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Friday, September 23, 2016

Father Joseph Jiang

Image result for Rev. Joseph JiangFather Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang is a Catholic priest from St. Louis, Missouri who was falsely accused of child molestation.  He was targeted because of his religion and his race.  After being charged twice of sexual molestation and being cleared, Father Joseph Jiang decided to fight back.  He filed a federal lawsuit against his accusers, SNAP, and some members of the St. Louis police department.  His story can be found here (the bold red is mine) 

Finally! A falsely accused priest has had enough and is not going to take it any more.
After being twice accused and cleared on wild charges of sex abuse, Rev. Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang has filed a federal lawsuit against his accusers, the lawyer-funded, anti-Catholic group SNAP, and members of the St. Louis police department for publicly accusing him of being a child molester.
In his lawsuit, Fr. Jiang sets forth a litany of facts which demonstrate just how crazy one accuser's claims were from the start:
  • The accuser's fourth-grade teacher has stated that it was "virtually impossible" that Fr. Jiang pulled the accuser "out of line" at school and abused him as claimed;
  • "The alleged victim had made previous unfounded allegations of sexual abuse";
  • "[The accuser's] fourth-grade teacher indicated that [the accuser] was a serial exaggerator to the point of being 'delusional'";
  • "[The accuser's] parents had a history of making unfounded claims against the Catholic Church for monetary gain";
  • "[The accuser] has never had any personal acquaintance with Fr. Joseph, and he could not identify Fr. Joseph's name when he made the allegation";
  • "[A parent of the accuser once] physically assaulted the principal of [a Catholic school] by choking him or her";
  • "The accusations were brought by a deeply troubled and unreliable 12-year-old boy at the suggestion of his abusive father."
As for his suit against SNAP, Jiang argues that the trial lawyer-funded group "conducted a defamatory smear campaign against Fr. Joseph throughout the case." SNAP published media statements which were "false and malicious" and "were extremely damaging to Fr. Joseph's reputation. They were calculated to inflame public opinion against Fr. Joseph, without any regard for the truth or the facts of the case."
The priest's suit also asserts that SNAP was involved with both the accusers and St. Louis police in a "conspiracy" against Fr. Jiang.
Indeed, one of Jiang's accusers who has filed a civil lawsuit against Fr. Jiang and the Church is represented by St. Louis trial lawyer Ken Chackes, who has previously admitted to donating money to SNAP and receiving client referrals from the group. (Not that this should be a surprise to anyone.)
Pot meets kettle
The irony in all of this is that while SNAP has for years claimed in the media that Church officials have never been held "accountable" for their handling of abusive priests in the past, it has been SNAP itself which has never been held accountable for its reckless statements against innocent priests, destroying lives and reputations without consequence.
We congratulate Fr. Jiang on his lawsuit, and we hope that a successful outcome will spur other falsely accused priests to fight back as well. 
I am happy to tell you that in an updated report, which you can find here, Father Joseph Jiang won that lawsuit.  

What I placed in bold red above is quite true.  SNAP has never held itself accountable for its reckless statements against innocent priests such as Father Joseph Jiang.  SNAP does not believe in "innocent until proven guilty."  Father Joseph Jiang was not the only priest who was falsely accused.  Even the Church has fallen victim against scammers who claimed to be sexually abused by a priest.  For example, a Catholic Church in North Carolina was tricked into paying $188,000 to a woman who claimed she was raped by a priest.  The fraud was later discovered.  You can read the full story here. 

This is why Bill 326 should be vetoed and expanded to make it into a better bill to ensure justice.  I believe that the perpetrators who sexually molested children should be punished, but not at the expense of innocent people.  The bill should also not make it easy for criminals to carry out fraudulent claims.     


  1. The bill should be passed so that any accusations or claims should be properly investigated and taken to court and decided by the court. It seems as if the church KNOWS it's involvement with hiding the abusers and that's why there is a huge push to not pass this bill.

    1. Don't lie, please! There is no way to prove/ disprove anything the fake accusers claim about what happened 40 and 60 years ago. Tudela's claim is moot, because Brouillard was expelled from Guam 30 years ago. It is a shame for all Catholics of Guam that people like you lie about the church.

    2. The terrorists blackmailed the governor into signing the bill. It is the end of an independent Guam, an independent Catholic island, as we know it.

      From now on those will dictate whose aim is to demolish and destroy. Keep hold on to what you have, because the marauders are out there watching you to rob whatever is left in your hand or in your home.

      There is no mercy from the mafioso. All Catholics became subservient vassals in the court of mighty king Rohr and his clan.

      A new age for the island, indeed.

    3. Lie? Lol. The law passed and that's all that matters. Guess the Holy Spirit has spoken through our governor.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 6:44 pm,

      Only the devil takes from the Church so he can devastate it. Healing and reconciliation can only be accomplished through forgiveness. Do you honestly thing that healing and reconciliation can be accomplish with money??? What amount of money can you take from the Church while destroying the innocent people can bring healing? Since when has money ever brought healing?

    5. "Only the devil takes from the Church so he can devastate it."

      That's true. Look at the Neocatechumenal Way, for example.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:46 pm,

      The Way knows how to celebrate the Mass without a building. When your parish building closes down and is sold, you will have to rebuild it from scratch starting with the altar. Your temporary altar will be a table in the meantime while your building is being built.

    7. The Way sure know how to celebrate the Mass without a building. Yeah right. That's why they have Mass at the hotels.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 11:14 pm,

      I meant a church building. I guess I have to be literal.

  2. In Philadelphia 2 priests accused were imprisoned and one fr. Charles engelhardt died in jail having been refused heart surgery. It was discovered after his death that the accuser had lied and invented horrible accusations.

  3. Junglewatch is promoting the anti-Catholic president of the Western U.S. Chapter of SNAP, Joelle Casteix, on its website!

    The adamantly atheist and anti-Christ lady not only mocks the Apostolic Administrator who was appointed by Pope Francis but she also claims this: "Catholics want the bill signed. In fact, Guam’s Catholics have been the driving force behind helping victims, exposing Apuron, and finding justice."

    Now, this is a big fat lie! Her lie is worthy of an amoral political activist who cannot see beyond her own dirty agenda! Guam Catholics don't want the bill signed! We are abhorred by Bill 326-33 and requested Governor Calvo to veto it! We have submitted 4500 signatures to support this request.

    It would be better if Joelle Casteix would not lie flat out into our faces and Junglewatch would not promote big fat lies on its website!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:29 pm,

      SNAP also published the jungle's sex abuse ad in November, 2015 in their Bishop Accountability website. The ad targeted Archbishop Apuron at a time when there was no alleged victim that came forward. All the alleged victims came forward in late May, 2016 and after that.

    2. This is evidence of conspiring and tampering with alleged "abuse victims"! SNAP and Junglewatch is one and same gang of white collar criminals.

    3. Anon @12:29-
      Actually, what is written is true. There are Catholics on Guam that want it signed. Not ALL Catholics, of course, but there is some truth to her statement.

  4. A friend of mine is telling me after the first reading of Bill 326-33 that this bill does not seem to be designed for eternity! It is full if internal flaws. He says the bill is good for temporary blackmail only and that's it! At the very first constitutional challenge, this bill will fall, bringing down the whole row of dominoes that was set up around it. Well, this is a very interesting opinion! We definitely should keep this prediction in mind.

    1. Prophetic prediction! The bill was signed into law. Now, we have to wait some until the first constitutional challenge will destroy this piece of garbage legislation.

      Let our adversaries celebrate now. Let they expose their uncaring abandon and dirty self-glorification. They will pay a big price. Let them rule over the broken and downtrodden. But one thing is for sure: eventually, the dominoes of deception and greed will fall and we will never forget. We can never ever forget what is happening on Guam now.

      Do you hear me, Rohr?! You are marked by the red of the devil.

    2. Forget? Tell that to the victims!

    3. Yup I agree. Rohr and the rest of CCOG,LFM are marked alright. And they will pay an enormous amount. Congratulations to them and this is not what Christianity all about.

  5. Now, let the vultures have their field day on the innocent.

  6. It is a "brave new world" for Guam now. Goodbye my bright sunshine, au revoir dancing butterflies. The coward let the rabid dogs rule. The conquistadors colonized the Catholic church. By Christ, we'll survive, but will never forget. Just remember this: never forget!

    1. "The coward let the rabid dogs rule."

      What does this sentence mean??

    2. It means what it means. It is done.

      Some people go to hell, some others go to heaven.

  7. When Hon first arrived in June 2016 to take "control" of the diocese, when he began his rule of tyranny, he related a similar story about a Bisbop who was accused of rape, the bishop resigned and then it was later discovered that the accuser had lied. The point Hon made about this story was to plant the idea In people's minds that the same should happen to Apuron: resign, even if you are innocent.

    Now, wthe new law in place, not only will hon attempt to remove Apuron , but hon will proceed now to burn down the very diocese itself he has managed to slowly destroy.

    The wires ruin is: "What is Rome doing?" Nothing! Is the Vatican complicit in all this by their silence? Catholics on Guam are suffering grave injustices at the hands of the tyrant Hon and Rome keeps quite.

    The work of evangelization here in Guam has been dealt a death blow by Hon, the secretary for the congregation in Rome whose title is "Evangelization of People's". Is this Rome's way of promoting evangelization by killing the church in Guam? Does anyone in Rome care?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:48 am,

      Pope Francis is the only one who can remove Archbishop Apuron, and he has not done so. He still remains the Archbishop of Agana. Archbishop Apuron swore before Pope Francis that he is innocent of those sexual allegations charges. He has evidence to prove it. If found innocent, he plans to do exactly what Father Joseph Jiang did.

    2. Anon 1:48 if you don't agree with Rome would you consider yourself protestant?

    3. Interesting question. Does disagreement make you not catholic? Nope. I can disagree with what Rome does or says (except in matters of faith and morals) but this does not mean I Am not catholic. Part of Being Catholic means being In communion with the pope. That is why I am not outside protesting what hon is doing. I disagree with what he does but I obey because I believe in the apostolic succession. That is what being Catholic is. Not like CCOG and rohr and all those people who protest, slash tires, go to the press and attack visitors. They disagree AND break communion by causing scandal and confusion. They ARE de facto Protestants and should not be receiving communion.

  8. i don't agree with Rome nor do the 150 who joined todays street protest.
    we are all protestant proud protestors.

    1. You have no concept a papal authority and respect for Vatican.


  9. sorry i mean we all Catholic not protestant.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:17 pm,

      You got it right the first time. :-)

    2. Unfortunately you don't get to choose what it is to be Catholic. You do not dictate policy, hierarchy does. It is really a sign of how poorly the faith has been transmitted that you think yourself Catholic and think that you can tell the hierarchy what to do, disobey when they don't do what you want and cause the scandal you are causing with your protests. I am sorry to burst your bubble but you are not Catholic. You might call yourself one and really truly believe you are but your actions are not.

  10. Hon Excommunicate them! DO YOU READ THIS?

  11. Archbishop Hon begin process to excommunicate those who are Jungle disobedient.

  12. names of Junglewatch nation members need to be listed proclaimed forwarded to Vatican to begin process of excommunication. Estimated 28 persons feeding JW. men women & Religious feeding JW.


  13. JW nation called Anon.
    How can you excommunicat bunch of Anons?

  14. I'm SO glad to hear that Fr. Joseph was not only found not-guilty, but that we won his civil case for libel against SNAP and it's local office!

    I sure hope this helps prevent future "false" cases and religious persecution against our priests! They have enough "on their plates", they don't need this type of persecution and trouble!

    Please continue to pray for all of our priests and deacons and religious. They ALL need our prayers, especially in these "hard times" of persecution...

    -CD, Wasilla, AK
