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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Possible Priest Shortage in Guam?

The following comment was made by Jokers Wild, which can be found here (the highlights are mine):
AnonymousApril 3, 2018 at 1:00 AM 
Monsignor James reassigned to Cathedral Basilica 
 Fr. Michael Crisostomo transfers to Tamuning 
Fr. Paul has been re-offered Dededo 
Monsignor David Quitugua goes to Asan 
Fr. Juliuz transfers to Toto 
Fr. Richard assigned to Inarajan 
Fr. Romeo transfers to Tumon 
Fr. Joel heads down to Piti 
Father Krysztof in charge of Malojloj 
Father Alberto goes to Agafa Gumas 
Fr. Carl moved to Merizo 
Fr. Jeff assigned to Yigo 
Fr. Edwin assigned to Chalan Pago 
Fr. Jojo gets Ordot 
Several of the Filipino priests have chosen not to renew their contracts and will return to PI. One or two priests already on Sobadical have been granted an extension. Several have been granted a first sobadical. Several have requested to be removed from incardination to this diocese. A few continue their mission work with the NCW. All others have been given an ultimatum by the CoAdjutor to return or ask another Bishop to take them in. 
I will update when made available by my non-neo chancery source
Pas!-Jokers Wild 
Those that are highlighted are things I find of great concern.  Several Filipino priests have chosen not to renew their contracts and will return to the Philippines.  This is the first time this has happened.  Many Filipino priests have always enjoyed being here in Guam.  Several others have requested to be removed from incardination to this Archdiocese......interesting.  This is the first time I have ever heard of many priests who no longer want to be part of the diocese they were ordained in.  Perhaps, I can understand ONE priest, but SEVERAL????  

I wonder if Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes have done any serious discernment or reflection as to why several priests prefer to be removed from incardination to this Archdiocese and several others prefer not to renew their contract and return to the Philippines. 

Considering these factors, I would be careful with making ultimatums. After all, there is a shortage of Catholic priests in the U.S. and many other places; therefore, any Bishop would be glad to take them in.  
After all, the four local seminarians who were rejected by Coadjuator Archbishop Byrnes were quickly taken into another Diocese.  According to an anonymous poster (the highlight is mine): 
AnonymousMarch 23, 2018 at 9:31 PMCLARIFICATION: The four Chamorro Seminarians who graduated from the Yona Seminary were college students and because they were never ordained by AB Byrnes, they never officially belonged to the Archdiocese of Agana.  
In fact, here is Byrnes' statement from an October 4, 2017 article in the Guam PDN: "Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes announced on Wednesday the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, which is controlled by the Neocatechumenal Way, will close by the end of the year because its model of priest formation is not sustainable for an island like Guam." ( 
The four Chamorro Seminarians met one on one with AB Byrnes and it was his decision not to ordain them under the Archdiocese of Agana because he felt the RMS was not the acceptable model of priest formation for Guam. Guam has lost these four Chamorro Seminarians to U.S. mainland Archdioceses during a time when Guam really needed younger priests to begin replacing some of the aging and sickly priests on Guam. Sad, Sad Decision by AB Byrnes.
The Coadjutor Archbishop stated that the RMS seminary will close because its model of priest formation is not sustainable for an island like Guam.  It would be more believable if he had simply come out and stated that he was closing the seminary because he needed the money to pay the alleged victims.
The idea that the RMS seminary is unsustainable FIRST came out in the jungle on January 11, 2015, more than a year before Archbishop Byrnes was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Agana.  According to Tim Rohr (highlight is mine):
Of course we managed, even thrived without a local seminary. Many dioceses, especially small ones do not have their own seminaries and for good reason. Given the small population of such dioceses it is cost prohibitive to sustain a seminary of such quality that men desirous of the priesthood should have access to.
Now, fast forward more than a year later, and we find Archbishop Byrnes saying practically the same thing.  According to the Pacific Daily News (highlight is mine):
"The main reason for closing the seminary is that it is just not a sustainable model for the Archdiocese of Agana," he said, adding that the RMS model envisions a type and formation of priesthood that works in a place like Denver or Miami, for example, where there are millions of Catholics.
Amazing, is it not?  As I pointed out earlier in my post Changing Stories. Tim Rohr changed his story before Archbishop Byrnes took the title for himself or was that a coincidence.  It is also remarkable that the Coadjuator Archbishop who is new to Guam compared the existence of the RMS seminary to the population of a place or was that a coincidence. 

By the way, when the media asked Archbishop Byrnes how much money the Archdiocese would save after closing the seminary, he said  he did not know the answer, which I find odd.  One would think that before closing something down, one would already know how much money would be saved.  After all, when closing down a seminary, this means that the seminarians would have to be transferred off-island, which the Archdiocese would have to pay.  One would think that Archbishop Byrnes would already know the cost of sending a seminarian off-island.  So, why is it that he did not know?  Who kept that information from him?  

According to the previous RMS Board of Directors (the highlight is mine):
The real amount of archdiocesan support to the RMS on FY 2016 was therefore only 5% of the total budget.  During the last five years, the Archdiocese has contributed to priests' formation in the RMS with an annual average of 5%-8% of the total budget. Thanks to our benefactors (who, contrary to what the Report writes, have continued to donate generously), thanks to voluntary workers and especially thanks to the Divine Providence, the RMS can grant formation and lodging to our seminarias for $10,000 per year, less than one-fourth of the cost of a seminarian in U.S. mainland ($40,000 average per year). So that, since the archdiocese contributes 5 to 8% of this cost, the real cost of one seminarian studying in Guam for the Archdiocese is about $500-800 a year vs. $40,000 on the mainland.  
Considering this factual data, it had nothing to do with saving the Archdiocese any money.  In fact, they will now spend more money for sending even one seminarian off-island.


  1. Do you think that the number of priests who want to leave would be a wake up call for Byrnes?

    1. Maybe they do not want to deal with the problems that the archdiocese is going through.

    2. A lot can be done with less number of priests if necessary. Church buildings may be closed or sold and smaller parishes may be consolidated into larger ones. Archbishop Byrnes is preparing for 7 years of money crunch for the Catholic Church on Guam. You cannot survive this without good policies.

    3. Thank you Anonymous @ 1:17 PM for your input. You're so right: Even with fewer priests and parishes a lot can be done. The Archdiocese is trying to avoid selling properties where churches have been built but it might be necessary to sell the properties of the smaller parishes. IMO it's a matter of QUALITY over quantity.

      I would rather have a few priests who are faithful to the teachings of our Church than to have a lot of priests with their own ideas of what the Church teaches.

  2. I don't see Mongmong, Maina, Agat, Santa Rita and Barrigada on this list.

    Will Mongmong church be closed and parishioners now go to the Cathedral?
    Will Maina church be closed and parishioners go to Asan?
    Will Santa Rita church be closed and parishioners go to Agat?

    And what about Agat and Barrigada?

    1. What? You cannot close this many churches at once! Are we going crazy?

    2. I wonder if CCOG is ready for backlash from angry parishioners. CCOG has been in the forefront of stirring up trouble. Jokers Wild's list and the possible closing of churches may be the start of pushback against CCOG. What goes around, comes around.

  3. Dear Readers,

    My post contains some speculation but most of it is what I have heard whispered between the pews. For all we know, there might not be any moves. I personally believe that the time is not right. If assignments are made and power players within the parishes are at odds, we have another problem again. I think its best at this moment to give a time frame of about 2 years for all current assignments to continue. This gives pastors who have started significant parish projects to continue and/or complete them. It also is more than enough time so that pastors are not tempted to be complacent amidst a foreseen transfer. 1 year or less would leave pastors to only worry on closing shop.
    There were parishes not mentioned because again, some of it is speculation.
    I just wanted to share and open up a discussion. Also, apparently the other blog is running out of content so I was being charitable.

    No grumbling!

    -Jokers Wild

    1. "I will update when made available by my non-neo chancery source"
      "what I have heard whispered between the pews"

      Jokers Wild, you have started some wild reactions already with your list. Congratulations on pissing a lot of people off.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:37 pm,

      He started a discussion. And Jokers Wild admitted that he heard it whispered in the pews. Guam is a very small island, and people here tend to know more about what is going on before it hits the media.

    3. You can’t make any comments on the other blog.

    4. Jane Doe, that's actually a good thing.

  4. Byrnes is PREJUDICE with the Neocatechumenal WAY.

    Gino - Sinajana

    1. I don't think Bishop Byrnes is prejudiced against the Neocatechumenal Way. I think he is trying to solidify his support base of priests. Appeasing these priests who have a grudge against Archbishop Apuron who happened to actively walk in the Way. Hopefully Bishop Byrnes will open his eyes to this reality.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 3:39 pm,

      I fail to see how appeasing the anti-Apuron priests would solidify his support base of priests. Please enlightened me. What I do see are anti-Apuron priests positioning themselves in power. If Monsignor James becomes rector of the Cathedral, he would in more control of the Archdiocese. In fact, he can even become the next Archbishop of Agana if he wants. The only one standing in his way is Archbishop Byrnes.

    3. The way I see it is... Thinking in the long run... Archbishop Byrnes will be here for another 7 to 10 years then he will be reassigned to a bigger diocese to become a cardinal depending on how he bring the Archdiocese of Agana together. He also will nominate someone to become the next Archbishop of Guam.

    4. Maybe now that Tim is single, he can go study for the priesthood and make his way to Archbishop. ;)

  5. With several priests not renewing their contracts and returning to the Philippines, this creates a dilemma for the inner circle. This brings to light the shortage of priests on island.

    This presents a potential public relations problem if the diocese tries to recruit off-island priests to come in. Why? Question will be asked "What about the 17 priests ordained from the RMS in Guam?"

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:07 pm,

      If the jungle demands the return of those 17 ordained priests, it will put a huge question mark on them. Why? Because they were the ones who said that the RMS priests were poorly lacking in their formation in the first place. And suddenly, their formation is no longer lacking when there is a shortage would bring suspicion upon the jungle.

    2. Dear Diana,

      I think when those 17 RMS-formed priests come back to Guam, they will bring with them their valuable experiences to our parishes.

      As RMS seminarians, they each
      1. bring their life experiences from their home country
      2. bring their experience of proclaiming the gospel on at least a year-long itinerancy in a parish elsewhere in the world
      3. receive academic and theological formation from professors of the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome (Pope's University) ultimately earning a Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree from the Pope's University
      4. experienced trusting in God's providence when they had nothing as a child, as a seminarian, as an itinerant.

      They are priests of the Archdiocese of Agana. They offer their lives wherever God allows the Archbishop to send them to serve.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 2:58 pm,

      I agree with you.

    4. It's true, but only Guam Catholics allowed because foreigners apparently not Catholic especially when formed in a different country

  6. Maybe the priest don't want to be in the Island because of the corrupt like guys like Rohr and CCOG and they're fake victims maybe they don't want to be their next victim to be called child molesters spend your life with a church then Lose It by corrupt victims

  7. Byrnes wake up To Rohr you be next !!! :€

  8. Archbishop Byrnes is getting priests from Detroit to cover. I hear that he will be a pastor when he comes and will reside at Cathedral first before the repositioning.

  9. It is true that the Filipino priests (not all) will not renew. it is not that they do not want to serve in the Arch diocese. It is just that the local Ordinary where they came from needs them. They are in Guam only for a limited time.
    Also, about the Chamorro candidates for ordination...remember the non Neo who wanted to be a seminarian but was not accepted by the vocation director..unless he does his seminary at RMS. What goes around comes around.


    At last some good news!!!
    Archbishop is appealing and the word out is that he is NOT guilty of any sexual abuse.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:55 am,

      Thank you for the information.

    2. There some priests who have US citizenship or a Permanent Resident (Green) card. These priests got these while they were serving on Guam for several years. They are not incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana.

      Should Bishop Byrnes insist on these priests to go through the process of becoming incardinated to the Archdiocese of Agana? I would think they should since they took advantage of their time on Guam to become US citizens or Permanent Residents.

      Now some are not renewing their contracts and want to return to their home diocese. They should weather the storm like all the other clergy.

    3. Dear Peskadot,

      From what I understand, the jungle does not want them here and want to drive them out. Perhaps, they are giving the jungle exactly what they want.

    4. So the jungle only wants Chamorro priests? Why didn't they insist that Bishop Byrnes ordain the 4 Chamorro RMS seminarians? Oh is Bishop Byrnes a Chamorro? So they according to the jungle's logic, Bishop Byrnes and all other non-Chamorro priests should leave. Archbishop Anthony Apuron is Chamorro and they were instrumental in driving him out? The jungle and CCOG are hypocrites. Like the title of your other topic 'Changing Stories'.

    5. Dear Peskadot,

      Who said anything about Chamorro priests? They are not wanted because they are RMS priests and RMS seminarians.

  11. I guess I'm famous that I made Junglewatch Head lines... Lol!!!
    I saw on facebook that Jose Martinez was calling me out to call their radio show.
    I heard Timmy Rohr was the special guest. Wow! Conflict because the person who brought the Church down, is the same person trying to persuade people that he is the person who is bringing the division together. What a slap in the face to all Catholics. Look at Timmy... Talking about how during Archbishop Apuron's time, that there was Church cover up.... Well, lets look at it in recent years.
    Since Archbishop Apuron went to Rome to seek a canonical trial, Archbishop Hon came in his place. And with Church Cover up, Hon cleared James Benavente with using Church (Cemetery) monies for his Anniversary party.... Is that a connection?
    I also saw that Timmy posted that I have a fetish with Msgr James. Well I don't. I just disagree with how he plays his cards because he is well influenced in the community and gets what he wants. Even to be bishop....
    Thank you Timmy and Josie for making me famous. I will consult Fr. Pius (just as you stated). LMFAO. I ain't even following the Neocatechumenal Way. But Thanks again. I ain't Fr. Adrian either.


  12. In AB Byrnes' BIO, which can be read using the hyperlink below, it states he received his Doctorate in Sacred Theology in 2003 from the Potifical Gregorian University in Rome. Our four Chamorro Seminarians, who AB Byrnes rejected for ordination on Guam, received their degrees from the Pontifical Lateran University which is also known as the Pope's University so it certainly carries a much higher status than the one Byrnes graduated from. Isn't it ironic how AB Byrnes said he did not agree with the formation at the RMS Seminary in Yona, which used approved academic curriculum from the Pontifical Lateran University? Moreover, AB Byrnes himself studied and graduated from a similar type academic institution in Rome and proudly includes this Rome earned degree in his BIO?

    1. Dear Anonymous, Abp Byrnes is fine with his Doctorate degree. I would not compare that with Bachelor's degrees at other institutions.

  13. That's not the point. AB Byrnes rejected the four Guam Seminarians because of their formation which is directly affiliated with a University in Rome like the one he received his Doctorate from. So what makes his degree acceptable but not the Rome approved degrees of the four Guam Seminarians. It's the principle and not the level of degree that is the focus here.

    1. @7:47PM Byrnes is PREJUDICE with RMS formation... Nuff said.

      Gino - Sinajana

    2. First, AB Byrnes rejects the four Chamorro Seminarians because of their formation. Next, he sends the Filipino Priests back to the Philippines. Should he Force the RMS Priests to leave island, Guam will have a serious Priest Shortage and the people will suffer. Ti Maimaigu si Yu'us.

  14. I meant to revisit this post after the Aviso came out a couple of weeks ago but have not had a chance until today.
    It looks like Jokers Wild got some serous misinformation from his/her "non-neo chancery source." Only 2 of the 14 assignments were correct (Msgr. James to Agana/Cathedral and Fr. Mike to Tamuning/St. Anthony). That would have been considered an F (14% accuracy).

    Let's compare The Joker's list to the Aviso:
    Fr. Paul has been re-offered Dededo [WRONG! He's still in Yigo]
    Monsignor David Quitugua goes to Asan [WRONG! Fr. Jonathan Alvarez is assigned to Asan]
    Fr. Juliuz transfers to Toto [WRONG! Fr. Efren is assigned to Toto]
    Fr. Richard assigned to Inarajan [WRONG! Fr. Richard not named in Aviso]
    Fr. Romeo transfers to Tumon [WRONG! Fr. Romeo is assigned to Agana]
    Fr. Joel heads down to Piti [WRONG! Fr. Joel stays in Barrigada]
    Father Krysztof in charge of Malojloj [WRONG! Fr. Krzysztof is assigned to Agafa Gumas]
    Father Alberto goes to Agafa Gumas {WRONG! Fr. Alberto is not named in Aviso AND Fr. Krzysztof is assigned to Agafa Gumas]
    Fr. Carl moved to Merizo [WRONG! Fr. Carl not mentioned in Aviso]
    Fr. Jeff assigned to Yigo [WRONG! Fr. Jeff not mentioned in Aviso and Fr. Danny is assigned to Yigo]
    Fr. Edwin assigned to Chalan Pago [WRONG! Fr. Edwin is assigned to Tamuning]
    Fr. Jojo gets Ordot [WRONG! Fr. Antonino is assigned to Ordot]

    There were others (like Fr. Mel [Filipino], Gerry [Filipino], Fr. Dan Trajano [Filipino], Fr. Val [Filipino], Fr. Michael [NCW], Fr. Francesco [NCW]) who The Joker's "non-neo chancery source" forgot to include.

    BTW: It looks like most of the Filipino priests are still with the Archdiocese and at least one more will be coming to Guam. The Joker claimed that the Filipino priests did not want to remain on Guam but with the recent news of the slaughter of the priests in their homeland, my guess is that the Filipino priests are fine with staying on Guam. They feel safer here.

    There are rumors of certain priests looking to go on missions and find bishops to take them in, but those are just rumors. Is it possible that the list shared by The Joker and published in this post was also based on rumors and that he/she fell for it hook, line and sinker?

    Just Wondering

    1. Dear Just Wondering,

      Jokers Wild stated that the information came from a source known to him. It is also possible that the information given to him was accurate at the time it was given to him, but changes were later made.

    2. Dear Anon June 30 10:07,

      I clearly stated that my post was based on speculation & "news between the pews", also known as rumors, some may say.

      Please dont place words in my mouth or misunderstand what was clearly stated.

      You should know that my comment was posted in early April. I have come to find out that there were some last minute changes before the AVISO was released. The reasons, well, even FRENCHIE at the jungle knows about it, there is infighting between the local diocesans. There is no community amongst the clergy and with Rev. Crisostomo at the helm, I dont think it'll get better anytime soon.This maybe has always been the issue at hand, it could have been "envy". People are envious of the community amongst RMS priests and also the communties themselves. I could be wrong, oh well.

      -Jokers Wild
