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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Congratulations Martin Munoz!

Congratulations to Martin Munoz.  He was ordained a deacon!  Blessed be to God.  Below is a photo of Martin Munoz during his diaconal ordination.  The RMS in Guam formed our seminarians so well that they were able to become deacons in the United States of America.  Both Victor and Martin are on their way to the priesthood.  We pray for you and may God always protect you in your vocation!  I am sure that the Bishop in Miami is thankful for Guam for producing such dedicated men to the priesthood. 

Martin and Victor are the fruits of RMS Guam, and there will be many more of them to come. Congratulations.  As we have been saying all along......RMS Guam was a true seminary.  


Martin Munoz was ordained  by Bishop Felipe Estevez from St. Agustin in Palm Beach. All deacons from Florida were ordained there this year.


  1. Once Victor and Martin are ordained priests, they may visit Guam in the future. We would like them to celebrate the Eucharist with us. Do they need to get permission from Archbishop Byrnes to do so?

    1. Archbishop Byrnes would probably ask to see their credentials. They would say to just look at RMS Guam records indicating their Bachelor of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University. They could ask the Bishop to call the Archdiocese of Miami to confirm that they are priests incardinated there.

      Imagine that. Should all future priests who studied at the RMS Guam come and visit Guam, more than 30 I believe. Can you imagine the look on Archbishop Byrnes face when he ponders what could have been. That there could have been more than 30 locally formed priests for the diocese. I wonder if he may regret closing the Redemptoris Mater Seminary Guam?

    2. RMS was closed down on November 2017. Five months later after the closure of RMS, Victor and Martin were ordained Deacon. This only goes to show that the jungle misled many people into believing that it was a fake seminary.

    3. Byrnes is more worried paying out fake sexual abuse claim (Exception of Bouillard). Byrnes evangelize in Rotary Club rather house to house when Detroit is lot more worst than Guam. LOL

      Gino - Sinajana

    4. Dear Gino,

      I also have some doubts about some of Father Brouillard's accusers.

    5. Diana - easy to get rich. 5 Miĺ, Byrnes does not even question it. Is not his money and is not his Church. Does not affect at all.

      If Byrnes read this....How can u sleep at night?
      Gino -Sinajana

    6. Dear Gino,

      I do not think it has to do with Byrnes not caring at all. I think Archbishop Byrnes cares. But I sincerely think that his mind has been poisoned.

    7. Diana, what do you mean by his mind has been poisoned?

    8. Jane Doe - are you seriously asking this question. Obviously he was influenced. Quit pretending, the house of formation and the seminary and the chancery will be sold of the GLORY of your CCOG,LFM, Tim Rohr, Dave Sablan, Chuck White, Andrew Camacho and so on.

      You should celebrate with all the law suit that Benavente brought forth. Your Concerned Catholic won simply but Christianity is not about winning on this planet earth buit winnning to go to heaven. You should got to Rome and see the coliseum and feel the Christian were murdered and martyred there for the sake of Jesus Christ.

      Gino - Sinajana.

    9. Dear Jane,

      Rohr is a salesman. His occupation makes him an expert in the art of persuasion because all salesperson are trained in selling their product to customers. They are trained to bring your attention away from the truth. Just look at the excuses he gave when presented with facts of financial mismanagement by Monsignor James.

      Salespeople are trained to convince people to buy their product even if they have to lie about it. Rohr managed to convince some people that the Seminary is a fake. It took people like Victor and Martin to show that the Seminary was not a fake. Victor and Martin were ordained Deacons in the United States only five months after the closing of RMS Guam.

      When Archbishop Byrnes first arrived here, he had some positive things to say about the NCW. His recent actions, however, says the opposite. His mind has been poisoned just like the minds of those manakos at the airport who showed hatred at Mr. Genarinni when he arrived in Guam. All Rohr had to do was convince these people that the NCW posed a threat by infiltrating into their Church. They had no idea that it will be Rohr who will be responsible for taking away their church assets by pushing the passage of a bill.

    10. Timmy is also making a profit from the loss of church assets. He’s the real estate in charge of selling the John Paul II Seminary that used to be the Carmelite Monastery.

    11. Yep. If you read Rohr's book Target, he's very convincing. He tried to convince people that Fr. Gofigan was removed so the Way can be in the parish. The only thing that put a huge hole in Rohr's story was the date Fr. Dan was appointed just like Diana pointed out. By the time Arroyo suggested that Fr. Gofigan was removed cuz of the Way, Fr. Dan was already appointed. Rohr's book is fiction.

      Rohr blamed the Way because he affiliated it with Apuron. And you can see Tim's hatred for Apuron. He hates him so much that if elected senator, he vowed to wipe out the name Apuron from Guam. SHEEZ!!! That's only a name, but he hates that name only because the name is affiliated with the Archbishop. Anything affiliated with the AB Apuron becomes a target.

    12. Let's not forget that despite the whole island is praising Byrnes, they don't know the truth about him that only we know! We should voice this truth right here because the local media would not tell. Local media is dominated by Rohr, Sablan and CCOG who are all wicked people! The only place where you can read the truth is this blog, thanks to Diana. A big thanks to her! Whoever say otherwise is not telling the truth.

      The truth is that not only the mind of Byrnes was influenced, but the chancery and the parishes, the whole diocese was systematically poisoned by wicked propaganda of Rohr, Sablan and CCOG! The truth about Byrnes is that he is the archbishop of Rohr, Sablan and CCOG, but not the archbishop of Agana! The true Archbishop of Agana is not Byrnes! His title was stolen from the rightful owner without due process or evidence as the canon lawyers verified at a time of ongoing appeal process.

      The truth is that Byrnes is influenced not only by them but also by Cardinal Burke who was here on island without doing any interrogation. Byrnes is under the influence of bishops Burke, Savio Hon and Athanasius Schneider who are persecuting NCW for selfish reason. They want to climb higher in church hierarchy so they listen to evil forces to persecute the faithful! They persecute us. The truth is that Byrnes is one of these bishops who don’t shy away from shaking hands with evil forces to get what they want. They closed RMS to rip seminarians off from their proper education. But they failed miserably as our seminarians are being ordained deacons elsewhere!

      This blog is the last place remained on island to read the truth! We need to speak up as truth is manifested in us. Everyone should listen. Here is the truth: we'll survive, cruel persecution will only embolden us. We'll overcome the onslaught of evil forces even if it comes in a bishop's mitre. The truth will prevail because Christ is with His beloved flock. He is with us through the Holy Spirit. We are His beloved flock. We are going to beat devil. Christ has demonstrated His power to beat the devil over and over again.

  2. Tim and the jungle is all fake like Fox News maybe what a day the truth will come out

  3. Now the fake Tim or the lying Tim wants to run for Senator the same man who caused the Seminary to shut down and loss of church property it figures a real estate man senator???? Maybe the real skeletons will come out of the closet dim the corruption at conspiracy to take down a bishop from his homeland they already brought all the Crooked back mismanagement thieves CCOG you mean crooked Crooks from Guam

    1. Anonymous @4:49: From what I've read Tim Rohr is not running for senator. Someone picked up a packet from GEC with the plan to "draft" Tim Rohr for senator. I saw on Junglewatch the plans Tim Rohr has if he is elected. Those plans are out there for the public to read. If he really wanted to get elected I don't think he would publish them. I think he would wait and play the nice guy to get elected. But since he has no plans to try to get elected, he is putting his plans out there for anyone and everyone to read (and not vote for him).

      BTW: CCOG cannot mean Crooked Crooks from Guam as you claim because that would be CCFG LOL

    2. You're right not from Guam crooked Crooks of Guam

  4. 3:56PM....:0 :) :) :) CCOG !!

  5. Who owns Carmelite Monastery down South?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:54 pm,

      It is owned by the Archdiocese of Agana.

    2. Who owns Tamuning Carmelite?

    3. The Carmelite house per Rohr is does not belong to Archdiocese..... It does not matter. LOL.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:29 pm, 

      The Carmelites own that convent. If I was in real estate, I would never get involved in the selling of a Catholic parish, a Catholic seminary, or a Catholic convent once used by nuns.

      In the NCW, we are taught to practice our Christian faith outside church and home. It should also be practiced In our jobs and everywhere else.

      In other words, a Christian doctor should not involve himself in abortion. A Christian lawyer should not be a divorce lawyer. A Christian senator should not vote in favor of a bill that goes against the teachings of the Church. A Christian real estate agent should not involve himself in the selling of Catholic properties for the settlement of a lawsuit. Christian values does not stop only at the church or in your home. Christian values should also be in the workplace and everywhere else.

  6. Just for you to know. Juan Alberto, another Seminarian of Guam was ordained priest. Paul O'Reilly is Deacon also.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:51 am,

      Thank you. Juan Alberto and Paul O’Reilly were already mentioned.
