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Friday, September 1, 2017

The Holy See

There are two definitions of "Holy See."  Tim Rohr is only looking at one definition.  According to Tim Rohr:
So what is the Holy See? Is it Filoni? Nope. The Holy See is ultimately the pope. The Catholic Church is a monarchy, not a democracy. But beyond that, there is this:
Yes, the Holy See is the Pope, but it is also the Secretariat of State, the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church, and other institutes of the Roman Curia. According to the Code of Canon Law 361:

Can. 361 In this Code, the term Apostolic See or Holy See refers not only to the Roman Pontiff but also to the Secretariat of State, the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church, and other institutes of the Roman Curia, unless it is otherwise apparent from the nature of the matter or the context of the words.
The Code of Canon Law specifically stated that the Holy See not only refers to the Roman Pontiff (the Pope), but also to the Secretariat of State, the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church, and other institutes of the Roman Curia.  So, should we listen to the jungle or the Code of Canon Law? Therefore, Anonymous 7:57 pm was correct when he/she stated the following: 

Excuse me. RMS cannot be sold off without the approval of the Congregation for Evangelization/curia.
Archbishop of Agana requires consent of curia to sell/close down.
Wishes of Cardinal Filoni/curia important. Archbishop Anthony is Archbishop of Agana.


  1. Rohr practices a neologism form of journalism.Used to report
    fabricated church news.His news contains no bases or facts but is presented as accurate.
    Junglewatch propaganda fake news.

  2. The Holy See given no official document authorization consent approval to Monsignor Byrnes to sell RMS property.
    The property is not for sale until such a time Cardinal Filoni with the consent of the Holy Father/curia grant authorization to Monsignor Byrnes. It is not for sale at this point in time.

  3. Without consent of Holy See no individual has authority to sell property. To do so direct violation of church law resulting in disobedience to the Holy See.Such disobedience to the Pope endangers unity of peter and places ccog in danger of spiritual loss.

  4. Before NCW communties formed Archdiocese of Agana look similar to a dead wood dry forest.There was little sign of healthy life bad air.
    The creative Spirit of God entered Guam via the way life slowly returned.
    The branches on dead wood produced leaves Guam again became green lush.Lifeless dead church of past years became vibrantly alive.
    The created Spirit of Christ living in community members animated church life.The church became alive positive and fecund. The spirit of the way touched a lifeless dead church. The people were touched life and fruitfulness returned to Guam.

  5. There is no wisdom in permitting Rohr to continue with his radical dissenting thinking.
    Archbishop Byrnes allows him to undermined Holy See.
    Continue to support Holy See.

  6. Diana did you see one good news that happened this week the good news was one case was dismissed but it's not the archbishops case the case that was dismissed was against his mentor showing that the plot is getting found out

  7. Based on his actions towards and against the RM seminary, I believe that Byrnes is an enemy of the seminary, and an enemy of the Way and he is even against the fruits of the Way. All the couples in the Way who were open to life on obedience to the magisterium of the church are now targets of ridicule and all the vocations of priests and cloistered nuns arising from the communities will be discredited. Everything we have done will be labeled as "anti-diocesan".

    I predict that the Byrnes will shut down the seminary and then he will work a scheme to plan to throw out the Communities from the parishes.

    He already followed mike Crisostomo's rule to put a stop to the catechesis. What's next?

    The future of the evangelization here in Guam and the Pacific is on its death throes. We have Byrnes, CCOG and the congregation for the de-"evangelization" of people's in Rome to thank for this tragedy.

    It's amazing how inflamed the CCOG and Byrnes are in their actions AGAINST the Way. If only they are as devoted in the fight against suicide, prostitution, drug addiction and family violence which is wreaking havoc on guam society. Why are they so incensed against the Way? What have we done?

    Watch and see what Byrnes and CCOG do next because they always work in tandem.

  8. I AM SO UPSET! How can BYRNES allow CCOG'S to monitor the RMS? These are men who answered the CALL to become priests. BYRNES could certainly tell CCOG to leave.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:49 am,

      Archbishop Byrnes has no control of CCOG. They do not need his permission to monitor RMS as long as they follow the law and stay outside the property.

    2. Or make a reservation. What does Fr. Edwin mean by that? It was on Kuam. Needs an explanation.

    3. Saturday afternoon, I went to pick a seminarian for Eucharist. There were two elderly ladies outside the gate of the seminary with notebook in hand. As I was entering the gate, I waved and smiled to them. After picking up the seminarian and exiting the gate, I smiled and waved to the ladies again. They smiled and waved to us in the car. Respond with love. Little acts of kindness hopefully makes a difference.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:16 pm, 

      It is called "sarcasm". After all, it is CCOG who keeps calling it a hotel and demanding rent. CCOG has no idea that it is the Archdiocese who pays for the seminarians. When the Archdiocese sent three seminarians to study at St. Patrick's Seminary, who is paying for their education? The RMS seminarians belong to the Archdiocese.

    5. Hmm, but Dr. Eusebio publicly stated that there is no need to fund the seminarians anymore. The NCW will take up the expenses. He put his foot in his mouth. I doubt there will be any funding for the RMS studies.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 9:38 pm,

      I was only pointing out the silliness of CCOG's plan of asking Archdiocesan seminarians to pay rent.

    7. Rental is in the horizon, especially if mission families are occupants. Guess it's called assessments like all other Catholic institutions being assessed. There will be no exceptions to the rule. My opinion only on this matter.

      It may back fire , but then no one knows.

    8. Didnt Archbishop Byrnes send Archdiocesan seminarians to Menlo Park?

    9. Diana, in an Archdiocesan seminary the Ordinary accepts the seminarians. ThesecRMS seminarians came by lottery from the Way. They did not have a personal call to serve in Guam and did not apply to Archdiocese of Agana. How can we straighten this out?

    10. Dear Anonymous at 10:55 pm,

      These RMS seminarians were accepted by the Ordinary. You are correct. They did not have a personal call to serve in Guam. The call came from God, and the seminarians said yes to God.

    11. A priest is ordained for the Universial catholic church.He is accepted by the ordinary to study for the priesthood. After ordination he serves the church. It does not have to be on Guam. He can serve where the church asks him. Who has a personal call to serve in Guam? No one I know.

    12. Anon 5:35 pm. Your definition is missing the incardination process. In other words it creates a "girovagos" clergy.

  9. Got nothing better to do

  10. I wonder if their time as watchdogs is fruitful? Surely God has a plan. Diana, I am grateful for your blog. Thank you.

  11. Follow the Holy See remain loyal to the teaching authority of the Church.

  12. Byrnes don't control CCOG'S but he could ask them to stop or intercede for the seminarians...

  13. By now we know that Tim is either an ignorant or has an activist agenda... his words and childish vocabulary speaks volumes of his character.

  14. Diana look at this papa Francisco had a audience with kiko and look at what he said Pope Francis received this Monday (4 / Sep / 2017) in hearing the initiator of the road, Kiko Argüello, who attended the holy see without which for decades was his inseperable partner of evangelization, Carmen Hernández, deceased A year ago.

    It has not transcended the content of the audience but it has been published precisely the assessment that Francis has made of the book published by the library of Christian authors, Carmen Hernández's diaries, in which his writings appear for several years.

    In a letter of appreciation for receiving this book, the Pope writes to kiko ensuring that " through these pages we must bear witness to a great love for Jesus, whose light turns the suffering into offering, the weariness in joy, life in a Time ".

    "sow the gospel at all times"
    The Pope also asks in the letter that God "help the way to sow the gospel at all times with joy and without reservations, with faith and humble obedience".

    Kiko Argüello released the letter of Pope Francis during a retreat at the international center of the road, in Porto San Giorgio, Italy, from where more than 400 priests, seminarians and young people of different nationalities departed for several missions by The streets of two in two without money, mobile or food, for example the gospel.

    Kiko, moved with the writings of Carmen
    In Carmen's journals, their innermost thoughts appear in those who always mention their love to Christ in a life given to the and not free from suffering and dark nights.

    In the book's introductory note, kiko argüello stated that "it has been touching, and at the same time a great surprise, reading these journals of Carmen and citing one excerpt from his writings:" one day he says: ' Sir, on the eve of persecution , not wishing for any of this life. Poor and with nothing, I have the intimate desire of your unique presence. Holiness, sir, hidden desires of holiness, of sacrifice, to fill the day of your presence. Prayer. Sir, you come to fill the sense of good, things. Strengthen the faith to kiko ".

    " reading his love to Christ, I feel small and poor and I do not know how to thank god the immense grace of having had as a partner in the mission to Carmen ", writes kiko, who adds that " you have the right to know the heart of Carmen , his immense love to Jesus Christ ".
    #KikoArguello #PapaFranciscoCNC

  15. Diana guess what we are going to be doing the preparations for the holy fathers 50th anniversary next year

    1. I am ESL also, but I cannot understand "God is one" writings
