Blog Song

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

SNAP Apologizes To Father Jiang

Image result for Father JiangFor the first time in history, SNAP, has apologized to falsely accused priest Father Jiang. SNAP's apology reads as follows: 
The SNAP defendants never want to see anyone falsely accused of a crime. Admittedly, false reports of clergy sexual abuse do occur. The SNAP defendants have no personal knowledge as to the complaints against Fr. Joseph Jiang and acknowledge that all matters and claims against Fr. Jiang have either been dismissed or adjudicated in favor of Fr. Jiang. SNAP acknowledges that false claims of clergy sexual abuse injure those clerics falsely accused and the Roman Catholic Church. SNAP apologizes for any false or inaccurate statements related to the complaints against Fr. Joseph Jiang that it or its representatives made which in any way disparaged Fr. Joseph Jiang, Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, Monsignor Joseph D. Pins and the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
You can find the apology in the news report here.  Criminal charges filed against Father Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang were dismissed in 2015.  Father Jiang also passed a polygraph test, during which he denied that he had ever abused a minor.  When Father Jiang was accused of sexual abuse, SNAP labeled him guilty without due process of a trial.  After he was found not guilty, Father Jiang fought back and sued for defamation to restore his reputation.  Father Jiang won the defamation lawsuit and SNAP was ordered to reimburse Father Jiang's legal fees, which totaled $25,100.  Another judge also ordered the false accusers to pay the legal expenses of both Father Jiang and the Archdiocese of St. Louis, totaling $48,516.84. 

Indeed, a big kudos to Father Jiang for fighting the good fight for truth and justice.


  1. Yah! so happy for Father Jiang... why didn't Fr. Luis Camacho do the same?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:21 pm, 

      Father Luis was never arrested for sex abuse. Facts show that he was arrested for custodial interference and was later cleared by the civil authorities. Please stick to factual evidence.

  2. I hope Tim Rohr is reading your blog... he may very likely have been cooperating with evil all this time as he pushed hateful judgement against Apuron without any due process.

  3. Diana... I understand he was "never arrested for sex abuse, but for custodial interference and was later cleared by the civil authorities"... why didn't Fr Luis then file a suit for defamation by the jungle folks. I don't understand if he was cleared then why is he not back to Merizo. We miss him... he is (was) a good priest then.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:29 pm,

      He did not bring a defamation lawsuit perhaps because he did not want to put the girl and her family through the jungle mud. It would only allow the jungle to hate the girl and her family.

    2. I understand ... the jungle people would hate the girl and her family cause it would disprove their theory on what happened. Thanks
