Blog Song

Thursday, October 5, 2017

This Says It All

The following comment was made by Jokers Wild.  It's a comment that I think expresses how most of those in the Way feel.  I remember Archbishop Byrnes say that he would listen to both sides; yet, he has only met one side.  

Peace of Christ be with you!

My heart is so heavy today because of the sad news of the closing of the RMS. I am saddened but not discouraged.

It is always easier to criticize and judge how and in what way others accomplish their jobs and tasks and for the most part I try my best not to do this but today I will.

I share the same sentiments as Sonny Ada in regards to the closure altogether of the RMS and only wish that the Archbishop would agree to keep the seminary open at the expense of the NCW, I know we would support it fully because we are not blind to the holy fruits. I was always moved by Father Pius when he would say, "rather than just having GOOD priests, we must also have good and HOLY priests".

In all that has happened since the assignment of a Coadjutor Archbishop not once has he reached out as a shepherd and addressed the brothers and sisters in the NCW to assure us that he cares for us. Instead he has time and time again placed moratoriums, halts on our activities and celebrations. Am I not to feel abandoned and more worse singled out by his decisions?

He stopped us from having Cathechesis, he stopped us from doing our Missions in the public parks after Easter, he instructed us to cut down the number of seminarians at the RMS and now he has decided to shut down the RMS.

Reach out to us Archbishop Michael from another angle. Even as a parent corrects his child, he must reinforce the discipline with Love and compassion. 

In all that Archbishop Michael has done he has only exercised his Authoritive powers but has not practiced his filial gifts as Shepherd to us all.

I prayed lastnite during our Word celebration more than I have ever in all my years of walking. I prayed for Archbishop Michael and for our church, I prayed for Archbishop Anthony's return and I also prayed for the devil to get out of the chancery.

-Jokers Wild


  1. I remember you saying again and again when non-neo priests complained of the one-sidedness of Apuron's attention, that they were "jealous".

    So, these poor NCW members are jealous now?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:02 pm,

      No, we are not jealous. The RMS priests are also not jealous. The work we do in the communities keep us too busy. Who has time for jealousy when we have preparation, celebration of the word, the Eucharist, the monthly convivience, and the youth scrutacio. All this in addition to our families.

      Now, I can understand the other priests being jealous when Archbishop Apuron was here. After all, they did not have any communities to keep them busy.

  2. Dear Brothers and sisters,

    Please pray for the rosary. Offer the rosary up for the seminary.

  3. Diana the PDN poll shows that nobody likes Archbishop Byrnes because he is burning up with a bunch of F votes

    1. Right. NCW international votes. Give us a break. Nice going Pius.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 5:24 pm, 

      I am not Father Pius. And I did not know about the poll. If I did, I would have put it in my blog and encourage people to vote. And how would you know it was international or that only the NCW voted "F"?

    3. True. The enrollment in the Catholic schools went down. Many parents are unhappy with the new fees implemented by Byrnes so it ain't just the Neos who gave him an F.

    4. Peace. I walk in community. No one should believe results of online polls.

    5. Still, I hope that F rating will open up Byrnes’ eyes cuz he’s only catering to a very few people. CCOG doesn’t represent the Catholic community. A large majority of Catholics are not part of JW.

  4. Byrnes knows that the people who walk in a community are not going to picket outside the cathedral, they are not going to sue anybody, or physically hurt anybody, and they are going to obey. We will say the truth, but we will obey.

    Rohr & Co. instead do not obey anybody, physically and verbally abuse people, threaten to sue, have loud and shaming protests and then help to fabricate sexual accusations against those they do not like.

    Byrnes came to Guam to restore peace. except that there is one war party and one peace party in Guam. Byrnes has become the puppet of the war party and to appease them he had to kill a scapegoat, the peace party. I suspect he was promised greater appointments if he was successful in quieting Rohr & Co. so he chose destroy the party that he knows will not resist evil and that lets itself be killed by the evil of others.

    he has now killed the scapegoat and he hopes to move on to other assignments. but what he has done in Guam will haunt his career (see what happened to HON?) and maybe, just maybe, his worst fear will come true: he will be made ordinary of Guam and find himself hostage to Rohr & Co.

    Don't be afraid Bishop: even without the RMS communities that give silent witness of the love of Christ will still be here. we will support you, love you and defend you when Rohr & Co turns on you because God is just and we trust in Him to defend us.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:02 pm,

      And they say that persecution brings one closer to Christ.

  5. Dear brothers, I am writing to you from Italy, I have for you a prayer every day with psalms in the morning. Courage the Lord always precedes us. Always carry this respectful and obedient attitude. But one thing I want to tell you, it is very serious that Propaganda Fide's prefect's private correspondence ended up in that blog that spreads hatred, insults, and calumnies. Absolutely unheard of! Believe me, the Holy Father does not tolerate certain things, and even recently in Rome he has taken great measures in similar cases. You have to inform Rome of these things! A Hug in Risen Christ!

    Sorry for my english!

  6. The release of the article about Guam in the Vatican Insider set in motion the demise of Savio Hon.

    Hon is an ally of Benavente, the CCOG, Rohr and his jungle friends as well as Martin Krebs, our Apostolic Delegate.

    The removal of Hon to an insignificant diplomatic post is sending chills and shivers in many high Vatican offices and worldwide nunciatures. The message is clear: if you don't pull the line of pope Francis, then stay clear. Hon wasn't necessarily on the side of Francis when it came to Vatican relations with Beijing. Francis wanted more dialogue with communist china while Hon remained defensive and inflexible with Beijing. Hardly a good trait for a first time diplomat. In the end, Hon was axed for this and other reasons which are obviously tied to Guam.

    We now await for the outcome of the verdict on Archbishop Apuron. The facts have shown that Hon, Byrnes, Krebs, the CCOG, Benavente and San Nicolas are working hard to unjustly defrock Apuron.

    I believe that Apuron is innocent. I think he should return to Guam with an auxiliary bishop to assist in his administration. His return will restore peace.

    I also believe that Pope Francis wants peace restored to Guam. I believe that pope Francis wants Apuron to return to guam. Those who want to defrock an innocent man are NOT for peace. They are for violence. In order for peace to be restored we must follow the path which pope Francis wants for guam. If the coadjutor and his "delegates" as well as his consortium of dealers and shakers refuse to heed the pope's desire for peace on Guam, then they must go down the inevitable path blazed by Savio Hon to the ever-symbolic Athens.

    We can only pray that a just and fair verdict be given to Apuron so that peace can be restored to the church. Only then can we begin to repair the damages done by those who sought violence through injustice.

    Let us quietly work for peace. Likewise in doing so, may we prayerfully restore justice.

    1. Yeah we all should do like what archbishop is going through including you Diana take the persecution and like Jesus who did nothing do the answering with prayers and fasting pray for the seminary and pray for the return of archbishop Anthony as archbishop of Guam and remember to be a martyr for the faith is a badge of honor because for those who did the 1st scrutiny here on this blog the cross is more glorious than following the world let's start tomorrow with fasting but if Byrnes still does things wrong continue writing to Rome i.e. Cardinal filoni

    2. "We can only pray that a just and fair verdict be given to Apuron"
      And if the verdict is guilty will you call it just and fair?

      "but if Byrnes still does things wrong continue writing to Rome i.e. Cardinal filoni"
      Did you not reflect on the Gospel a few weeks ago about how to resolve problems? You seem to be missing a few key steps by going straight to Filoni. Shouldn't you try to resolve it locally first? By yourself, then with other witnesses.

      It's pretty hard to practice what you preach when your foundation is built on sandy ground.

      Just an observation for you all to think about.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:46 pm,

      See the comment made by an Anonymous commenter in the following we link from my latest post:

      If the decision to sell the Seminary was made four months ago, those four priest already made their objections to Archbishop Byrnes before they wrote the letter to the Vatican. After all, Father Jeff already gave them an official notice about the closing of the Seminary either before or in June despite that it was never made public.

  7. Sorry brothers, I'm always Italian :), a curiosity: I read that there is a deacon who has been in charge of your bishop to "review" the catechetical director, with what powers and authority? That document was approved after the vision of various Vatican congregations and of the most important theologians such as the card. Schoenborn, card. Muller, card. Bertone and Card. Canizares, who is this deacon?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:18 pm,

      His name is Deacon Steve Martinez. It was Archbishop Byrnes who appointed him to review the catechetical directory with him. Archbishop Byrnes stopped the NCW from catechizing because he wants to review the catechetical directory approved by those most important theologians such as Cardinal Schoenborn, Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Bertone, and Cardinal Canizares. And Deacon Steve Martinez (whom Archbishop Byrnes appointed) was a member of CCOG, an organization that opposes the Neocatechumenal way.

    2. His name is Deacon Martinez restored I don't know how.

    3. It doesn’t look good for Byrnes when he says he needed to review the Catechetical Directory, does it?

    4. Dear anon 10:08 pm.

      Actually, for Byrnes to ask that the diocese of Agana review what the highest doctrinal congregation in the Vatican has already APPROVED is a sign of the outright ineptitude and ignorance at the laughable machinations of Byrnes and his advisors. They're laughing at us for sure. It's like the owner of a pet shop criticizing Mother Nature for giving wings to birds. "Do these birds really need wings? We need to decide if they're really needed". So goes Martinez at chancery.

    5. Anon 10/5 @ 9:18 AM, 10/6 at 6:45 AM an Diana 10/5 @ 9:58 PM: From what I understand Archbishop Byrnes asked Deacon Steve Martinez to review the NCW catechetical directory to ensure that the catechists are actually teaching what is contains so that the communities are properly catechized. As the shepherd of ALL Catholics on Guam Archbishop Byrnes is actually doing the NCW a huge favor if he has Deacon Martinez monitor the catechists and Deacon Martinez reports that the communities are learning the contents of the directory and not any "personal interpretations" of the catechesis.

      I seriously doubt that either the Archbishop or the Deacon think they have the credentials to review the contents of an approved document. All they really care about is proper implementation of that document.

    6. Sorry, but please go back to the time that the directories were approved for publication (although they were never published). Recall that Kiko stated that the approval for publication was a great thing because now if any bishop or priest had questions about what the NCW taught, they could simply look at page such and such of the directories.

      So, isn't the Archbishop well within his rights to examine for himself what the NCW actually teaches? I know its sacrilegious for anyone other than the designated catechist to have a copy of the books, but surely you can make an exception for the archbishop.

      So, now, if there is nothing wrong with the texts, as you imply by your continued reference to APPROVED and APPROVAL, there will be nothing to worry about, and it will be discovered that the directories are good and proper teaching guidelines.

      Your protest about the Archbishop choosing to review the texts, suggests that even members of the NCW are nervous about the textual content.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 11:56 am and Anonymous at 11:57 am,

      Archbishop Byrnes can review the Catechetical Director all he wants. And indeed, there is nothing wrong with the texts simply because it was already approved by the Holy See.

      However, you missing the point. Exactly HOW is Deacon Steve and Archbishop Byrnes making sure that the catechists are doing what is in the Directory when in the first place, Archbishop Byrnes stopped all the catechesis????? Exactly how is Deacon Steve or Archbishop Byrnes supposed to ensure that the catechists are teacihng what is contained in the Directory when in the first place, he stopped the teaching???? That kind of defeats the purpose. Therefore, there seems to be an ulterior agenda to this whole thing.

    8. I think you are mistaken. The first point would be to review the written texts as they are proffered as the source and guidelines of the teaching of the NCW. In fact, many catechists simply learn these texts more or less word for word.

      So, checking the orthodoxy of the texts and understanding their objectives is important.

      Of course, you are correct when you say that there is no way to ensure that the catechists actually are teaching what is contained in the "approved" books. Because it is evident that many (if not all) catechists were educated on the older "unapproved" texts (the ones that were not yet edited by the Vatican), and therefore may teach content that is not in the books that can be reviewed.

      Finally, after the review, it may be decided that the catechists should not teach what is contained in the books as there may be discovered some uncatholic or ambiguous stuff. After the review, the Archdiocese will be in a better position to monitor what is actually taught.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 1:28 pm,

      To say that they would find something uncatholic in a book already approved by the Holy See does not make any sense. The fact that it was reviewed by great Catholic theologians and approved by the Holy See means that it is Catholic and contains no errors in the faith.

    10. Let's say that there may be ambiguous material that needs clarification, especially when delivered verbally in catechesis sessions.

      Finally, its "approval for publication" does not make it infallible or "free from errors in the faith".

    11. TO Anon. 1:28 pm. I wouldn't worry about the catechists of the NCW. I would rather worry about some of the un-catholic and anti-catholic elements being taught In the so called Catholic High schools.

    12. After the fact that Byrnes refuses to meet anyone from the NCW and after he refuses to dialogue with us, now Steve Martinez is supposed to make sure we follow the directives ? Give me a break!

      That's like the one who poisoned the water well is now disguised as the water commissioner and supposedly comes to solve the water problem. Hahahah. Martinez is a JOKE!

    13. Dear Anonymous at 3:06 pm,

      That is like saying......Let's say that there may be ambiguous material that needs clarification in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

      Finally, its "approval for publication" does not make it infallible or "free from errors in the faith".

      Name me one material approved and published by the Holy See that is an error. There is none. That is what "infallibility" in faith and morals mean.

    14. Neither deacon Martinez nor coadjutor-archbishop Byrnes are qualified to review the directories. If they were they'd be experts working at the congregation for the faith and not in an island in the middle of the pacific.
      So it is a lie that they want to check for orthodoxy because they know they are not competent to judge the directories. Unless they are completely delusional and claim they are more capable than Benedict Xvi who did review them and approved them. Are you saying that Byrnes and Martinez have the stature of a theological giant like Benedict xvi?

    15. Byrnes has a doctorate from Rome. Problem is evaluating them, it’s finding copies to read. Right?

    16. Wrong. All he has to do is ask the Vatican as is his right and privilege to do and the congregation of the faith will send him copies.
      And a doctorate is not enough qualification.

  8. Thank You for posting my comment. I'm sure that many brothers and sisters share in my thoughts but may not know how to express themselves. I hope it helps.

    I hope Archbishop Michael has realized that the rise in locals wanting to experience the seminary is due in part to exposure they have received from the RMS. If it wasn't for this concrete sign that many young boys have come to know, would they even ponder the idea of the priestly vocation?
    Guam had a an era where there were no vocations. This era was when the minor seminary was no more and before the RMS was born. We need to realize this.
    I personally know most of the guys that are at Saint Patrick's and the guys in the Capuchin program. I'm sure that on top of them having the calling since their younger years, being able to see the RMS seminarians abandon their lives proved to them that it was also possible for them to do the same. I remember these past 15 or so years and how Gabriel, Ashton, Luis, Darren,Preston and all the others would constantly be seen at retreats, youth conferences sharing their call to join the seminary. I hope no one denies this truth. God was really working through them.

    In all of this these past 2 days I forgot that we have a whole community of women living the cloistered life of Carmel, devoting their entire life to prayer. I know they are storming heaven for Guam.
    I hope we all followed the request to pray a rosary for the intentions of the seminary today.

    -Jokers Wild

  9. Our Lady of Fatima
    Queen of Peace.
    Pray for us.

  10. If Byrnes had any balls or any concern for the church in Guam he would do what Chaput did and counter sue whoever accused a priest of any misconduct. The same thing that happened in Philly would happen here: all accusers would disappear. But Byrnes is a bureaucrat who only wants to settle things so that he can get out of our island as soon as possible. sell, destroy, pay and close. I wonder what the landscape will be when he is finished. No seminary, no schools, very few open parishes. No defense of priests, no support of Catholics, more abortion and casinos run by Chinese mafia. He says apuron left a disaster: let's see the no-man's land he will leave behind.

  11. God will help just pray and Maria also will help you..
