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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Finally, In Local News

The article published by the Vatican Insider has finally hit local Guam least part of it.  It would be great if the Guam Daily Post had added a link so people can read the entire article published by the Vatican Insider.  So, people (especially the NCW) start requesting the Guam Daily post to provide the original publication of the Vatican Insider.  The people of Guam need to hear Archbishop Apuron's side of the story. According to the Guam Daily Post:

Anthony Apuron
The Vatican City news website Vatican Insider added another alleged twist to the growing cases of decades-old child molestation accusations against former Guam Catholic priests.
Vatican Insider mentioned the child molestation trial of suspended Archbishop Anthony Apuron, whom it describes as "now awaiting his verdict by the (Vatican Tribunal) presided by Cardinal Burke in the coming days."
The Apuron trial, continued the Vatican Insider, is allegedly part of a long chain of events on an island it describes as "in the midst of corruption, intrigues, abuses and power plays."
"But what might seem at first glance like another sad story of a pedophile priest on closer inspection becomes a much more complex account of rivalries, plotting, power games, and sex scandals – real or invented – and media campaigns."
Vatican Insider is attempting to make a connection between a failed attempt to legalize casino gambling on the island more than a decade ago, and the sex abuse controversies surfacing now, including against Apuron.
"Everything began in 2002, when a group of Chinese entrepreneurs first laid eyes on the Accion Hotel in Yona, built as a Japanese resort in 2000, but which soon ended up in bankruptcy and set among 20 hectares of seaside property," the report states.
"When it first opened, the property was valued at between $60 million to $80 million," the report added. It claimed David Lujan, the investors' alleged "local lawyer," was authorized to offer $5 million for the site.
‘Las Vegas of the Pacific’
"The idea was to transform the hotel into a grand casino; this was part of a larger strategical project aiming at turning the island of Guam into a 'Las Vegas of the Pacific,'" Vatican Insider claims.
The report paints Apuron as the church official who opposed the casino project because casinos "don't bring money, but moral misery."
Lujan was traveling yesterday and said he couldn't comment immediately because he hadn't read the story.
The failed hotel property later was owned by the Guam Catholic Church after $2 million was raised.
The church is now selling the former hotel-turned-seminary as part of plans to pay multiple child sex abuse claims.


  1. Their evil plot is unfolding and with the recent decline an withdrawal of certain airlines flying into Guam, tourist visits down, economy down. Any gamble into investing in the yona property is a loss.
    Archbishop Anthony will be cleared of all allegations of abuse soon. His return, unknown, uncertain. Everything still far from over.
    Archdiocese admin must publicly denounce CCOG and the Jungle blog.
    David Sablan should resign from his position in CCOG amidst the allegations against him at GHURA. Scandal!

    -Jokers Wild

  2. Local news is biased.

  3. PDN is housed in whose building? Eugenio working hard but most of her half page articles are repetitive with probably only one small paragraph containing new content.
    So did anyone find out what CCOG was demanding of Father Michael Crisostomo? I heard it was to gain his backing for their plans to attack a certain deacon. We'll see soon enough how what is kept in the dark will be revealed in the light. The truth!
    There's a certain guy that is commenting over at the jungle. I wonder if this is that same guy who was a novice for the capuchins but when he was out in Berkeley he got drafted by the seminary at Castro's street. If it is him, I would suggest that Tim be weary on what he posts, so far not that bad. Although he's been known to bad mouth and spread hideous gossip about the Friary. Some not so tasteful, like the former superiors attraction to boys.

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild,

      Who knows? They probably made plans to set up this certain deacon, just like they blamed Archbishop Apuron and Father Adrian for the missing and destruction of documents.

  4. The problem is, that if Apuron molested even just one of those children, this whole argument breaks down. So, we will see what is ultimately proven.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:05 am,

      The accusers have inconsistencies in their testimonies, which even they are not aware of.

    2. And you know what Timmy said in his blog on how he found mrs.conception he said he found her after Roy came out but I remember when a lady was talking to patty arroyo she said that she heard from a lady who doesn't even want to deal with archbishop and slammed the table and after the lady talked to patty low and behold who spoke the one the only Timmy rohr so we caught him in a lie

    3. Dear God is one,

      Actually that was Mae Ada who called in the Patti Arroyo talk show. And the woman who slammed her fist on the table was Walter Denton's mother. Doris Concepcion had her son cremated about 11 years ago and promised to bury her son's ashes on Guam. 11 years had passed and she was unable to fulfill her promise to her son UNTIL AFTER she accused Archbishop Apuron of molesting her son.

  5. Vatican Insider is a reputable newspaper. They're not going to print that Lujan offered 5 million dollars to the hotel owners without evidence. The fact that they named a price is evident that they have proof. I also don't hear Lujan and Rohr deny that 5 million dollars was offered.

  6. This news about Guam corruption is now all over the Vatican Offices.

    For sure Hon, Jeff and Mike will have to salvage Benavente if they want him to be the new archbishop.

    They gonna have to mount a large-scale never before seen damage control project on the Apostolic palazzo. Good luck boys!

    Even if they try to salvage the monsigneur their dear friend Blockley will spew all the goings on about the Benavente parties / orgies at the ShangriLa Manila.

  7. Shame on you Diana, maybe Mrs. Concepcion did not have the funds to fly to Guam to fulfill her son's wish. You need to be more sympathetic when dealing with a parent who lost one of her children.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:21 pm, 

      Shame on me???? Shame on her. She claimed that her son confessed on his deathbed that he was sexually molested by Archbishop Apuron, and for 11 years she did nothing about it. I am a mother, and you can be certain that if it was my son, I would do something about it IMMEDIATELY, regardless of whether there are funds or not.

  8. Diana did you see what else made the local news? Judge Joaquin Manibusan Jr. recommended that Archbishop Apuron's motion to dismiss the complaints filed by the former altar boys or their estate should be denied. Maybe the judge didn't see the article in the Vatican Insider? Maybe you should send the article from the Vatican Insider to Judge Frances Tydingco-Gatewood because she's the one to make the final decision!!!!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:39 pm,

      Judge Manibusan only made a recommendation. Attorney Jacque Terlaje will be putting forth her objection after reviewing the judge's recommendation. Let us put our trust in God.

    2. diana, tim said today

      Doesn't that strike you as odd, La Stampa? Finally, an opportunity to get in front of the whole world and expose this evil conspiracy against him - from the alleged collusion between a Chinese casino interest and a supposed opportunistic real estate salesman, to the alleged manufacture of 40 year old sex abuse claims - and what does Tony do?

      He screams: NO, NO NO!

      That should tell the whole world what we already know.

      diana, say it isn't so.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:11 pm,

      The fact that Rohr cannot refute the Vatican Insider paragraph by paragraph says it all. Instead, he focuses on Archbishop Apuron and wonders who the witnesses are who spoke to Vatcan Insider.

    4. Timmy is worried. La Stampa showed that there is evidence of David Lujan offering 5 million dollars for the Yona property. There is an eye witness report that papers pertaining to Mon. James financial administration were missing or destroyed. There is a recording taken from K57 of Rohr stating that he brought Roy to Guam and organizing the sex abuse scandal against Archbishop Apuron. Rohr had always loved the limelight and attention. So, now he has the full attention of La Stampa.

    5. diana, what is there to refute, from an earlier comment you stated you had no issue with rohr's documents, but you had issue with rohr's writing style.

      this la stampa story looks like a compilation of rohr's documents, it reads just like a rohr op-ed if he were defending the neocatechumenal way.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 6:39 pm,

      I never said I had an issue with Rohr's writing style. I said the problem is Rohr's interpretation of those documents. The difference with Rohr and La Stampa is that Rohr has an agenda and stands to gain something with Archbishop Apuron out. La Stampa has no agenda at all.

    7. Yep. That's why Tim constantly changes his story.

  9. Everyone wonders why Frs Jeff and Mike went to Rome. Heard some rumors, but thought you may know more, Diana.

    1. I think you are confused 5:08 PM. I am going to Rome in October on a pilgrimage with Pale' Mike. This pilgrimage was in the planning for almost two years. Pale' Mike IS NOT in Rome. Get your facts straight!

  10. Check VATICAN NEWS!!

  11. Diana guess who became the nuncio of Greece hon the terrible

    1. Dear God is one,

      Yes, I already know. The news came to me in Italian, then I found the English version, which was published just a few minutes later. After the Vatican Insider article was published, Pope Francis removed him and sent him to Greece.

  12. Hmmmm... did you see Alex's comments on the Guam Daily Post?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:14 am,

      Unfortunately I have not seen it. The comment must have been removed.

  13. Alexander Chen · Northeastern University
    "The news-media in Guam is incompetent at best or corrupt at worst. Here is a Vatican news organization that publishes the OTHER side of the story. Why has NO ONE IN GUAM asked for Apuron’s version of the story? Why has NO ONE IN GUAM challenged the allegation's stories after hearing Apuron say that he is innocent? Why has NO ONE IN GUAM believed Apuron? Can ANYONE IN GUAM at least have the decency to extend him the benefit of the doubt and hear what he has to say? So far, this Vatican agency is the ONLY news organization that has dared to balance the biased news reporting going on in Guam and, by extension, in USA Today, and present a different perspective on the situation in Guam.

    WHY has the GUAM media been silenced in this respect? and why is it so openly biased against Apuron? Well if the story from the Vatican news organization is TRUE, then it is eerily obvious why. It would have been more credible to see Guam’s news organizations report BOTH sides of the story. Instead, we only heard ONE side of the story from the media outlets… TIM ROHR’s SIDE… which, as soon as the MEDIA had found out the puerile and vulgar tone into which TIM decided to express himself about the subject in his own blog (for whatever personal grievance that he may have against the Bishop), objectivity and reason demands to be concerned about his opinion’s objectivity, about the credibility of his accusations. Any honest news journalist would have tried to find out the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY."
    Like · Reply · 22 hrs · Edited

    Jose Martinez · Founder (company) at Traditions Affirming our Seafaring Ancestry (TASA)
    "Lol. The "Other side of the story" utilizes fabrications to promote a false narrative. The libel just doesn't match up to the facts. Anyone who resides on Guam can determine that. Right?"
    Like · Reply · 17 hrs

    Alexander Chen · Northeastern University
    "@Jose Martinez - "Allegedly" is what you seem to willfully ignore. Allegations could also be 'fabrications'. It goes both ways. Both could be lying, both could be saying the truth. It is up to the public to decide if a fair and balanced reporting is to be done. If the so-called victims had undeniable evidence, Apuron would be in jail right now, but in this nation we believe we are INNOCENT until proven guilty... and not the other way around (that is called witch hunting). However, the BIASED news in Guam has chosen to ONLY believe and present Tim Rohr's fabrications as final FACTS and has NEVER given Apuron the benefit of the doubt, which indicates foul play or plain incompetence."
    Like · Reply · 3 hrs · Edited

    Here is a copy... I can see it from Romania.
    Feel free to edit it.
