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Monday, January 30, 2017

Off-Island Law Firms Join Archdiocese

According to KUAM news, an off-island law firm has joined forces with Attorney Ed Terlaje to assist the Archdiocese of Agana.  Let us hope and pray that they are able to help the Archdiocese. According to KUAM news:

Off-island law firms representing the Archdiocese of Agana visited the island last week

Posted: Jan 30, 2017 7:03 PMUpdated: Jan 30, 2017 7:03 PM
The off-island law firms who represent the Archdiocese of Agana visited the island last week. In a statement from the Archdiocese, they confirm members from law firms Swanson & McNamara, as well as Weintraub Tobin, visited to perform consultative work for the cases on sexual abuse. "We are grateful for their work."
According to District Court filings, attorneys Mary McNamara, Britt Evangelist, and Paul Gaspari have filed and were approved to represent the Archdiocese alongside local attorney John Terlaje. Last week, six of the fifteen victims moved their cases from the local court to the federal court because each of the judges in the Superior Court of Guam disqualified themselves. Among their reasons for recusal included close relations to the accused, including Archbishop Anthony Apuron, ties to the church as parishioners, and relations with named victims. To date, the suit seeks damages of up to $30 million against the local church and the Vatican. The remaining victims are expected to move their cases from the local to the federal court this week.


  1. Diana how can donations be made to assist Archdiocese fight off off the cases? Thankyou.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:13 pm,

      In my opinion, I think the lawyers for the Archdiocese will focus on challenging the constitutionality of the law. If they win, the court can strike down the law. If you wish to donate in helping the Archdiocese, you can write a check to them and specify that the money will be used for legal fees to help the Archdiocese.

  2. Thankyou Diana I will see what can be given. will the challenging of the law be here or in San Francisco? How long till law is terminated?

  3. Diana, did Archbishop Hon terminate all the ministry of Father Pius. Is he gone from Guam?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:00 pm,

      To answer your question, it is no. Father Pius was at our Advent announcement. Now, please stick to the OP.
