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Monday, February 13, 2017

Pope Paul VI's quote

Someone was able to get some of the Pope's quotes on the NCW in Father Pius' website, which is found here.  An anonymous poster quoted what Pope Paul VI said about the NCW.  According to Pope Paul VI: 
Pope Paul VI in 1977: "Saint Augustine says this: If we cannot have the catechumenate beforehand, we will carry it out afterwards. This is the secret of your formula, which provides religious assistance, a practical training in Christian faithfulness, and effectively integrates the baptized into the community of believers which is the Church. Many people are attracted to these Neocatechumenal Communities, because they see that there is a sincerity, a truth in them, something alive and authentic, Christ living in the world." (General Audience of January 12, 1977) 
Just because the link in Father Pius' webpage does not work does not mean that the Pope did not make the quote or that Father Pius was lying.  You can still find the same quote if you google it.  So, please do not be so quick to judge.  Do your research first.  You can find Pope Paul VI's entire speech here.  

Learn to think and not just swallow everything the jungle tells you.  Learn to search for the truth, and do not allow a blank link page to stop your search because there are many reasons why a link page comes up blank.    


  1. Pope Paul was basically just wrong. He was mistaken about what the NCW actually is and does. No big deal.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:13 am,

      There were three other popes who agreed with him; therefore, that makes you in the wrong.

    2. No, it just means more popes were mistaken. They didn't know. Like John Paul II and Maciel. Like Benedict and the butler. And so on.

      When they get a sniff of what is really going on in the NCW, its a very different story, like Benedict in January 2012, or Francis in 2014.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:20 pm,

      And you think you know better than the popes. Kiko Arguello cannot be compared to Maciel. They are not the same men. One was already found guilty of sexual molestation while Kiko was not not accused of such crimes.

    4. Diana
      They are just looking for any excuse that has no logical or factual premise to justify their inherently malevolent behavior.

    5. Anon at 9:20 pm
      Unfortunately there is no cure for ignorance. We can only pray that the facts and documents presented on here can allow you to reflect whether the path you have chosen is the correct one.

    6. I was not making any link between Kiko and Maciel. Merely pointing out that popes can be mistaken or ignorant.

      Couple that fact with willful leadership and a cult of personality and you have the NCW.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 1:27 am,

      No. You made the comparison because you refuse to see that the Pope is right regarding the NCW. The NCW is already over 50 years old. If Kiko was a child molester like Marciel, he would have been caught by now.

    8. Diana, anon 9:20 pm is making the reference to Fr. Macial Maciel because his organization, the Legion of Christ was and still is a very traditional, conservative movement inside the Catholic Church. Traditionalists have hard time to acknowledge that Maciel was one of their own! But he was. He was celebrated by traditionalists around the world until the revelation of his criminal secrets came out.

      Guam traditionalists loathe the fact that among the most vehemently traditional Catholics there could be hiding some big time serial abusers! They are afraid of acknowledging that beasts among them are the same kind of beasts as everywhere else.

      Actually, Guam traditionalists are easy preys of fake Catholics because Guam is a far away, isolated island and therefore people have no experience in recognizing and unmasking scoundrels. Traditional slogans are very easy to shout and carrying a placard at a picket line is just a convenient way to get their trust. But make no mistake, scoundrels use the trust they receive from traditional, conservative groups to wreak havoc inside our church, create scandal and promote an anti-Catholic agenda imported from the mainland.

  2. They're all men and we all fall far from the glory of God.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:33 pm,

      But the infallible Holy Spirit still works through fallible men. Just look at St. Peter (the first Pope) who denied Christ three times.

  3. Are there more NCW then CCOG on the Island, what so right with NCW that the CCOG Hate? you both pray for the same ''GOD''

  4. And Pope Paul said it only to the NCW assembly. Not the entire Catholic Church. See the difference?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:39 pm,

      If you had actually read the pope's speech, you would have known that he mentioned the name "Catholic Church." You are only showing your prejudice.

  5. And it was only said at the NCW assembly...right? Not at the Vatican during a speech to the entire Catholic world. You're only showing a half-truth Ms. Diana.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:05 pm,

      Read the OP. The OP stated that the Pope Paul VI said something positive about the NCW. The quote was taken from Father Pius' website. The website listed what the popes said about the NCW. And the quote was taken from his speech. That is the issue. On the other hand, you want the issue to be that the NCW is not Catholic. The NCW is Catholic.
