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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A Lust For Power

The Vatican press release stated (The bold is mine):
“The sentence remains subject to possible appeal. In the absence of an appeal, the sentence becomes final and effective. In the case of an appeal, the imposed penalties are suspended until final resolution.”
 According to news report, Archbishop Apuron had already filed an appeal once he learned of the verdict. The Code of Canon Law on Appeals was pointed out by an anonymous poster.  According to the Code of Canon Law:
Can.  1638 An appeal suspends the execution of the  sentence.
And what did Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes have to say about this?  
Apuron is now being addressed as "bishop," since his removal from office includes the removal of his title, but he remains a bishop by ordination, Byrnes said. 
"The removal of office means the removal of title. He's still a bishop by ordination, but he's not the archbishop," Byrnes said. "It's a very slight little thing, but that's the way I'm taking it."
So, what part of the Canon Law did Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes not understand?  The canon law is made perfectly clear in one sentence.  Someone should CORRECT the Coadjutor Archbishop of Guam.  He spoke about moving forward into "post-Apuron."  Since when is a person used in such format?  I have heard of post-Vatican II, post-confirmation, and the post-911 GI bill.  How degrading to place  Archbishop Apuron, the Archbishop of Agana in such format as though he were a thing or object rather than a person. 

He spoke about reparation.  He made the same mistake when he announced a year of healing and reconciliation on July 6, 2017.  Obviously, he did not learn from his previous mistake.  In 2017, he opened the year of healing and reconciliation after criticizing and judging Archbishop Apuron. Today, he has done much worse. Upon hearing of the verdict and Archbishop Apuron's appeal, the Coadjutor Archbishop then spoke of penance and reconciliation after he STOLE the title "Archbishop of Agana" for himself.  Does he hate Archbishop Apuron that much?  Or is it the title and throne that he seeks for himself?     


  1. Rohr is claiming there is no appeal. That's the same thing he said about the canonical trial.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:08 pm,

      Exactly. Tim Rohr thinks that the Vatican must announce the Appeal in order for an appeal to exist. The Vatican NEVER announced that there was a canonical trial for Archbishop Apuron.

      It would have been prudent and seen as a humble act had Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes waited for the Pope to officially announce that he is Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana. His quick action in claiming the title for Himself only showed pride and greed. How does he expect his actions to bring reconciliation When all we see is appeasement?

    2. The time of the appeal should be recorded at the court and stamped on the paperwork! If you don't know what an appeal is, you should not talk about it.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:10 pm, 

      Read my comment posted at the bottom of this thread. In order for a court to accept an appeal, the appeal must FIRST BE INTRODUCED to the court It only takes common sense to understand that. Therefore, the appeal exists at the time it was filed and introduced before the 15 days deadline. It does not begin when the court accepts the appeal as Rohr claimed. It begins when it was filed and introduced in court.

  2. Byrnes needs the Vatican process to end because when it ends he hopes his job in Guam will end and he can move. His statement tells of how much he hates being on Guam more than his desire to be the titular archbishop. He is thinking “the sooner this mess is over the quicker I can get out of here.”

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:17 pm,

      If he wanted this mess to be over with, he should have used right judgement and humity. Yet, only one day had passed and already he took the title and throne.

    2. Byrnes may have hated to be a co-adjutor on Guam, but he definitely drools to take over as Archbishop of Guam!

  3. And Diana did you hear what Byrnes said during the press conference today about the seminary it’s up for sale but we already know it’s not because of #3 it still hasn’t been approved by cardinal filoni so he should have said one property is up for sale not 2

    1. Dear God is one,

      You are mistaken. It is the chancery that is up for sale. He cannot sell the seminary because he does not have the approval of the Holy See. The Holy See is also aware that there is a condition on that property.

      The legacy of Archbishop Apuron is that he built a seminary that produced 17 priests for the Archdiocese. Now, look at the legacy of Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes. You can see that legacy when you look at the Yona property today. The property is unkempt with grass and weeds as high as your hip. The grass has not been cut and the pool has not been cleaned. I can imagine tadpoles and insects in the pool. CCOG could not even cut the grass. That is Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes' legacy.

    2. We all should write to Rome and send all these media presses with Byrnes erroneous assumption! I encourage everyone here.

      Gino - Sinajana

    3. Diana, the roof of the seminary is rotting! You can see the black dirt on the roof top from a distance!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:39 am,

      Please tell Coadjutor Archbishop Byrnes to clean it up.

  4. Byrnes nothing but Tim's puppet €===:)

    1. Everything is about money now. The powerful makers and shakers on Guam hold the Catholic Church hostage on a short leash of cash. Big Money is conspiring against the innocent to cash in on the suffering of the Body! They are selling out the Body of the Lord, which is us the church, by the pound! This is the name of the new ugly business of the rich and owerful!

  5. Timmy is now being a canon lawyer because he’s saying that an appeal would be made public but we all know that if theirs an appeal it wouldn’t be made public won’t know when the appeal starts or when it ends

    1. He is not the kind of "lawyer" you would trust your case on. Lol!

  6. From Tim Rohr's blog:

    "Let's make this very clear. An appeal is not an appeal when it is filed. An appeal is an appeal when the appellate court agrees to hear it."

    This is the same person (Rohr) who convinced people that there was no canonical trial to start with. Now, Rohr is saying that an appeal is an appeal when the court agrees to hear it. No where in canon law does it say that. See the Vatican weblink below on "Appeal":

    An appeal is an appeal when it is introduced before the judge who rendered the sentence within the peremptory period of 15 days from the notice of the publication of the sentence. The 15 day deadline must be met otherwise the appeal is considered abandoned.

    The Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Byrnes, on the other hand, could not wait for those 15 days. After 1 day, he stole the title, knowing full well that Archbishop Apuron made the appeal within the 15 days. The appeal was filed and introduced by his canon lawyers immediately once he learned of the sentence.

  7. You must tell Mr. Rohr that the appeal, is not subject to acceptance by the judge. In fact in canon law the sentences of I' degree are called "interlocutors"

  8. Dear friends of Guam, I have been following you for several years, I am deeply sorry for the condemnation of Msgr. Apuron as the profound division in which your diocese lives. In these years I was intrigued by your island and your church. Surely the many cases of sexual harassment by priests (true and false) are a tremendous scandal. But personally what shockes me most the climate that I see: a fight for gangs, with a coadjutor bishop who appears totally at the mercy of one party. Surely there will have been errors and sins of priests and laymen of the Way, but to see the consultors of the your Bishop a priest accused of having spent money from the diocese for parties and stays in a luxury hotel in Manila (manila?), A priest who has accused of mismanagement of a charitable organization, except for being denied by the government and finally a priest who has allowed himself to say to the PREFECT OF PROPAGANDA FIDE in front of the journalists not to meddle with the Guam Fact, is an absolutely amazing thing! Sorry for my English.

    1. The international outlook of the situation of the Guam Catholic Church may not be that nice. But please do not judge a book by its cover. Guam is the home of very good Catholic people who will always keep the Catholic church alive and prospering. The reason why the battle against us, the Catholics of Guam, is raging on is precisely our love for our Archbishop that just cannot be erase from one day to the other.

      Byrnes knows well that in the poor Southern villages people don't even know who he is. They still take Anthony Apuron as their Archbishop. They love him for the many goods he did for them and the island. Byrnes would never fancy to go among them or preach to them, the not-so-rich faithful who keep their faith intact in the Archbishop. Byrnes prefers to celebrate himself among the affluent in Agana who provide the cash for his purpose.

      The fight and persecution against the faithful is going on. Our adversaries are ratcheting up their rhetoric and fiery hatred against the church. Who is the church? Is it not us, its members? Is it not our communities that build the Body of Christ on earth? Byrnes should know that persecuting the church would only make it stronger. We grow stronger every day when they hate us because of the Precious Name!

  9. There is now going to be a battle.

    1. Dear Jane Doe,

      Not now. The battle will start after we return from our Pilgrimage in Rome.

    2. What battle plan have you come up with?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:22 am,

      To walk in faith.

    4. Unfortunately, I cannot go to the Pilgrimage tour to Rome, but I'll keep praying with and for the brothers who do! They made the effort of faith to make this tour possible for them and for their families. I am truly happy for them because they'll see the Pope!

      Seeing Pope Francis and pray with him will give us much needed strength to endure the raging persecution against the brothers in every front. We need the Pilgrims to fill up our spiritual store houses with the power of the Holy Spirit who will be communicated to us, through the Pilgrims, by the Pope.

      We will also celebrate 50 years of the Way that is an amazingly long time with our founders Kiko and Mario, with the deceased Carmen who is interceding for us in heaven. We'll pray for her beatification that will silence our adversaries around the world. Go forward Pilgrims, bring us the hope of victory and peace from the Pope and Kiko.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:25 pm,

      The pilgrimage brings extra graces so when we return, these graces will rub on to the rest of the brothers who were unable to attend. The grace of God makes our faith stronger. We will all be the light of the world so that those who see our light will praise God our Father. After the pilgrimage, our weaknesses will be made strong. The pilgrimage will give us much needed strength to face and endure the persecution against us, and this strength will also flow to our brothers who were unable to attend the pilgrimage.

      1 Timothy 1:18-19. Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith.

  10. Hi Diana,

    I am sure you are aware of the elderly sisters of the Immaculate Heart fighting the sale of their convent property in Los Angeles to Katy Perry. Here is a link to an article about this:

    Here are some clips from the article:

    "In Los Angeles, canon law requires a sale of church property worth more than $7.5 million to get approval from the Vatican. L.A. County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Bowick later invalidated the sale, writing that it lacked approval from the pope, the Holy See, or the archbishop."

    And another clip:

    She (Sister Rita Callanan) said other Catholic orders would do well to heed the fate of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart. “I say to the brothers and sisters about this case, please watch carefully because if our archbishop can take our property away from us and our money then it can happen to you.”

    Well, the RMS Guam situation is not unique. And why is the Chancery property the first to be offered for sale? Because "canon law requires a sale of church property worth more than $7.5 million to get approval from the Vatican".
