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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Rediscovering Jesus

I was listening to the interview of Archbishop Byrnes in the Patti Arroyo talk show.  You can listen to the interview here and here.  His top priority is to have people rediscover Jesus especially among the young people.  Archbishop Byrnes was concerned that many young people do not attend the Church after receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.  This is indeed a great concern on the island.  After confirmation, you do not see many youth return to the Church until they get married or need to baptize their child.  So, that is his number one priority.  

In the Way, we have many youth in the communities.  Many of them are inspired to become cantors in the communities.  Our youth also participate in the Youth Scrotacio every month.  Some of these young people have also been inspired into the vocations of the priesthood.  Some of the girls in the communities have also joined the Carmelite nuns and families have stood up to become mission families. Most impressive of all, is our youth taking part in the World Youth Day to see the Pope. Guam's youth also take part in evangelizing while they are on World Youth Day.  

Below is a video that I found.  It was the World Youth Day of Brazil in 2013 showing Guam's youth from the Neocatechumenal Way. 


  1. WOW!!!! Look at all the smiling faces ''beautiful'' nothing like the Jungle faces picketing the Church, if that the Neocatechumenal way faces that the way it should be :):):):):):)

  2. NCW happy smile.
    jungle frown.

  3. Love this!

  4. Hey, this is irrelevant to the post, but maybe it is a good idea to make a blog post on parishes that have the Way so people can find them around them, or if they are visiting other countries. It's a possible idea, just saying.

  5. Someone just showed me a post on JW about a Feb 14 memo from Fr. Paul for the Cathedral. Is this going to be standard for all parishes? And if so, do we have the documents that will satisfy what he is asking?
    And most importantly: is this with AB Byrnes' approval?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:53 am,

      The letter was coming only from Father Paul and only for his parishioners. The letter was cc to Archbishop Byrnes. The letter is a disguise only to target the Way. We have the documents. Whether it will satisfy him is unknown.

    2. The irony of Fr. Paul giving out that memo was that he allowed a sex offender to do volunteer work at Santa Barbara Church where he was pastor even after AB Apuron told him to remove the sex offender.

    3. Not just a sex offender a Murderer, take about sex offender, but Murderer the man and his brother took a Life a innocent Life a Life??

    4. Dear Anonymous at 2:31 pm and 2:53 pm,

      I agree. I wonder if Father Paul even recognized the irony in what he just did. He allowed a convicted sex offender and murderer to do volunteer work and even argued against Archbishop Apuron about his action to remove Joseph Lastimos. Now, he sends out a memo that would keep the convicted sex offender and murderer whom he supported out from doing volunteer work at the church.

  6. Diana, you point the obvious. True.

  7. Is there evidence Fr.Paul allowed a convicted felon to work?
    Unacceptable should felon be employed Cathedral.

  8. Maybe this is good that Father Paul is asking the Neo to produce the document that says the Neo is allowed to celebrate their way. If there is proof that it is allowed, then this will shut up the complainers and Father Paul will not be harassed about the Neo.

    1. "Rome has approved it – even the way we’re receiving Communion.
      That they receive the host standing and they can sit down and everybody who receives it and they eat together...
      Rome has given permission for that.
      And it’s somewhere I need to find out where exactly, but they told us that permission is given."

    2. How is Fr. Paul harassed by the Neo? In his dream? Lol.

    3. Anonymous @ 1:18 PM, if you could decode properly, you would have been able to read that Anonymous @ 3:08 PM wrote "Father Paul will not be harassed ABOUT the Neo" and not, as you wrote "harassed BY the Neo."
      Guess it's time to take Remedial Reading classes. LOL.
