Blog Song

Friday, March 23, 2018

Comments That Are Not Published

To the junglefolks, by now you should already know that I am no longer publishing your comments due to the fact that you are not here to dialogue or learn about the NCW.  Your mind is already made up, and this blog will not be used to promote your agendas and propaganda.  You can make those comments in the other blog.  

I also see that Rohr is once again trying to twist the English and Italian translation.  No matter how he twists it, this is what EVERYONE should remember:  The PENALTY imposed on Archbishop Apuron did not keep him from being in contact with children.  

Father Brouillard was sentenced to a life of prayer.  This sentence kept him in isolation where he cannot be in contact with children.  Archbishop Apuron, on the other hand, never received such sentence.  The CDF removed his title and banned him from returning to Guam.  In other words, the sentence given to Archbishop Apuron is a sentence which the jungle lobbied for in their protests. The CDF never banned him from being in contact with children. This simple FACT alone says EVERYTHING.  As I said in my last post, if he was found guilty of child sexual abuse, then why didn't the Vatican tell him to stay away from children?  Why not give him a life of prayer, which will keep him away from children?  Rohr can twist the English and Italian translation all he wants, but he cannot dispute the FACT that the Vatican never told Archbishop Apuron to stay away from children.  

Also, remember that it was Rohr who stated that there was no canonical trial and no appeal.  His statements are in contradiction to the facts I had already laid out in my previous post.  Remember that it was Archbishop Apuron who said he pursued a canonical trial and already filed an appeal.  And so far, the FACTS all point to the truth found in Archbishop Apuron's statements....that there was a canonical trial and an appeal.    


  1. "but he cannot dispute the FACT that the Vatican never told Archbishop Apuron to stay away from children."

    WOW!!! So, if Apuron was acquitted of child sex abuse and only charged with some minor infraction, then this was a set up since the beginning? JW was the one who got the law passed lifting the statutes of limitations. That bill was introduced by JW. Was this really all a conspiracy just to remove Apuron? Did they also plan to defraud the church cuz it looks like it from this angle.  

  2. Defraud the church ??? Rohr the real estate man the church property up for sale fake victims trying to get money lawyers trying to get their share defraud it looks like they did they need to look into Tim everything points that way

    1. It is not "defrauding", it is stealing, plain and simple as that! Rohr is authorized by Byrnes to do away part of the Catholic Church. Shame on him. Perhaps for personal profit sharing the spoil among the gang.

  3. I make this prediction - that Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes will soon realize he is being manipulated as a pawn. As a pawn for the destruction of our Catholic Church in Guam. As a pawn in the personal vendetta against Archbishop Apuron, RMS, RMS priests, NCW.

    Why? Satan is not happy with the new evangelization, the zeal of the brothers proclaiming that Jesus is alive, Jesus forgives our sins, Jesus loves all of us! As was pointed out by another on this blog, you cannot serve two masters. So Satan has used the love of money to try to destroy our Catholic faithful here in Guam.

    But God is stronger than Satan. God will be victorious! Can't wait to see how God will make things right.

    So we pray that Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes will open his eyes, his heart, his mind to the Holy Spirit. May God's will be done.

  4. the death of the Church of Guam.

    some may see this as advancement...affirmation of their selfish goals.

    the absence of Apuron signals hopelessness.

    no one see's life after death

  5. Looks like Tim is changing his story again. 🙄 He's trying to use the excuse that the the first he has heard of the canonical trial was on Jan. 2017. That isn't true.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      Yes, I saw that. Rohr has a habit of changing his story When he gets caught. This is not the first time he has changed his song and dance. 😁

  6. The gospel of last Sunday says, that unless a grain of wheat dies it will not bear much fruit.. NCW must head these words from our Lord..

  7. From a literal reading of the CDF release, the sentence doesn't even prohibit him from returning to Guam. He is banned from RESIDING in Guam, but nothing explicitly prohibits him from stepping foot on the island.

    Again, this suggests that the tribunal either a) didn't find him guilty of sex abuse or b) isn't very convinced of his guilt.

    This sentence accomplishes what Apuron's political enemies wanted, but little more than that.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:32 am,

      Exactly, but Tim Rohr did not catch that. Archbishop Apuron can travel to Guam. He can visit, but he cannot return as a resident.

  8. Lets move forward! Apuron will never return as Archbishop because he was found guilty of some wrongdoing, either sex abuse or not!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:35 pm,

      I would like to move forward too, but not at the expense of our destruction. After all, we are not the ones telling the Coadjutor Archbishop to "Drain the swamp." Nowhere in my blog have I ever advocated that we should get rid of those who do not walk in the Way. As a matter of fact, in my parish the Way gets along well with those who do not walk in the Way. We are able to work side by side. The problem is the jungle who wants to get rid of the NCW rather than work together. And that is a fact.
