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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

In The News

The attorneys for the Archdiocese of Agana is requesting an extension to respond to the sexual abuse lawsuit.  According to PNC news:
If the judge approves, the deadline for the Archdiocese of Agana to respond to the numerous lawsuits will be moved from April 10 to May 12.
Guam - Attorneys on both sides of the dozens of lawsuits filed against the church are asking for an extension for the archdiocese to respond to the allegations of institutional sexual abuse.
Attorney John Terlaje, who represents that Archdiocese of Agana and Attorney David Lujan who represents the 33 alleged victims in federal court, submitted a joint request to move the deadline to respond from April 10 to May 12. Most of the plaintiffs are seeking $5 million each in damages while at least two of Lujan’s clients want $10 million each.
Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes said there are a number of factors for the requested delay.
"I’m sure the factors are endless. One concrete factor that is a difference is that the Boy Scouts have now become part of the equation and so that’s one kind of obvious reason why," he noted. 
Last month the archdiocese announced that they have created a special fund for sexual abuse victims and have an estimated $132 million in assets.
In other news, one parent whose child attends Bishop Baumgartner Memorial Catholic School is requesting that the school remove the name of the Bishop due to the fact that he has been named in covering up the sexual scandal of Father Louis Brouillard.  If his name is removed from the school, what about the statue of the Bishop in Tamuning?  Will that also be removed? According to the Guam Daily Post: 
Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Byrnes said yesterday a parent of a child who attends Bishop Baumgartner Memorial Catholic School has asked that the school drop the bishop's name. 
The former Guam bishop is named in numerous child sexual abuse cases as being aware of certain abuses of altar boys, and allegedly did little to stop or investigate the abuse.


  1. Oops! My mistake. The statue in Tamuning is Archbishop Flores. Archbishop Flores has also been named in the sexual abuse cover up. It was Archbishop Flores who transferred Father Louis to the United States.

  2. It might be a good idea to restore the name of the school to St. Jude. I don't understand how the school was renamed from that of the SAINT who is the village patron saint to commemorate the late Bishop Baumgartner.

  3. Fr.Matthew Blockley.April 4, 2017 at 3:27 PM

    I personally do not see the need for Bishop Tomas Camacho to keep delaying his case. What is he doing writing a thesis on his chosen Topic?

    regarding Dianas statement about the Statue in Tamuning i agree with you Diana. If that is shown to be true that statue has to be removed for it will become a horrible reminder to Guam.

    Regarding the Parent who requested Archbishop Byrnes to drop the name of the school that parent is right. Anyone who covered abuse must go. I suggest parent begins a parents group to begin working on this matter. And always work with respect to Archbishop Byrnes he is not the target he simply inherited a pacific island of Hell.

  4. According to PNC:

    Judge Joaquin Manibusan denied the parties' request to extend the deadline by about a month.
    Guam - You’ve had more than enough time to respond to all these sexual abuse allegations. That’s what US Magistrate Judge Joaquin Manibusan told attorneys today in denying their request to once again extend the deadline for the church to answer to the complaints.

    Both Attorney David Lujan, for the plaintiffs, and Attorney John Terlaje, for the defense, made a joint request to extend the deadline to respond to the first 26 of the 34 cases filed so far by about a month.

    But Judge Manibusan denied their request saying, “the court does not find good cause to grant another extension to respond to the complaint to further delay the scheduling conference.” This means that the archdiocese will have until next Monday, April 10 to file a reply.

    Attorney Lujan represents over 30 alleged victims of church sex abuse seeking hundreds of millions in damages in civil claims. He indicated that he intends to consolidate the cases and anticipates even more new cases to be filed in the coming weeks.

    The scheduling conference is set for May 18 at the District Court of Guam.

    1. Lujan Nothing but Church $$$$$$$$$ SHAMFUL

  5. I warned ror about the can of worms they were opening. All Archbishop Anthony did was inherit the filth of his predecessors. It can't be any more obvious.
    The latest guy to get named was the infamous choral director, Joe San Agustin. Is this the truth as to why he left the priesthood? And isn't there another guy too, forgot his name, He's Filipino, former priest still residing in Guam.
    Father Luis Camacho's custodial interference is nothing compared to the scandals of years ago.
    Ask around and you will hear the erotic stories of the FD minor seminary. Guess who went there? Not the RMS guys, thank God!

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild,

      I have published a post on Joe San Agustin in the following weblink:


    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:03 pm,

      Thank you for the link. I published a post on it. What a beautiful blessing! Biba Guam!!!!
