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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Consequences Of Bill 326-33

It is unfortunate that Archbishop Hon did not address Bill 326-33 when it was being discussed at the Legislative hearing.  In fact, there was a public hearing on it twice, and Archbishop Hon was absent both times.  If it was Archbishop Apuron, he would be on it immediately.  The bill was passed by the Guam Legislature and is now in the hands of Governor Eddie Calvo.  Archbishop Hon is NOW gathering signatures to petition the governor not to sign the bill.  NOW, he suddenly realized the consequences that this bill would cause if passed into law. 

At any rate, Archbishop Hon is correct that this bill, if passed, will have devastating consequences on our Church.  Similar bills have been passed in the U.S., which only resulted in the closures of the Church and the selling of its assets. According to the New York Post:  
The US Catholic Church has lost millions of its members over the past 14 years following the child abuse scandal that tarnished its reputation and forced it to sell assets to pay billions of dollars in settlements.
The Catholic Church in the United States has spent 3 billion dollars settling the sex abuse scandal.  In some states where the statutes of limitations have been lifted, more lawsuits are expected to rise. According to Frontline news:
In Minnesota last year, the state legislature passed a law lifting the civil statute of limitations for child victims of sexual abuse, clearing the way for more lawsuits.
The alleged victims including the mother of one of the alleged victim who came forward accusing Archbishop Anthony Apuron all stated that it was not about the Church, but about one man.  However, all of them did not just file a lawsuit against only one man.  They also filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese (the church), which they all claim to love.  The jungle and their supporters all advocated for the passage of this bill, not realizing the consequences it would wreck on the Catholic Church of Guam, whom they claim to love very much.  According to Tim Rohr:
How does one seek justice from a 95 year old Luis Brouillard who abused more boys than he can remember. He can hardly leave his couch and has no assets other than a monthly stipend from the Archdiocese of Agana. What the hell, Hon? What the hell! 
So, because Father Brouillard has no assets, taking the assets of the Church (which he claims to love and defend) is justified?  One has to this the same person who showed compassion for Joseph Lastimoza, a convicted rapist and murderer?  If the jungle can forgive a rapist and a murderer who repented his sins, why then are they condemning a child molester who repented his sins?   


  1. Bankruptcy protects debtors!

    As a matter of law, the very purpose of bankruptcy is to provide a “fresh start” to debtors and potential debtors, such as the Archdiocese , giving them some protection from the unpayable amounts owed to creditors and would-be creditors such as our abused survivors.

    Look it up.

    1. Dear CNMI lawyer,

      Bankruptcy does not guarantee that ALL your assets will be secure.

    2. CNMI lawyer, bankruptcy is not a positive thing. Once you file for bankruptcy, you can't borrow a loan from a bank. What kind of human being are you? You go to JW supporting the bill for justice for the victims, then you come here advocating for bankruptcy so the victims won't get justice.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:11 am,

      CNMI lawyer would make an excellent politician. :-)

  2. Apuron is the sole reason for the he is already all over it. Miss the point much?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:42 am,

      This is exactly the reason why the bill should not be passed. It was meant as vengeance against one person. This one person is used as a scapegoat.

  3. Where is your reaction to Hon asking the Pope to remove Apuron? It's going to happen soon. Sede Vacante! Apuron hid the many crimes of his, and his clergy. No other bishop in the world has had more charges brought against him and the list continues to grow. From financial mismanagement, gross negligence, violations of numerous canon laws and policies, disobedience, sex abuse, promoting NCW heresies, failure to carry out duties of office, incompetence etc. He will go down in history and be the example of how not to govern and shepherd. This is why there will be no trial. The proof is there and he is already guilty. The CFB, CDW, CEP have all recommended to the Holy Father to get rid of Apuron immediately. It's not vengeance- just Apurons crimes coming home and finally biting him. Apuron for prison 2016! CIAO!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:50 am,

      The reason you do not see any reaction from me is because there is nothing for us to worry about. Pope Francis is the only one who can remove Archbishop Apuron. Archbshop Hon has no authority to remove Archbishop Apuron, which is the reason he has asked the Pope to do it. This does not mean that the Pope is going to do everything that Archbishop Hon says. Pope Francis has been closely monitoring the proceedings in the trial of Archbishop Apuron. You failed to see certain things.

      The good news, which you failed to see, is that Pope Francis had granted a canonical trial for Archbishop Apuron. Why is this good news? Because there have been other bishops who have been accused of the same allegations as Archbishop Apuron, but they were never granted a canonical trial. Instead, they were removed.

      The second thing you failed to see is that Pope Francis did not remove Archbishop Apuron's title. He is still the Archbishop of Agana. He still remains the Ordinary. He still remains the corporate sole of Agana.

  4. The proof is that he is already guilty?

    Take it easy with the sacramental wine sept 18th 6:50

  5. Condemning a child molester who's repented for his sins?? The clergy and most especially the archbishop are held to higher standards Diana. They are supposed to be the keeper of souls. Just what don't you get?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:30 am,

      Father Louis did the wrong thing in abusing those boys. He has repented of his sins and is doing penance for it. His repentance is the RIGHT thing to do. Therefore, God will have mercy on him due to his repentance. Not so with a person who will not forgive another. As for Archbishop Apuron, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

    2. 9:30am: This law wants to punish and take away from everyone and perpetuate the pain inflicted on the individual and spread it like a cancer to the entire church. Money does not solve problems. Money does not save lives. This law wants you to believe that. Don't be fooled.

  6. Diana i was expecting Archbishop Anthony to attend the hearing. Senators would have listened to him. Archbishop Anthony would stop it.
    Now in new letter Archbishop Hon say he asked pope to appoint a new archbishop.
    I want Archbishop Anthony home. I love him pray. He being persecuated .

    1. Anonymous 9:36 Can you imagine if the archbishop attempted to walk in the legislature? He would've needed police security. It was wise of him to not show up. You can easily name that bill the "Apuron" bill. That would be his legacy.

    2. Really.....Persecuted? What about the victims? Or the abusers brother tony knowingly hid? Don't you think that brother tony should be the one to apologize to the victims of fr. Broullard since brother tony was the one who hid him?

      I believe in forgiveness but I also believe in sincerity as well. Brother tony has only shown fruitless threats rather than showing that he takes all allegations seriously.

      Look at the DOE SUPERINTENDANT he removed himself and didn't threaten anyone.

    3. The Public Hearing for Bill 326-33 was a farce. I was there at the August 1st meeting. I was handed out a document that had the latest version of proposed Bill 326-33. The textual form of this version was directly dictated to the Senators by Bob Klitzkie the week before and was not made available to the public in any form before the hearing. This secrecy violated the very essence of a Public Hearing that is to honestly inform the public and give the people an opportunity for input.

      When I prepared my testimony for the Public Hearing against Bill 326-33, I had no access whatsoever to the latest textual variant. Then, I had to deviate from my written testimony in order to reflect on this textual variant that I had been given just right before the hearing.

      Interestingly, the summarizing material Senator Frank Aguon sent to the Senate about the Public Hearing falsified this most important part of my testimony by replacing what I said by incomprehensible gibberish! Why did they do this to my testimony, I don't know.

      I am amazed with no end by the curious treatment by Frank Aguon's committee of the testimonies of those who opposed Bill 326-33.

      The secrecy about the latest textual variant of the bill and the treatment of those who opposed the bill renders the Public Hearing conducted between July 27th - August 1st a farce and should be more than sufficient reason to veto Bill 326-33 by Governor Calvo!

  7. Rohr went too far now. Even his most loyal foot soldiers are abhorred and repulsed from his dirty language and cursing of the Catholic faithful. His unbridled threatening of Archbishop Hon, clergy and laymen alike just made everyone sick and tired of his antics.

    Really, he became so ferocious against his own Mother Church and wants to inflict so malicious wounds on local Catholics that one has to wonder if he and his horde of insecure "faith warriors" serve the people of Guam or some militantly atheistic, anti-Catholic organization.

    It is time to stop, Tim! It has been too much already. Your viciousness had been exposed and now we all know who you really are. You are a blood-thirsty enemy of the Catholic Church. You own people will take you out because your very existence is an assurance of failure. Your time is over, pal. Your movement has been burst. Better go home, Tim, while you are at it. Au revoir!

    1. "Rohr went too far now. Even his most loyal foot soldiers are abhorred and repulsed from his dirty language and cursing of the Catholic faithful."

      And your evidence for this claim is?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 7:07 pm,

      The evidence is all found in his blog.

    3. "Even his most loyal foot soldiers are abhorred and repulsed "

      Where on his blog is this demonstrated?

    4. Do you want evidence dear fella? Oh, look at these:
      1. Fr. Paul is not so happy about the jungle and even
      2. Eileen left it in disgust. Shall we also talk about
      3. Daniel Lifschitz who put Frenchie and Tim on their rightful place in the trash bin?! LOL

      It is just the beginning, pal. Be happy, we are winning!

  8. If it is the Lord's will that this bill be vetoed, then it will be vetoed, and if it is His will that it be signed then it will be signed. And if it is signed, if these accusers are lying then God will make sure that the Truth will protect the Church from harm.

    It's time to "let go and let God." Petitions and appeals are the weapons of the Jungle because they lack faith. We must show that we have strong faith.
    As the Lord himself said, "Not my will, but Your will be done."

    1. Agree 4.44pm. I am walking.
      God is more powerful than this bill.
      He can use this bill to show his majestey as a mighty God for our communties. Come on lets sing " mighty God Majestic God Prince of Peace" " touch this bill father God with your light truth let it reveal to us your will and let us honor it as from the hand of a mighty poweful God." Come on let us sing together " mighty God powerful God" lift your hands are you ready, " mighty God powerful God Majestic God......" raise your hands,,,,,,,,,

  9. JW folk out in force tonight organizing meetings all over island.
    Footmen carrying messages on social media like drunks .

  10. New title:

    "Consequences of Shielding Apuron and Fellow Criminals"

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:23 am,

      The title stays at it is.
