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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Archbishop Byrnes' Press Release?

The jungle has published Archbishop Byrne's press release today, March 17th.  See the screenshot below:

I went through Guam's media and newspaper. The press release of Archbishop Byrnes has not been published yet. As of now at the time of composing this post, the media has the following latest news, but no report of Archbishop Byrnes press release. The Guam Daily Post, the PDN, PNC, and KUAM did not publish the press release. But the press release was in Junglewatch for quite some time now. 

So the question is WHO gave the press release to Rohr and WHY?  


  1. And did you see what it says at the end they already putting the name of Archbishop of agana when theirs a appeal

    1. OMG, what did Byrnes do?! I don't blame him. But is he happy now?

  2. Check KUAM. Krystal Paco reports!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:29 pm,

      I checked all of them and took a screen shot of them. The time I took the screenshot is on the screenshot. Rohr had that press release published when I checked his blog at 12 noon during my lunch. Furthermore, Rohr did not cite any of the media sources. By 3:00 pm, I checked the latest news in all 4 Guam media and still there was no press release. The time is on the screenshot I took.

    2. Now the press release was mentioned in KUAM 5 hours after it was published in the jungle. However, I do not see the press release with the Archdiose letterhead published anywhere in KUAM.

  3. Why does it matter who gave the documents when the only thing that should matter is the truth? Clearly there's been so much hidden within the diocese that I personally welcome the truth. More so now that the Holy See has declared brother tony guilty. Let's just move forward and let's not repeat the past. Clearly out Lord Jesus wouldn't want our children or even adults to be sexually abided. So let's just move forward.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:25 pm, 

      As long as there is an appeal, it is not over yet. Even Rohr admitted that. I also find it hypocritical that you come into this blog telling us to move forward. It was the other blog who made the following statement:

      "It is also fitting that today is St. Patrick's day, given, as legend has it, that the fabled saint once drove all the snakes off an island. (Except in our case, it is not "all"...yet.)"

      Why did you not go over to the other blog and tell them to move forward rather than incite people to remove the NCW, whom he compared to as "snakes"?

  4. Diana, did you just agree with Rohr?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:25 pm,

      I was the one who wrote about the appeal in my blog first. Because of the appeal, it is not over. Rohr went on in the news and pretty much the same thing I said. Rohr said it is not over because of the appeal, and he is correct in that regards.

    2. Diana, they only say that. The tribunal will convene again and review all procedures. It takes long time. They say it is over, but it is far from it. You cannot punish without due process. That would be unfair. Byrnes has to allow the Archbishop come back and testify at court. I am sure the court will believe him. The court cannot have bias.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:23 pm,

      From what I understand, there will be new judges in the Appeals. You are correct. It is still not over because of the appeal. As a result of the Appeals, he still remains the Archbishop of Agana, and the sentence has been suspended until the conclusion of the Appeals.

    4. Like due process, his appeal can be rejected and thrown out. Time will tell.

  5. I just came from our Eucharist. The verdict caused a scandal, but it didnt hurt us that much. What I mean is we’re still there. It was beautiful to see the communities still full. We didn’t leave.

  6. Is there any doubt that Rohr and Byrnes have one mind... Byrnes wants Rohr on his side, not inciting his base-crowd, why do you act surprised that Byrnes would inform Rohr before anyone else?

  7. TRANSLATION: This just means that Apuron will be in court until he dies. i.e. he won't be Archbishop in Guam again... at least not in his lifetime. That is what Byrnes prayed for because of the political-powers of the island and his 'justified?' fear of them. He is under the impression that his 'appeasement' policy is the 'Christian' thing to do... like Churchill in 'Darkest Hour', I don't believe in compromise with evil. Rohr and company are all about money, God is all about love, one should never sacrifice the spiritual well-being of the people for 'fears' of worldly-men, compromising our Eternal Christian Values.
    "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Mt. 10:28

  8. Rohr is turning and twisting by the EWTN report. He definitely seems 'perturbed' and 'obsessed' to find out who this 'source' is, so much so that it pains him not knowing who this source is, and so, he vents his anger against the NCW... Oh, what did Kiko do to him? I don't think that Tim even knows why he hates Kiko so much. Couldn't the source be one of the 'judges'?, someone in the Vatican?, someone other than Kiko? NOPE, FOR TIM IT HAS TO BE KIKO. Poor Kiko, so many people hate him without knowing why.

    However, this is what really telling of his EWTN comments...
    "...But how pathetic you people are to insult Archbishop Byrnes. On second thought, thanks for that. This will help Byrnes make some decisions that we want to see him make!"

    This implies that Tim DEFINITELY exerts influence over Byrnes. Tim admits that there are 'some decision that (he) want to see (Byrnes) make!'. Let us see Byrnes abide by Rohr's edicts... this disturbingly amusing. So far, Byrnes obedience has not appeased Tim, who seems to foaming/fuming with hatred still.

  9. Excuse me but the bishop byrnes how do you thank all the "victims", since the archbishop of Guam has been condemned only for SOME ACCUSATIONS, a hug from Italy we see on May 5 in Rome with the Holy Father, courage!

  10. P.S. reading the statement of the diocesan curia of guam, it seems that we are happy with the sentence. Unbelievable!

    1. Dear Lou,

      I agree. I do not know how any bishop would be happy to welcome such a verdict. It would have been best to respond by saying, "It is sad to hear this verdict especially in light of the fact that so many clergy has been accused of sexual allegations. The fall of a priest or bishop is never something we rejoice in."

      Even the accusers would agree that the fall of any priest or bishop is sad and not something to rejoice in. However, that is not what he said. The fact that he welcomed the verdict and expressed no sorrow is indeed unbelievable coming from a bishop who is supposed to be a "man of God".

  11. Byrnes seems to be in touch only with the influential people of the island... the one percenters... the rest of the people of God??? hmmmmm... to be out of touch, detached, just doesn't quite expresses the reality.

  12. Byrnes forced Rohr to stop comment on his blog. Want to use his readership for his message. Smart

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:25 am,

      Actually, it was Rohr who stopped all the comments because he got tired of all the anonymous comments coming in.

  13. Keep an eye out for Cardinal Tagle. This is getting very interesting.

    1. Roma 2018 one word. Lobied!
      Luis L. Carino===//》 Espana

  14. Is it possible that the press release went first to the media and then someone in the media shared it with Tim Rorh to get his reaction and then Tim Rorh put it on Junglewatch blog before the media because the Junglewatch blog is only covering that story and the rest of the media is covering other stories like GovGuam national and international stories so they didn’t publish the press release right away like Tim Rorh did maybe that’s what happened.

    1. I don’t think so. He was able to get a personal letter of Cardinal Filoni addressed to AB Byrnes. Personal letters don’t come from the media.

    2. Jane Doe at 7:57 AM Tim Rohr says he got the press release from the chancery along with the other media outlets. Anon at 5:26 PM made a good point. Tim Rohr's blog only deals with church issues so he made sure to publish it as soon as he got it. The other media outlets have so many other stories to cover. The story of the Archbishop is important but it's not the only story they're following. Tim Rohr only has that one story.

    3. Rohr stole the press release. It is his way of wreaking havoc. Byrnes should excommunicate him for stealing his papers.

  15. Prayers for AB Anthony!!! I pray the Pali’tics will end.

    God is Faithful
