways, its a gift like the multi-colored sweater i received from my kept me warm in cold weather just when i needed it...

  5. Diana, Apuron brought the NCW into Guam covertly. Why didn't he informed the people of this island that the NCW was being introduced here on our island. Like I stated earlier, where are the the NCW priests that were ordained here on Guam. I grew up on this island and resided in places from the United States and Europe and I never heard of families going on mission or any priests asking families to go on mission. This concept was introduced by the NCW and their founders. Just remember the controversies that were aligned with the NCW here on Guam. Yes, people left the church because all of the controversies.

    1. Dear 5EE445,

      You know very well that Archbishop Apuron did not bring in the NCW covertly. There were in Guam since 1999. You only complained about them in 2013 when Father Paul was removed. For the last four years, the jungle wanted the Seminary shut down and all RMS seminarians out of the island. They wanted to drive out all RMS priests from their parishes and out of Guam. Now, that you have accomplished that, why are you complaining? Are you not happy?

    2. Dear 5EE445,
      You write ignorant statements as if they were truth.
      1. The first family in mission was the family of Aquila and priscilla who helped st. paul to evangelize. Tradition says that the family of Lazarus went in mission to France. The benedictines regularly formed monasteries in pagan lands especially Germany with families in mission. Etc etc etc. this is the tradition of the Church. And even if families in mission were not a church tradition, are you saying that if God wants to start something new he needs your opinion to do it?
      2. A bishop doesn’t need to inform anyone if he wants to introduce something new to his diocese. However Apuron did inform people and priests because he wanted a high response. How was he going to get people to go to catechesis if he didn’t tell them about them? What you say is not just ignorant it is stupid.
      3. All controversies started in Guam because there are ignorant people like you who have been fed lies by evil people like Rohr and Benavente.
      3. The movements of all the RMS priests is up to the bishop. Ask Byrnes where they are. And if you don’t agree with his decisions you can talk to him.


    3. Thank you for the lesson on church history Anonymous 12:27 am, but you don't have to be stupid or ignorant to see what fruits the NCW has produced for Guam. And to Diana, I am just disheartened about all the problems that our beloved Archdiocese is experiencing. Peace.

    4. That’s exactly right. You don’t need to be ignorant or stupid to see how the NCW has helped marriages, youth, helped people meet God, find hope, change lives, fostered vocations, provides instruction in the faith, brought people back to the church. You would have to be terribly blind or deceived or evil not to recognize these things.

    5. Glad to hear that the NCW has helped people that have challenges in their lives. If the NCW is doing all these good things, I wonder why some of my family members and friends have quit being in the NCW. If you are a NEO, I find some hatred in your use of words. Peace.

    6. Dear 5EE445,

      The NCW is not for everyone. The fact that some of your family members and friends were able to leave only goes to show that we are not a cult. A person is free to leave the NCW and they are also free to stay. The choice is theirs to make.

    7. I don't understand why some people prefer ignorance over reliable sources. True sources can always be relied upon. Then why to look for ignoring that knowledge? I guess this is what can safely be called "stupid". Division is coming from love vs. hatred. We keep our 2+ hours liturgies apart so there is no division. We believers represent love because God loved us first. The source of all love is God. He poured out love richly to all who believe. Those who hate, hate because they were hated first. Not by God but by Lucifer the deceiver. The source of all deception is the evil one. Those who hate are not serving God.

      We as believers follow everything the church tells us in the approved documents. Locally, we follow the Archbishop's ordinances. We are in service of the bishop in ecclesial matters: we teach, lead and evangelize. But we know that love begets love and hatred begets hatred. We follow the Vatican II tradition, also the early church tradition, so we are rightly called “traditionalists.” Haters surround the Archbishop, guess what is begotten. The Archbishop "forgot" to bless the pilgrims who went to meet the Pope in Rome. We don't hate anyone. It is just bad that the Archbishop was influenced by the haters.

      Now you see the source of division that is not coming from us. Ignorant and "stupid" comments won't help much. We are sinners, okay? Aren’t you? A believer can never say s/he is fine without the risen Christ. How could you be? Without him you are incapable of love. Don’t listen to heresy. We follow Christ who is the love of God, because we are the believers. Haters, even if bishops are among them, actually follow whom? It is time to admit!

    8. Dear Anonymous at 10:17 pm,

      Sin causes division. When Adam and Eve sinned, their sin separated them from God. God loves all sinners including those who oppose the NCW.

      We are not better than them because we are also sinners. There are some of us in the Way who cannot pray for Tim Rohr. If we are truly love, then we must also love our persecutors. And how can we love, when some of us cannot even pray for Tim Rohr?

    9. To say that statements are ignorant and stupid is not an insult it is a statement of fact. When someone passes for truth something that is not truth that falsehood needs to be pointed out. The anonymous that is getting offended is not admitting that he is wrong. Instead he is taking offense. offense to the person intended... but if you don’t want what you post to be considered ignorant and stupid don’t post ignorant and stupid statements.

    10. Dear Diana, God wanted to do something new. He is awesome, He does not need permission from anyone. I personally cannot pray for Rohr, only for his family. He is the persecutor. There is only one persecutor of faith who is the evil one. Everybody who hates belong to the same one persecutor. God is doing something new with us. Everything is wonderful and exceptional that He does. We are no exception. We are the same what God does with us. That is what they don't understand and they persecute us. Always the same old persecutor.

      I know I should pray for Rohr and Byrnes who persecute us. But just think of it. Rohr is a bully. His daughters say he is a naked bully walking around in the kitchen. They are just giggly-giggly about their father who is such a jerk. He is also bully in court. He bullies our Archbishop and presbyters he does not like. Perhaps he should stand and testify at court as he is, a naked bully so everyone would know!

      God is not telling me to pray for the persecutor who is the one and same old accuser who deceives, the evil one. He is called by human names like Rohr and Sablan and Lujan and Klietzkie and Byrnes. But is it not the same thing? We are persecuted for faith and our presbyters are targeted. Is this right, Diana?

    11. Dear Anonymous at 11:43 am, 

      Rohr once wrote in his blog that he wakes up every morning, asking God whether he should continue his campaign against Archbishop Apuron and the NCW. And every time, he said he heard "Yes."

      In the NCW, we are taught to seriously discern before making a major decision because sometimes we think we are following God's will when in truth we are really following our own will or listening to an evil spirit. When Rohr's marriage fell apart, he still thought that he was following God's will and even misinterpreted Luke 14:26 to justify his actions. Rohr forgets that Satan is also capable of quoting scripture and twisting it to deceive people. That is what he did to Christ in the desert, but Christ was not deceived.

      In this case, I disagree with you because Christ was very clear when he said we should love those who persecute us. The REAL enemy is not Rohr, Sablan, or Lujan. The real enemy has always been Satan, who deceived and misled many people. The Apostle Paul said that our battle is not against flesh and blood. We battle against the spiritual forces of darkness.

    12. Diana, these people are dark matter. You say forces of darkness. Yes, but dark matter is emanating from the forces of darkness. It is coming from Satan who is the evil one. Defeating the evil one means defeating his human names as Rohr and Sablan and Lujan and Klietzkie and Byrnes.

    13. Dear Anonymous at 2:32 pm,

      Rohr, Sablan, Lujan, Klitzkie, and Byrnes are our brothers. We are not their judge. Allow God to be the one to judge them.

      As you can already see, things are beginning to unravel itself, and the NCW did nothing.

      Sablan has a court case coming up. Many of the allegations are citef against him. Michael Duenas has already pleaded guilty and will be testifying against Sablan.

      Tim Rohr is in a custody battle and is facing the same allegations he accused Archbishop Apuron. Imagine the irony of that. This case against Rohr pierces his heart because his accusers are his wife and his children....the people who know him best.

    14. Dear Diana, my standard of love is 1 Cor 13:4-7

      "Love is patient, love is kind. ... It it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

      I am sorry but I am angered by these people and I keep record of their malicious deeds. What did they do to our Archbishop, our presbyters, our seminary? They are wrong and wrong again. I don't protect them but want to see them going down. Klietzkie is not a real lawyer. Byrnes is not our Archbishop. I would not trust any penny on these people. Sorry, I just cannot.

      Will they be judged? Well, I know Sablan is a criminal but Lujan will protect him. Rohr has no court case against him. What we know are buried in divorce papers. So all these guys may walk free very soon. If God truly wanted to judge them, we could be the arms of judgment.

    15. Diana what do you mean that Archbishop Byrnes is your brother? I have never heard that he would have relatives on Guam.

      You try to patronize him, but he is so much more than a "brother". He is the spiritual superior of all Catholics on this island. You owe him honor and respect as to the person who was send to you by the Holy Spirit to guide your soul on a safe path of spiritual journey.

      You could be nostalgic for a previous bishop, but how would this help you in acknowledging the realities of the current state of the Catholic church?

    16. Dear Anonymous at 11:51 am,

      When Pope Francis met with the inmates in Philadelphia, he stated to them: "I am here as a pastor, but above all as a brother, to share your situation and to make it my own. I have come so that we can pray together and offer our God everything that causes us pain, but also everything that gives us hope, so that we can receive from him the power of the resurrection."

      Every priest and bishop is a brother WITH us and a father FOR us. That is why when even a bishop addresses a crowd, he begins with "Dear Brothers and Sisters." In other words, the bishops and priests addresses us as brothers and sisters rather than sons and daughters because together with us, we are all brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church.

      However, every priest and bishop are "Father" FOR us because in God's family, there is always a spiritual head.

    17. In an informal situation you may ask him if you could call him "brother". Yes. But when you condemn him for "persecuting" (what does it mean for you?) then calling him a brother is patronizing. He is a legal church authority high above you. You don't call your boss "brother" at your workplace, even if you attend the same church. What do you say about owing honor and respect to him as to a person of authority above you?

    18. Dear Anonymous at 1:08 pm,

      You are only picking an argument. I was not patronizing Archbishop Byrnes. This is what I stated:

      "Rohr, Sablan, Lujan, Klitzkie, and Byrnes are our brothers. We are not their judge."

      In this context, I was placing Archbishop Byrnes as a brother together with all of us as one in the entire Catholic Church.

      I would call my boss my brother in Church because in Church all are brothers and sisters in Christ. In Church, I pay more honor and respect to God than to my boss.

  6. I don't know but I like this message and it can apply to all of us....

    JAMES 5, 7 - 11
    Now be patient, brothers, until the Lord's coming. Think of a farmer: how patiently he waits for the precious fruit of the ground until it has had the autumn rains and the spring rains! You too must be patient; do not lose heart, because the Lord's coming will be soon.

    Do not make complaints against one another, brothers, so as not to be brought to judgement yourselves; the Judge is already to be seen waiting at the gates. For your example, brothers, in patiently putting up with persecution, take the prophets who spoke in the Lord's name; remember it is those who had perseverance that we say are the blessed ones. You have heard of the perseverance of JOB and understood the Lord's purpose, realising that the Lord is kind and compassionate.

    Peace and love,

  7. $17k missing at Saint Anthony School...............................................................................................was there another Anniversary Celebration and we werent invited?.............................Come on Byrnes, what are you waiting for?

    1. Just waiting for the jungle and ccog to blame the ncw for the missing money. They will find a way to blame the ncw and rms priests for this fiasco.

    2. Who are in charge at St. Anthony's?

    3. Peace be with your spirits!

      There are only few details about this St. Anthony situation brothers, so with this, we put ourselves in a place to make unfair judgements or insinuations, these are the tricks the devil places in front of us and obviously, we are getting caught in these traps. Why? Because the devil is pissed.

      First, the Holy Spirit has veiled us all on Pentecost (having graces upon us), then many brothers came back from the pilgrimage and audience with the Holy Father Pope Francis - filled with joy, love and consolation (transmitting the joy to others), then during Easter tide till Pentecost the great and popular missions were happening all over the world for where there are communities (saving lives or bringing others closer to God), and last but not least, persecution is significantly evident and experienced here in Guam!

      Why is the devil pissed that there is persecution here on Guam and in particular with this charism? Because enduring persecution is that we are standing for the TRUTH - for our Catholic faith, for our love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, for His Holy mother Mary and most importantly for God and His love for all. Hence, the devil is really pissed.

      For us, knowing this love of God should be enough - let's remind ourselves that God is in control. Also, many questioned why the brothers in the way do not say much or do much to all these untruths about the Neocatechumenal Way, it is because we try to desire to be silent like the lamb brought to the slaughter with tremendous hope that God will have mercy - like Isaac. Yes, sometimes the path of suffering has resistance but we can pray for perseverance. Right? We understand that God's plan is in His time and ALWAYS is beautiful.

      So then we too, brothers, should look at our current Archbishop with mercy and pray for that he perseveres - he is ANOINTED (just like David son of Jesse) and chosen by the Lord to conduct a mission - mission we don't know and often do not understand. We have been taught to look at the other as Christ. Once we can do this, we will experience peace.

      Finally, just a small note, news media is not always providing all the details and we only hope that journalist/reporters are reminded of their code of ethics on being truthful, fair, accurate, etc., at least I am hoping they follow a principle. So we pray for them too, they have access to a power to give God's message to their readers - if done well, they can save many. Can you imagine if a journalist/reporter, if they can pass the Good News to people? People can be saved and make it into heaven. They ultimately make the choice to be sowers of weed (that grow to kill) or sowers of fruits (that grow to live). Imagine that!

      Okay I think I did a novel here. My apologies if it seemed that way. I pray though - that we all reconsider our actions before we post it in blogs and later regret it. Courage! God loves you and me!

    4. Hi Anonymous (June 1, 2018 @ 7:12 PM)! You hit the nail on the head. There is an anniversary coming up very very soon: On June 14 Msgr Bibi Arroyo will be celebrating his 57th Anniversary to the priesthood.

      You were probably thinking of Msgr James but his anniversary isn't until July.

  8. Diana, do you know why the 'alleged' pedophile and wife-n-child-abuser, Tim Rohr, is still posting hate speech in his blog against Archb. Apuron, Fr. John Wadeson, etc.?

    Didn't his lawyer told him to be quiet? Hasn't he done enough damage to his own family, his life, that now he wants to bring to his hell (of his own making) everyone he blames for his own -- little-sins?

    I just hope that God has mercy on him for he clearly has not learned his lesson and is pushing God's patience, which we know it has a limit.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:12 am,

      Tim Rohr is not posting in his blog. Those posts came from Bob Klitzkie, his lawyer.

    2. Rohr owns the blog. He permitted them to post there.

    3. Well, now Tim is posting in his blog.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 7:49 pm,

      Yes, but he is only quoting the Pacific Daily News.

      In a court, every effort is made to choose an impartial jury for a trial. That would be the right thing to do. You do not want to put in a juror who is biased.

      The same is true with Vincent Pereda. We already know he is biased and unfit to make any determination in Apuron's case because Vincent Pereda is part of the Junglewatch Nation. His wife is a member of LFM and seen protesting against Archbishop Apuron in front of the Cathedral. Vincent Pereda also declared Archbishop Apuron a serial sexual predator without interviewing any of the accusers. He only based his diagnosis on public statements from the media. No professional doctor or psychiatrist would ever make such a diagnosis of a person only from a newspaper.

      Vincent Pereda testified before the Guam Legislature in support of the bill, lifting the statutes of limitations. And anyone who read his testimony can see that he targeted Archbishop Apuron. In fact, he mentioned Apuron's name in his testimony 9 TIMES. Vincent Pereda was not giving a testimony in support of abused victims. His testimony is a support for only Apuron's accusers.

    5. Yes very true. Mary Lou Garcia-Pereda, the wife of Vincent Pereda and a member of LFM spoke to PNC news during her protest in front of the Cathedral. She already judged Apuron guilty. Her husband also judged him guilty BEFORE the canonical trial began. Byrnes is surrounded by junglefolks.

    6. Why don't Mr. Pereda turn around and use his expertise on Tim Rohr? Why pick on Apuron? Let's be fair and see what he has to say about Rohr?

  9. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++AVISO+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    (Will be published this weekend or the following)

    Msgr. Benavente James Transfers to Cathedral Basilica
    Fr. Crisostomo Michael transfers to Tamuning
    Fr. Efren transfers to Toto
    *Not sure if they will publish the whole list but I wanted to share this because apparently the Archdiocese feels that in order to proceed we must make the same mistakes twice. Msgr. who has this cloud of FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT over him is going back to the Cathedral which is/has been in a Mess even up until recently. The closing of the Gift Shop and the termination of many of the employees was not a decision made because of the lack of funds, there was more that was uncovered but never published. If we think the PDN is a biased media source, the Chancery is right up there with them.

    -Jokers Wild

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++NEW ASSIGNMENTS ARE EFF. JULY 1st++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    1. Interesting timing for Msgr James to leave St Anthony amidst $17,000 missing at the school...

    2. How long will Bishop Byrnes last on Guam? Don't think he expected the mess and politics of the diocese when he took over. What could trigger him to throw up his arms in disgust and frustration and return to Detroit? Wondering if all these shenanigans are a ploy by some local priests to position themselves as the next bishop...

    3. FYI Anonymous @ 9:24 AM: Msgr James has had nothing to do with the finances at St Anthony School even though you and your friends would like to think he's in charge of the school too. He's in charge of St Anthony Church. That's it: CHURCH, not School.

      Gone are the days when the pastors had any influence over what happened at the schools in their area. That's not only the case for St Anthony School but also Sta Barbara School. The pastors might provide space for school liturgies but those pastors do not have anything to do with the administration and finances of the schools in their areas.

      BTW: The accusation of financial mismanagement against Msgr James is going on 4 years old. Why has nobody filed charges against him if there are documents to prove his guilt? Someone should file a complaint with GPD or the AG and get the ball rolling instead of complaining on this blog.

      Someone needs to get a backbone and do something instead of just complaining. Is there anyone? Anyone?

    4. Dear brothers,

      Let us not lower ourselves to that of the jungle. The case has already been reported to GPD, so allow them to do the investigation. Hopefully, the person or persons responsible for stealing the $17,000 will be caught.

    5. Dear Anonymous June 5, 2018 at 9:55 AM):

      How long will Bishop Byrnes last on Guam?
      I think Archbishop Byrnes will last a long time. The fact that he is an "outsider" (without family connections) works because he doesn't have to worry about how his actions might reflect on his local family.
      BTW: His proper title is Archbishop because Guam is still an Archdiocese. If Guam gets "demoted" to being a "diocese" then the title "Bishop" will be appropriate.
      However I have a feeling that you are just trying to marginalize the person by calling him "Bishop Byrnes" because as far as you're concerned Anthony Apuron is still your "Archbishop."

      Don't think he expected the mess and politics of the diocese when he took over.
      Here I agree with you. The Archbishop met with Cardinal Filoni who gave him an overview but what he actually discovered was that Filoni had only given him a limited version of what was going on in this archdiocese.
      To his credit, he put on his big boy pants, workman's hat, hip boots and gloves to get down into the muck and mud that he was facing. He has worked hard and even though the folks on this blog continue to wait for him to leave, Archbishop Michael Byrnes is here to stay.

      What could trigger him to throw up his arms in disgust and frustration and return to Detroit?
      See my answer to your previous statement. IMO, Archbishop Michael Byrnes is committed to taking the Archdiocese of Agana into a brand new world of responsibility, transparency and accountability, even though there are people kicking and fighting because they don't want to be responsible or accountable for their actions and they would also rather keep their goings on secret to outsiders because "that's just the way we do things."

      Wondering if all these shenanigans are a ploy by some local priests to position themselves as the next bishop...
      What "shenanigans"? I see how Anonymous/Jokers Wild has come up with a preview of new assignments including the transfer of Msgr James Benavente back to the Cathedral which has triggered the usual response of "financial mismanagement" (including the suggestion that he is responsible for the missing $17K at SACS). Is that transfer one of the "shenanigans" you're referring to?
      After seeing the improvements Msgr James has made at St Anthony in the 3 short years he's been there (new chapel, additional side doors for safety in case of emergency, lights for pedestrian crossing, to name a few) I would say that if the Joker's preview is accurate, St Anthony's loss will be Cathedral's gain. Msgr James has managed to make more improvements to St Anthony Church in 3 years than the previous pastor did in 20+ years and as far as we can tell there have been no reports of "shenanigans" there. Yes, there were complaints early on that he had shaken up the status quo and made changes. The staff was not running the parish anymore. The pastor was. To the parishioners, those kinds of changes were welcome.
      Go ahead and put a microscope on the Cathedral when (if?) Msgr James returns. Watch his every move to see if there are any "shenanigans" there.

      In the meantime if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Archbishop Michael Byrnes to return to Detroit.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 10:42 am,

      Those so-called improvements was what brought a lot of debts to the Church. How sad that Monsignor James only looked at home improvement rather than saving souls.

    7. Many people follow their favorite priests wherever they go. Monsignor James' followers will move and attend his Mass whatever time it is scheduled at the Agana Cathedral.

      I spoke to a priest who was off-island for a while and returned to Guam. When his former parishioners found out he was back and was assigned to another parish, they started attending his Masses even though it was farther to drive to. As we talked about this, he was sad and said he failed as a pastor. He failed in leading people to Jesus. He and a few other priests I spoke with about this issue agreed that parishioners ought to stay in their home village parish. We can hear God's Word and receive Jesus' body and blood at our home parish church.

    8. Dear Anonymous June 6, 2018 10:42am

      It is our desire to be of service to Archbishop Michael and if there is any sign of disgust/disobedience/resentment we ask that you consider placing yourself in our experiences this past year with Archbishop Michael.

      Last March, the RMS celebrated its Patron Feast of St. Patrick. Archbishop Michael DID NOT attend the Feast of HIS seminary.

      From time to time, the NCW has retreats that encourage/include the participation of the local ordinary, the Archbishop. So that he can witness/support the members as they progress along the way. HE DID NOT attend any of them.

      There have been numerous pilgrimages organized within the NCW where as many as 200-300 members take on a prayerful journey, to either visit the Holy Land, attend World Youth Day, attend World Meeting of Families. HE DID NOT bestow his paternal blessing at any of these.

      Upon his arrival to Guam and even before meeting with the NCW. He supported and placed a moratorium on basically the most important charism of the NCW, its Catechesis. HE DID NOT even come to us to hear,see or listen to our experiences.

      Archbishop Michael Closed down the RMS. HE DID not see it as sustainable for this Archdioceses new direction.

      Archbishop Michael did not accept the young men who were awaiting ordination to the Diaconate and eventually the priesthood. HE DID NOT accept their formation and ultimately their missionary zeal.

      You tell me how'd you feel if you were a member of the NCW and had to experience this from your Archbishop. Not once has our catechists criticized the Archbishop for these things, instead they have told us to continually pray for him.
      Are these enough reasons for us to judge him? No. In fact we should never judge the anointed. What we are stating are the facts and we ask you to excuse us if from time to time we let our emotions dictate our choice of words.

      I dont know how our catechists, the mission families, Neo priests continue to do this despite all that is working against them but it is reason for us to continue and an example for us to strive to learn.

      Honestly, I dont know how many times these past few years I have thought about just leaving my NCW community to satisfy those who want the NCW gone. Ive had and have the opportunity to do so at any time but the one thing that prevents me is the reality that the NCW has opened me up to a stronger relationship with Christ, the Holy Spirit continues to work in many ways through the NCW and it has been the NCW that has taught me about our Catholic Church and all its fullness.

      -Jokers Wild

    9. Our catechists have emphasized to not judge.

      Matthew 7:1-2 '“Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.'

      With humility, for the most part, we continue our walk in our community. We are human, we are not perfect. In this walk, we have learned to acknowledge we are sinners and to ask for forgiveness. This is why it is a walk, a process to overcome our pride.

      God knows what he is doing.

      Isaiah 55:8-9 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways—oracle of the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts.'

      So with faith, we trust God will turn these perceived injustices into a good for us.

    10. Dear Anonymous, June 7, 2018 at 1:32 AM:

      I hear you and sympathize. ICYDK: For years many of us felt the same way about how Archbishop Apuron ignored us. Several of us went to the chancery to try and talk to him in 2006 after he was on KOLG and we were told he was "not available." Other people tried over the years and were turned away too because he was "not available." After Fr Paul was removed from Sta Barbara we went again to ask Archbishop Apuron to return Fr Paul to Dededo and again he was "not available." We really felt like he abandoned us (for at least 10 years).

      This is only Archbishop Michael's 2nd year on Guam. You've only felt ignored for 20% the time the rest of us experienced that feeling. I would suggest that you and your brothers visit Archbishop Byrnes at the chancery to voice your concerns. I've heard that different people have been able to meet with him and have found him to be open to hearing their concerns. He may not be reading this blog and would not be aware of how you and your brothers feel. Give him a chance. Meet with him and tell him what you said at the very beginning of your comment: It is your "desire to be of service to Archbishop Michael." (Thank you for acknowledging his title as "Archbishop")

      Good luck, keep the faith and God bless you.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 3:09 pm,

      In all fairness to Archbishop Apuron, he did not ignore you at all. When you had your parish fiesta, Archbishop Apuron was there. When you had your confirmation, Archbishop Apuron was there. When you had your annual catechetical conference, Archbishop Apuron was there. When you had your local WYD, he was also there. And that is ALL you ever had anyway.

      If you wanted to see Archbishop Apuron, the proper way is to SCHEDULE a meeting with his secretary. Going to the chancery and expecting the Archbishop to meet with you without an appointment is not the Way to go. Even the Governor of Guam do not go by unannounced visits.

  10. Monsignor James would sniff at 17 Gs. What can you get for 17,000.00?

  11. Maybe he's getting ready for his next birthday bash

    1. I have a feeling that those nasty comments do not come from the brothers of our communities. Anonymous trolls take advantage of the possibility of posting Diana’s blog. It is so easy to trace them, VPN will not help you😂.

  12. Wonder how the St. Francis Church financial fiasco is being resolved. What kind of progress is being made to rectify the embezzlement and money management? Parishioners and benefactors need to know.

    1. I don't think anyone embezzled at St. Francis School. I think it was some woman who worked at the church who embezzled. I think the money issue at St. Francis School is the collecting of tuitions.

  13. With the school year over, I wonder about enrollment at our Catholic schools. I question the viability of keeping open St. Francis School and San Vicente School since their enrollment seems to have declined greatly over the last couple of years.

    Several years ago, Mount Carmel School was on the verge of being closed. But benefactors came forward, management structure was changed, and now the school seems to be in good shape.

    1. Then administrators at St. Francis and San Vicente should look at how many students have reenrolled at their schools. If the tuition of reenrolled students won't cover expenses for the new school year, drastic action needs to happen. Can't let debt to continue to grow. The superintendent of Catholic schools should step in. Maybe close one school and have students go to the other school.
