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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Guam World Youth Day Krakow 2016

I found the following video on YouTube. I do not think it is the greatest video footage due to the large words shown throughout the video. Nevertheless, the Guam NCW youth in Poland had a fantastic WYD. They were excited to see Pope Francis. You can see joy, happiness, and excitement in their expressions.  The youth had an great experience spreading the gospel in two by twos like Jesus' disciples. The pilgrimage has also inspired many of our youth to discern more about their vocation in life and God's plan for them. 


  1. It is beyond me that anyone would want to destroy or do a moratorium on the NCW. 275 Youth from Guam in the Way WOW! Why would some priests even entertain this when youth gain strenth in faith and with the zeal to announce the Gospel.

    1. Its simply a matter of pros and cons.

      Pro - the NCW had 275 youth from Guam at World Youth Day
      Con - the NCW is a heretical sect, with ambitions to change the faith so that it is in accord with the Judeo-Masonic principles of the powers of this world.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 5:25 pm,

      None of the Popes have ever called the NCW "heretical". It is only you who use that word. You have no authority to determine what in the Catholic Church is heretical and what is not. Only the Vatican can do that. Pope Francis has given the NCW his strongest support and his blessing. That is the truth. And this truth is what proves beyond any doubt that the NCW is Catholic.

    3. Anonymous October 20, 2016 at 5:25 PM
      I will ask myself, how many Catholics on Guam belong to the Masons? Check cars parked at our parishes and you will find sign of Masons.


    4. If they belong to the Masons, they've abandoned the Church, knowingly or not. You pin your standard to the post-Vatican II popes, presumably because you know, as we do, that the NCW would have been thoroughly condemned by the pre-Vatican II popes.

      There you have a problem, because Vatican II did not seek to alter doctrine, and therefore the measure of the Faith is the doctrine as espoused prior to the Council. The Masonic influence in the Church involves the distortion of language and liturgy, and the elevation of subjective personal experience.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:08 pm,

      The NCW did not alter doctrine. The doctrines remained the same. But many Catholics did not understand Catholic doctrine, which is one reason why many of them left the church to join other Christian denomination. Many Catholics in pre-Vatican II did not even participate in the Mass.

    6. Dear Anon 5:25 pm, you are kinda 100 years behind the German Nazis with your Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory. But don't worry you will catch up with them very soon! Lol.

      You are being known with all your Nazi buddies. People of Guam do not buy your nonsense, but will remember who whisper to their ears.

    7. Dear Anon at 10:08 pm, there is no such thing as Judeo-Masonic influence on the Catholic church. Judaism is a religion apart from Christianity. The Masonic church is apart from the Catholics and Protestant churches.

      What you talk about are not the Masonic but the charismatic evangelical churches including the Pentecostal church which is very wide spread and powerful in the mainland.

    8. You obviously know nothing of the Masons, or their ambitions against the Church:

    9. I understand more than you think. Nazis penetrating the Catholic church are hiding behind obscure websites. The Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory is an invention of Hitler's ideologues. This ideology was used to kill 4.5 million Jews in the gas chambers.

      In which part of Guam do you guys wanna set up your gas chamber business? Ordot land fill? Or Layon? Lol.

    10. Another victim of the Nazis was St Maximillian Kolbe - a man dedicated to the fight against Masonry:

      Here's what he wrote in 1926:

      “Freemasons, did you hear this? The Hebrews, who have secretly organized and secretly direct you, consider you as beasts, recruited into the Masonic lodges for ends that you neither know nor suspect … Are you aware, Freemasons, of what awaits those among you who will begin to think for themselves? Listen to this in the same Protocol: ‘Death is the inevitable conclusion of every life … We will execute the Masons in a way that no one can suspect, not even the victims themselves: They will all die at the moment it is deemed necessary, apparently because of common illnesses.’

      “Freemasons, you who recently during the Bucharest Congress were pleased by the fact that Masonry is growing stronger everywhere, reflect well and answer sincerely: Is it not better to serve the Creator with interior peace … rather than to obey the orders of those who hate you?”

      “And you, small squadron of Hebrews, the ‘learned elders of Zion,’ who have already consciously provoked so many misfortunes and are preparing yet others, to you I direct this question: What advantage will you gain? … A huge accumulation of gold, pleasures, diversions and power, but none of this makes man happy. And if still it should give some happiness, how long will it last? Ten years perhaps, or twenty … I ask you, Hebrew leaders, you who have let yourselves be seduced by Satan, the enemy of humanity, would it not be better for you also to return sincerely to God?”

    11. You are sick, my friend, like all the Nazis. You quote the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semite concoction. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  2. I know some youth who went on that pilgrimage and were very happy and full of joy when they came back...
    What boggles my mind is their relatives hate the NCW that made it possible for them to encounter Jesus Christ on that trip.... I'm so happy that my children were also given the opportunity to go on that trip even though they are not NCW and feel that was the best thing I can give them through God's love... Its an experience they have that no one can take away....they will have it them all the way to their adult lives...
    Thank you NCW and Thank you God....

  3. the spirit in reality. 3,000 boys stood to be priest; over 4,000 girls stood...ran to be nuns. Please show me the comparison spirit of the ccog or rohr.
