Blog Song

Monday, August 14, 2017

Setting The Record Straight

It was brought to my attention that Tim Rohr is once again smearing the good name of Father Edivaldo and Father Luis Camacho.  This is the third time he has misrepresented the stolen photo of Father Edivaldo's family and purposely depicted him as a womanizer, surrounding himself with young girls. It is unlawful to use someone's photo and deliberately misrepresent them in such a way so that their name and reputation becomes tarnished.  Nowhere in Tim's post did he mention that the young girls in the photo are his family members. Rather, he implied that Father Edivaldo would be accused of being the next wave of abuse (See weblink here). 

This is the truth. Below is the photo of Father Edivaldo posing with family members when he was home in Brazil and the note he sent on May 21, 2016:

The following message was written by Father Edivaldo last year: 

Dear Diana,
It was brought to my attention that a picture of my family and me was posted by the junglewatch blog again.  The picture is of me with my nieces  and my sister during a trip home.  The junglewatch did not get my permission to use this personal photo.  The junglewatch did not get permission from my sister and brother to use their children's picture. I am writing to give you permission to post the picture so that the truth may expel any misconception anyone may have because of the Junglewatch's intentional misstatements about me.  I have also taken a screen shot of the post in junglewatch for the purpose of taking legal action.  

Thank you, 
 Fr. Edivaldo

Furthermore, the name of Father Luis Camacho is also being deliberately defamed by Tim.  And all because he was upset with what was written in my previous post New Approach To Molding Future Priests.  I guess that really got to him.  :-)  Father Luis was arrested of custodial interference by the Guam Police Department, but even those charges were cleared and GPD did not pursue the case.  The only person who accused him of having sexual relations was Deacon Steve Martinez, who was a member of CCOG.  ONLY those who are members of the Junglewatch Nation, which includes CCOG, LFM, and SNM, have been spreading the false information against Father Edivaldo and Father Luis Camacho.  Father Luis was also cleared of any charges of sexual misconduct by the Holy See.  See the letter from Bishop Ballen: 

Deacon Steve Martinez, who was a member of CCOG, was the only one who publicly accused Father Luis of having sexual relations with a 17 year old girl.  KUAM news reported of a plot to remove Archbishop Apuron.  The Archdiocese claimed that Deacon Steve Martinez was part of that plot. According to KUAM news:
The church further claims Martinez, who was the former archdiocesan financial officer was incompetent in his position and for six years in a row failed to submit required financial reports to the Vatican.  The archdiocese alleges this finance council conspired to sell the Yona seminary property in order to cover their financial misdeeds. So where does Rohr fit in?
According to the church they allege he had a personal interest in the plan and was supposed to be involved in the multi-million dollar sale as a real estate mediator. You may remember the sudden removal of Monsignor James Benavente - the archdiocese now claims that his removal allowed the archdiocese to uncover the mismanagement and angered those who had a vested interest in the sale of the seminary property, "Thus the group condemning the archbishop today is working towards his demise and has continued with a relentlessly malicious smear campaign".


  1. Tim Roar forgets his pastor is a mother's son. He forgets his son could be someone's priest.

  2. Archbishop trusted the people he put in charge and they took advantage of him. They caused the financial mess, and archbishop was trying to clean it up when he removed Mon.James. That's when this whole racket started.

  3. just saw father gofigan on CNN stating how difficult it is to find the words. Must be in regards to NK.

    Yes it is difficult for a man by himself to find the WORD.

    I would think the SPIRIT of the WORD is given to one who seeks.

    Glad to know; I'm not the only one struggling

  4. Guam's faithful look to God as North Korea threat looms.

    Well....I will not waste my time...14 minutes looking for the WORD from this priest.

  5. We all know that Presbyter Edivaldo wrote the memo using the Archdiocese letterhead and sent it to the media. All that was written is fake news to propegate the NCW by slandering the non NCW clergy.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:20 am,

      That press release was in RESPONSE to your slander and fake news. It has always been the jungle who slanders, provoking the truth of the press release. I noticed that Deacon Steve never came out to defend himself about failing to submit the required financial reports to the Vatican for six years. He also never explained how the sex abuse policy was purposely kept weak by the Archbishop especially when everyone can see that the policy was a xerox copy of a 2002 policy.

  6. Diana, Tim said that its the archbishop who is supposed to send the financial reports, not Deacon Steve.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:17 am,

      Go back and tell Rohr to read what he quoted CORRECTLY. Please tell him to put his reading glasses on so he can read better. According to the Canon Law (Capitalization is mine):

      (Can. 492 §1. In every diocese a Finance council is to be established, over which the diocesan bishop himself OR HIS DELEGATE presides) to submit whatever the Vatican requires.

      The canon law specifically stated "over which the diocesan bishop himself OR HIS DELEGATE presides" to submit whatever the Vatican requires. Deacon Steve was the DELEGATE whom the Archbishop directed to submit the financial reports. So, go back and tell Rohr to please read the canon law CORRECTLY. In other words, nowhere in that canon law did it say that "ONLY the Bishop" was supposed to submit the financial report. How he interpreted it to mean "ONLY the Bishop" is beyond me.

    2. That makes sense. Since deacon Steve was the Archdiocesan finance officer at the time, it makes sense that AB Apuron would designate him as the delegate responsible for submitting the finance report to the Vatican. It's also well-known that AB Apuron would delegate his authority to others so it becomes easier for him to do other things.

    3. This is Timmy's response to Edvialdo's picture with his family:

      AnonymousAugust 15, 2017 at 4:26 AM
      Tim your good in smearing people. That picture is Eduvaldo's niece and sisters!

      TimAugust 15, 2017 at 6:12 AM
      Yes, I know. It has nothing to do with who the girls are. It has to do with who Edivaldo is.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:20 pm,

      Anonymous 4:26 am is correct in that Tim has conducted a smear campaign against Father Edivaldo. In fact, who the girls in the picture DO matter. Why? Because he is using their photo to smear their brother's and uncle's name and reputation.

      Exactly what does Tim mean when he stated that the PHOTO "has to do with who Edivaldo is"? Exactly HOW does this particular photo show who Father Edivaldo is? What message did Tim intend to send using this particular photo????

      So, yes, it has to do with who the girls are. Not only did Tim intend to smear Father Edivaldo, but he also put the girls in the photo in a negative light. If people did not know that these young girls were his sister and nieces, what will people then think about these young girls??? It can be said that Tim blurred out their faces to protect these girls from what other people would think of them.

      If Tim can stoop this low to conduct a smear campaign against Father Edivaldo using his family photo, how much more a smear campaign against Archbishop Apuron?

    5. Father Edivaldo never had a problem with the WORD...maybe the cup was overflowing but always in SPIRIT.

  7. " He who attacks the church is an angel of destruction" St.Padre Pio.

    Example Rohr.

  8. Timmy looks online for these photos I assume. Probably also for tactics on how to do it....not to mention all the porn links that are flashing to get his attention... That is why parents are warned about thier children being online because of these things....adults are just as vulnerable.....hhmmmm....
    These can leave a so called scar in the mind of individuals that one would not realize that they are putting into action in reality...
    Maybe caught in the WEB??

    1. The photo was taken from Fr. Edivaldo's Facebook page.

  9. Which is online???

  10. Diana, if Bishop Apuron is the head of the Archdiocese of Guam, that means he is responsible to ensure that all required reports are submitted to the Vatican in a timely matter. Yes, he can delegate but ultimately he is overall responsible. I think he had more than enough time to replace Deacon Martinez if he is not doing his job as the Finance officer. What do you think?

    1. Dear 5EE445,

      It was the Governor of Guam who appointed members to the board in GHURA. When David Sablan and other board members were charged with conspiracy, bribery, and other allegations, the law enforcement did not go after the governor. Charges were brought to the board members of GHURA. The governor then replaces new board members. This is how it works in a democratic country.

      The same thing is true in the hierarchy of the Church. If the Bishop appointed a person to do something, and that person failed to do it, it falls on that person. When a person is appointed to do something, he should take his task seriously. And if he fails to take his task seriously, the bishop has every right to remove the person without violating his contract and appoint a more reliable, dependable, and responsible person who will take his duty seriously.

      And that is exactly what Archbishop Apuron did. Without violating their contract, he allowed their term to expire and refused to renew their contract. Of course, we all know how that story ended. When the Archbishop thanked the former Archdiocesan Finance Council for their service and refused to renew their contract, they went away with a grudge in their hearts.

  11. Diana I just watched a YouTube video of byrnes on how the church is ran and guess what what he's doing is all about him because he said that the church was built by people not God so he doesn't care about God and what he does and the miracles he does

    1. Dear God is one,

      You seem to have some judgment against Archbishop Byrnes. I have never heard him say that. Can you provide the weblink of this video?

  12. Could it be that Archbishop Anthony gave Deacon Steve some time to submit documents but because of Msngr James and finance council trying to fix mistakes that was uncovered that would cause a delay and Archbishop had to make a decision which staryed people taking sides within the church? Blaming NCW?
    You think so?

  13. Listen at 16:43 where he said they built it not God but they the people

  14. Listen at 16:43 where he said they built it not God

    1. Dear God is one,

      You misunderstood Archbishop Byrnes. He was referring to the building. The building is also called a church. The people built the church building, which is true. Christ built the Church, but the church Christ was referring to was an assembly of people. Archbishop Byrnes, on the other hand, was referring to a stone building.

  15. Officious intermeddler is a prrson who voluntarily without request injects himself into the affairs of another later requesting payment.
    Officious intermeddler is ?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:55 am,

      What has this to do with the OP? Please stick to the OP.

    2. Anonymous is putting this because Tim put this on his blog because byrnes is getting rid of a hon appointed attorney and byrnes is getting rid of the attorney because it shows that he is a disobedient person and doesn't want to follow what the pope says when the pope says that it's about the church making it be about sinners about the church being a hospital about the family that the church here on guam is doing because read what this saying saysThere is no perfect family we do not have perfect parents we are not perfect we do not marry a perfect person nor do we have perfect children we have complaints from others we disappoint each other that's why there is no healthy marriage nor family becomes a conflict arena and a redoubt of sorrows Without forgiveness the family becomes sick forgiveness is the asepsis of the soul cleanliness of the mind and the freedom of the heart who does not forgive has no peace in the soul nor communion with god is a poison that intoxicates and kills keep the pain in the heart It is a self-destructive gesture is autophagy that does not forgive is physically sick emotionally and spiritually and that is why the family needs to be a place of life and not death the territory of cure and not of illness the scenario of forgiveness and not guilt forgiveness brings joy Where the pain produced sadness in which the pain caused the illness

    3. Dear God is one, 10:45am,

      I don't quite understand what you are trying to say. Your post is a long run-on sentence. Could someone rephrase in simple and clearer words what he is saying? Thank you.

    4. Dear God is one @10:56 AM,

      I would like to echo the comment of Anonymous @ 3:44 PM. I have really tried to understand your messages but it seems that all you do is string words together. I'm sure you have good ideas but it's hard to make sense when there are no periods to show where you end one thought and start another.

      Diana, as the administrator of this blog could you please translate this comment for us?
      Thank you.

    5. God is one at 10:56 am I'm sure you are the one who will let your mind help your life or something you will let your own know and be able for you for your understanding and that you can be the best you can to be able to keep your eyes on your own personal understanding of the way that your own personal life will help her business with he way your life can make sure that the new system has been done

    6. Dear Anonymous at 3:44 and 10:57 pm,

      One thing I can see from God is one's comments is that he has a judgment against Archbishop Byrnes. God is one is saying that there will always be problems in every marriage and in every family. What keeps the marriage and family together is having Christ at the center. With Him at the center, we can reconcile and forgive.

      Dear God is one,

      Could you please put commas and periods in your sentences. Your comments are run-on sentences, which makes it difficult for people to understand what you are saying. Also, the one true "God" should always be capitalized unless you are referring to false "gods".

    7. Dear Anonymous at 11:09 pm,

      You also have run-on sentences. Are you God is one?
