Blog Song

Wednesday, November 22, 2017



Dancing Thanksgiving turkey


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Diana!

  2. I like your dancing turkey, Diana. 😁

  3. God Bless you Diana!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    To God alone be all power glory for ever and ever!

  4. I don't see the dancing turkey... what gives???

    Anyways... Let us remember Archbishop Apuron on this day and let us pray for our enemies: "May the Lord be merciful to them for whatever evil they may have done to Apuron, the NCW and us here in Guam."

  5. Diana... I just left this message in the JungleWatch... I doubt they will publish it, but if they don't do it by Friday night, feel free to publish it.


    Here is a message to build a bridge... I don't know if you are courageous enough to publish it, but it is my sentiment for Guam.

    On Thanksgiving day Let us remember Archbishop Apuron and let us pray for him in his exile until the Holy See issues a verdict. Let us refrain from the arrogance of passing judgement, for doing justice on one who claims innocence, for "LOVE believes all things" and the Lord will not leave unpunished those who are guilty.

    Let us also remember those who do not understand the JungleWatch:
    The NCW, whose members may be coming from far away and do not know how to keep their pride in check, their anger... they are young in a Way of faith and usually naive as they are evidently on a way to adult faith... not there yet.

    For the families in Guam and the possible vocations that could have existed but are now stifled by this feud, fueled by misunderstanding and hatred. Let us pray that the Lord may protect their Catholic faith, their vocations and the Church in Guam.

    For the Junglewatch, CCoG, all others who feel disenfranchised enough to launch protests and accusations day and night against Apuron and the Vatican. For whatever evil that they may have done in the process of defending their faith. That the Lord may forgive them.

    On this beautiful day to rejoice with Families, let us first pray to the Lord to keep our families intact despite our errors and weaknesses... but above all, let us pray for those who are victims of this feud and will not share a meal with their beloved: Apuron and those who have been forced out of the islands for fears caused by this feud.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:55 am,

      It is Friday night as I write this reply to you. The jungle has not published your comment; therefore, I am publishing it on this blog.

  6. Diana,

    I am extremely grateful for the tremendous work you are doing for the Catholic Faith on Guam.

    The Church and the Faith are under attack by CCOG as well as the henchmen running the Chancery.

    Courage! Continue to speak the truth!

