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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What Byrnes Said About The NCW

There were several comments coming in threatening that the NCW is about to come to an end.  Some comments even mention death to the Way.  That is not going to happen.  Furthermore, these hateful comments are very offensive.  Here is an excerpt from Archbishop Byrnes. 

Taken from the Guam Daily Post:

In response to questions about the Neocatechumenal Way, Byrnes said he would continue to allow the NCW to operate within the local parishes.
"The Neocatechumenal Way is a movement within the church that's been highly valuable throughout the world, so I don't think it's a question of removal in any sense," he said.
As we already know, Archbishop Byrnes is not all that familiar with the Way because it is not a movement.  Nevertheless, his superior Cardinal Filoni whom he reports to is very familiar with the Way.


  1. His superior? Hardly

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:26 am,

      According to that same news report:

      "Byrnes told media that the Holy Father wanted him to focus on healing and unifying the divides within the Catholic Church. Byrnes added that he had been instructed by Cardinal Fernando Filoni to serve as a bridge between the highly polarized communities within the archdiocese so as to solidify unity.

      Byrnes added that Filoni, as the prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, is something like his superior and that he reports to Filoni."

    2. My Dear diana…
      Since you provide a venue and an insider’s view to ncw communities, I’d hope you’ll post this comment, so that others might get a chance to digest and respond,…
      Thank You in advance…

      If healing and unifying the divides within the Catholic Church, require the ncw leadership to provide the proof of the "Rome has approved it – even the way we’re receiving Communion” document…

      diana, what would the ncw do or say??? you described and stated the following…

      DianaSeptember 8, 2016 at 6:13 PM
      Dear Eileen,

      We do not hide how we celebrate the Mass in small communities. We have always be truthful about how we celebrate it. First of all, there is no such thing as a "Neo presbyter." I call them RMS priests only because they were formed in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. They are diocesan priests.

      In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ standing up. We do not consume His Body immediately. We are to hold His Body in our hands close to our hearts with adoration. After everyone has received the Body of Christ, the priest proceeds with "Behold, the Body of Christ......" And we respond with "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you......" All the words are the same as it is in the regular Mass. But we consume the Body of Christ together with the priest. And yes, we consume His Body sitting down.

      Yes, you can attend the Saturday night liturgy and not walk in the Way. We had others attend the Eucharist, but they are not walking in the Way. We simply let them know that whatever is said in the echoes cannot be taken out of the room.

      Since anyone and everyone is said to be welcomed to attend service, would concession be given to individuals having a preference to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, so how will they be accommodated, I have always had this preference to receiving Holy Communion…

      Diana, once again I say, Thank You…

    3. Dear D. Anthony, ,

      If you have a problem with the way the NCW celebrates the Mass, you can attend the parish Mass. Otherwise write a letter of complaint to Rome.

    4. My Dear diana, sorry for the delayed response...

      In answer to your reply, Rome has responded, we know that with the arrival of Bishop Hon, apparently at your encouragement all your avid readers took your advice to heart and sent their many letters of complaint regarding the ncw, from the great advise and suggestions you had given, we had explained in detail a few of our issues and problems.

      diana, Rome again reinforced their response, with the assignment of Bishop Byrnes, he is to take over the leadership role of this diocese, as for brother tony he is being replaced for his role in the misappropriation and the mismanagement within his administration, also let us not forget his non pastoral conduct towards the laity and priest, nor his lack of empathy, humility and sympathy regarding the public attacks and threats, all of which have led to his disgrace and trail…

    5. Dear D. Anthony,

      The arrival of Archbishop Hon has nothing to do with your letters of complaint regarding how the NCW celebrates the Mass. He was the result of the sexual allegations against Archbishop Apuron who was placed on leave.

      Archbishop Apuron's canonical trial has nothing to do with his leadership role. He is being tried for the sexual allegations made against him. All the news reports say so.

  2. Archbishop Byrnes has said that the NCW is a "movement", with the educational background, theological degrees, research he's done on Guam and the position he holds as archbishop, he holds, you really gonna say he's uninformed? Based on your prior OP, brother tony had a long talk with archbishop Byrnes and according to you, brother tony talked about the NCW and still afterwards, archbishop Byrnes called the NCW a movement. Get over it, the NCW is a movement within the Catholic Church. But soon that movement will disappear from Guam.

  3. Remind me again, why you say NCW is not a movement? Would that be such a bad thing?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:26 am,

      It is not a bad thing, but it is incorrect information.

    2. A movement is just like a cult. Plain and simple.

    3. The protesters should start informing Archbishop Byrnes about the correct information of the NCW. In addition to "defrock Apuron" let's also have picket signs saying "NCW is not Catholic" and NCW is a cult" So Byrnes get the message loud and clear.

    4. I agree with 7:56 that the NCW is a cult and ALSO hides and protects pedophiles within the Catholic Church.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:53, 7:56 and 8:21 am,

      I do not agree with any of you, but you are entitled to your own opinions and can even express those opinions with your picket signs. However, your comments show the source of the division, and it is not with the NCW. The NCW will continue to tell the truth. As Theresa of Avila stated: "Humility is truth."

    6. Just go and talk to Archbishop Byrnes. Show him your true colors, what sorry branch of depravity you are. So he may place you right away into your right spot under the sun! Lol.

    7. Yeah, anon 7:53, exactly! Just like the Laity Forward Movement for one, right?!

    8. 8:21,

      First of all, these "pedophiles" were alleged pedophiles. Second, there are priests, you have been proven to be sexually abusing children, yet weren't exposed til later. Guess what? These priests are not even in the NCW. They are from the Catholic Church. Why do you point only to the NCW? Please, can we have real conversations here?


      I bet that pissed people off.

  4. It's amazing how they only see one word "movement", and they think we would find that offensive. They refuse to acknowledge the real message of what Byrnes said about the Way. He said, "The Neocatechumenal Way is a movement within the church that's been HIGHLY VALUABLE throughout the world, so I don't think it's a question of removal in any sense,"

    1. Maybe because in the past Diana got bent out of shape about the use of the word "movement"

    2. Dear Anonymous at 12:19 pm,

      Actually, I was saying the word "movement" until someone corrected me. 🙂

  5. Dear Anonymous at 8:40 am,

    Perhaps they resent the word "valuable". 😆

  6. PDN did not post it on their side, shows the publicist hates the way. I suggest to everyone not to buy PDN paper but the POSt.

    1. I don't buy PDN paper anymore. I do buy the POST.

    2. Great Anon @ 3:37PM. Did you like what Archbishop Hon had to say in the POST?
      About LFM & CCOG: They protest in order to PURIFY THE CHURCH
      About the jungle: He said he came to realize that some of the church's STAUNCHEST SUPPORTERS came from some of its HARSHEST CRITICS
      About reconciliation between NCW and traditional Catholics: there is a certain mindset in CERTAIN COMMUNITIES which is not in favor of recognizing what is the LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY of the church
      In case the NCW want to say the rejection of "legitimate authority" is traditional Catholics Hon used the example of a SEMINARIAN who is sequestered in study and who must obey the orders of his superiors even if it means ignoring family and friends Only the NCW promotes ignoring family and friends so they don't become gods.
      Hon concludes the seminarian example by saying this is one of the issues that A CERTAIN GROUP HAS TO RETHINK ABOUT THEIR MINDSET Again since the jungle and traditional Catholics have no say about the actions of seminarians the "certain group" MUST BE nobody else but the NCW.

      Now how do you like the POST?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:42 pm,

      We all know that Archbishop Hon yelled at Father Mike Crisostomo for disobedience. Father Efren witnessed it. Father Jeff was also pulled aside and scolded at for the same reason. Both these priests do not walk in the Way.

    4. Dear Diana (9:56pm)--
      Not sure what your point is here. We all know that sometimes a father gets angry at his son and may raise his voice or scold him. This does not mean he loves them less.
      Likewise, he had a few things to say about NCW--he came to the conclusion that there were some things that needed to change. He stated his opinion after being here in Jan and then his term here as Apostolic Admin. But, as in the case of Fathers Mike and Jeff, I don't believe he was totally against NCW.

  7. I think the best way is a Moratorium on the NCW in Guam for 5 years. No evangelization, no steps, scrutinies and all must go to the parish for the Sunday eucharist

    1. You're funny...more than half of Catholics on Guam don't go to church, and you want to put a moratorium on the only catholic group on Guam who are trying to get them to come to church.

      Are you stupid or are you ignorant?


    2. You think that those in the NCW don't go to the Sunday Eucharist or serve the brothers and the Church in many ways - interesting. This suggested Moratorium will affect way more than what you are suggesting. The life of a Christian is to take the life they have been given and serve others. I think this is what many dislike. As a Christian you are told to evangelize - that means getting out of the Church building and meeting someone you don't know and talking to them about God. How many of us even think about God passed the parking lot outside the Church building. When was the last time you talked to someone you did't know about God? Not that easy...Most want to stay to themselves and don't want to be bothered with serving others - they've done their bit for Church by going to mass. But what about doing what we are all called to do - that's an entirely different thing altogether.
      As for the steps and scrutinies - this is very personal; and personal choices. People don't like being personal. A person can stop walking. I know a few that have. I don't judge them because it's hard to look at what God sees and still believe that He can love us; especially Chamorus that believe that "God is not sleeping." How many times have we said that ourselves. Yes, we all say we are sinners. But how many actually know what kind of sinner and do they choose to accept it and know that God forgives and died for those acts/sins.

      The Church offers many ways to meet God, grow in their faith and serve the brothers. Many chose the NCW and if it is not a way for you -go out and pick one; but don't tell those that have chosen this way that a moratorium would be a better way to serve the Church or the brothers.

    3. I agree. Let the local Church investigate the problems involving the NCW and act accordingly without pressure from Filoni or other high ranking NCW supporters.

    4. 10:30. Are you serious?! "No evangelization, no steps, no scrutinies"?

      That's telling Jesus, after commanding us to go and announce the Gospel to all nations, "can we hold off and that for 5 years Lord?"

    5. Here's the link to the FB post of this post:

    6. If you need a reason to agree to a moratorium here it is:

      "As a Christian you are told to evangelize - that means getting out of the Church building and meeting someone you don't know and talking to them about God. How many of us even think about God passed the parking lot outside the Church building. When was the last time you talked to someone you did't know about God? Not that easy...Most want to stay to themselves and don't want to be bothered with serving others - they've done their bit for Church by going to mass. But what about doing what we are all called to do - that's an entirely different thing altogether. "

      This is the arrogance and insulting attitude the NCW conjures in its members. No, the NCW is not the be all and end all of "evangelization". And yes, we do think about God and we do take our beliefs with us into the secular world. We don't do it with fanfare like the NCW does, but nonetheless we evangelize by our lives and faith.

      I might point out that the first, the primary and the most direct method of evangelization occurs in the Mass - and this is exactly where the NCW go off track. If you get that wrong, you can say nothing useful about evangelization.

      So, a moratorium on the NCW, especially its illicit Mass is necessary.

    7. You have just given an excellent exsmple as to why there shouldn't be a moratorium...there is no arrogance in the great joy we all live. To give your life and live a life proclaiming why everyone should be in the Church celebrating the Eucharist. This is what brothers of Christ should do. John the Baptist was shouting to convert; we need to shout out to the world the greatest news. The Eucharist is the highest pinnacle and we should be inviting everyone to come to it, to be with him. Too bad you see tbis az arrogance. Your love of Christ should be proclaimed to the world. Who gets to witness your joy? Shouldn't it be done w those that don't know it? It shouldn't be enclosed in the building. Use that life that you say demonstrates righteousness...and go out and call out to the poor, the forgotten, the rejected.

    8. Anon 2:58 you are quite hopeless. But if you need a big slap on your face from Archbishop Byrnes, then just go ahead and push for this silliness. When will you wake up already?! We are at home here on Guam and we are going to stay here forever. We're quite happy to follow Christ the way we do in the NCW. You can do nothing, I repeat, nothing against it!

      Only, perhaps, making an even bigger fool of yourselves, the JW, the CCOG, the LFM and all those people picketing Sunday morning like robots. Don't you feel yourself big enough fool yet, my friend? Lol!

    9. No, I don't feel a big enough fool yet Anon, thanks for asking.

      Are you the same Anon that remarks below that:

      "The Way is here for ever.
      The Way is Eternal.


      Is this an identification of the NCW with God himself? Eternal? A method is eternal? An itinerary is eternal?

      And you say that "You can do nothing, I repeat, nothing against it!"

      Is that because its eternal?

      Gosh, you have the gall to speak on behalf of the new Archbishop! I strongly suspect he wouldn't support this sort of cultish language. The NCW must serve the Church. It is NOT identical with the Church, no matter what you are told. It is a "way of doing things", and sometimes, being the sinners we are, we get things wrong. In this case the NCW has gone off track and it needs to be sorted out, because the NCW is doing immense damage to the Church, although you are so wrapped up in it and so focused on yourself, you can't even notice!

    10. Dear Anonymous at 10:38 pm,

      Can you specify exactly what damage the NCW have done?

  8. Perhaps a moratorium on hate for the NCW will do. You people have the popes and now this Archbishop who accepts the NCW and you still can pass that? Perhaps hate has dangerously gripped your hearts.

  9. Since you're all so focused on the importance of evangelization. You forgot to mention that Archbishop Byrnes also spoke about the value of meeting Jesus not just in the stranger but in the brother/sister right next to you. That probably means: CCOG, LFM, and NCW need to be open to EACH OTHER.


    1. 4:10PM would you preach to BARABAS who made up their mind? Or announce the gospel who never heard of Jesus Christ? This how the Saducees are..

  10. several comments were made on social media concerning our communties children singing. Community welcomed new auxiliary bishop with great Joy. To welcome archbishop with singing is a blessing. Rude comments on singing unkind.

  11. complaints over children singing. Children sang in a spirit of Joy to induct Archbishop Mike.Children singing is joy . yet complaints about their singing.

  12. The Way is here for ever.
    The Way is Eternal.

  13. In the Jungle!! Prayer for the beginning of the Episcopal ministry of Coadjutor Archbishop Michael Byrnes- live on Facebook or on Kuam-tv8 showing beautiful kids singing all the young people I thought it was pretty good!!but the folks in the Jungle seems to be hating it WAY???? all the bad Comment in the Jungle about the singing, that crazy singing is a lot better then protesting hate!!!!

  14. @Anon 7:44 How is praying the rosary hate? Please enlighten us.
