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Friday, August 5, 2016

Pope Francis' Interview On Plane

Pope Francis was interviewed on the papal plane coming back from Poland.  In his press conference, he mentioned the sex abuse accusation against Cardinal Pell.  According to Pope Francis:
Thank you.  The first information that arrived was confusing. It was news from 40 years back that not even the police made a case about at first. It was a confusing thing. Then, all the rest of the accusations were sent to justice. Right now, they are in the hands of justice. And one mustn't judge before justice judges, eh. If I were to say a judgement in favor of or against Cardinal Pell, it wouldn't be good because I (would) judge before. It's true that there there is doubt and there's that clear principal of the law: in dubio pro reo (Editor’s note: the phrase is a Latin expression meaning in favor of the alleged guilty party), no? But, we must wait for justice and not make a first judgement ourselves, a media trial, or...because this doesn't help.  The judgement of gossip and then, one can...we don't know what the result will be but be attentive to what justice decides. Once justice speaks, I will speak. Thank you.
You can read the entire interview here. 


  1. Tim has his own jungle Justice,nothing but lies.

    1. Is it not amazing how the jungle can call Archbishop Hon a "liar", but when they are called the same thing.......they cannot take it.

    2. No, its not particularly amazing - if Archbishop Hon is a liar and they are not, its a perfectly reasonable response.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:07 pm,

      Perhaps, Archbishop Hon should sue them for slander and libel for calling him a liar. :-)

    4. "Perhaps, Archbishop Hon should sue them for slander and libel for calling him a liar."

      Yes, but he would have not be a liar first. ;->

    5. Those are the liars who keep lying about Archbishop Hon. Shame on them. Shame on the jungle, shame on Tim, shame on CCOG and shame on LFM.

    6. The jungle doesn't understand that the Archbishop is the best they can get. If Hon is leaving, there will be someone else whom they won't like any bit better. There will be great tumult and grinding of teeth.

  2. An eye for an eye

  3. Yeah don't forgive them for what they did to you. Sue them back for all the suffering you had to endure and forcing Archbishop Apuron to leave.

    1. Anonymous 9:54 probably meant it as a joke. After all it was Diana who made fun of the lawsuit. :-)

  4. It's amazing how Junglewatch became a flock of lemmings. Lemmings are the animals that go crazy when the season is coming. When they reach the critical point of craziness, lemmings climb a highland and start to run in large flocks toward the ocean. Now, highlands usually end in deep ravines and great abyss near the beach where the rocks break. Our flock of crazy lemmings would not care about the rocks and ravines just running and running without ever stopping to think. So all of them end up falling into the deep breaking their necks on the rock bottom of the abyss. They die by the thousands and have no way to return. That is why lemmings are considered the suicidal race of the animal kingdom.

    Is this not amazing? For the lemmings of Junglewatch the calling of monetary gain is like the calling of the ocean. Limitless amount of dollar bills wave in front of their eyes, like the waves of the ocean. They cannot resist this calling. So they flock together and run. Run to picket, run to protest, run to file lawsuits against anyone whom they dislike.

    You know that this flock of jungle lemmings is just as sick and suicidal as the lemmings of the highland. You know it because they go against courage, honesty and stature. You know they are suicidal, because they go against the appointed administrator sent by the pope. You know they want to be crushed in the rock bottom of the abyss, because they don't have honor, respect and integrity. I wish I could stop them by telling, hey crazy lemmings, get to your senses and turn back right now because the edge of the rock is approaching! Ya'll all down to the deep and will be annihilated! Stop in the name of Christ!

    But they do not listen to me. They just run and run without ever stopping to think. I am left nothing to do but pray. What else could I do for them?

    1. Dear Zoltan,

      I am not familiar with lemmings. But I do agree that we can only pray for them. We cannot change them.

    2. They are not as much suicidal as suicide bombers! Yeah, they wanna blow up everything while they are burning. They want to take the Guam church, Hon and Pope Francis down with them.

  5. Tim Rohr said God talked to him and told him to quit and here he is back Isn't that a lie

    1. The jungle says they want to make the Agana diocese bankrupt the same was the Duluth diocese became bankrupt! They'll use the same tactic of accusations and SNAP money to sue and corrupt. Then they'llsue again until the Archdiocese will be forced to declare bankruptcy and sell the RMS back to the Japanese.

    2. Rohr is the mastermind behind the destruction. Shame on you, Tim, you are chewing on the hands that nursed you.

  6. "The jungle says they want to make the Agana diocese bankrupt the same was the Duluth diocese became bankrupt! " Where was this said? If this was said outright, then let's expose jw now

    1. Jungle never reported it intended to bankrupt Agana Archdiocese. These statements cause division Diana.
      Please stop publishing comments intended to cause division.
      Jw people are those keeping Archdiocese financially floating .

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:10 am,

      The jungle has stated that even if it takes the destruction of the Archdiocese to remove the Archbishop, then so be it. That is how far they are willing to go. God, on the other hand, is willing to spare Sodom if there is 10 righteous people living there for their sake.

    3. JW also want to bankrupt Vatican. Now they accuse the Curia with cover up.

    4. The proceedings for selling the Yona property will go to the hands of the accusers, reduced by 20% to Lujan, 20% to Rohr and 20% to the CCOG. There is no way back. They have overspent themselves and Tanaka won't open his purse any further. Bad investment? They badly need the money so they have to run the full course now. No backtracking. That is why they forced the accusers to sign the contract of agreement that will divide the pie of prize money into their pockets.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:28 pm,

      Nevermind the property. Try as they might, they cannot take it. I understand that CCOG was fundraising. They have not yet publicized their financial report.

  7. Diana is it true that some bishops have withdrawn their seminarians from our RMS seminary because of all the trouble?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:56 pm,

      Where did you hear this?

    2. I have heard that some seminarians have left the island because of all that's going on and it's from a reliable source.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:57 am,

      I have not heard of seminarians leaving because of what is going on.

    4. Anon. 10:57 am, care to name your reliable source?

  8. Actually, Diana, from our Apostolic Administrator. You may not know it. It is, of course, true. Why would Bishops risk continuing their seminarian's formation here with so much bad example? Scandal.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:16 pm,

      Really? And he has not even visited the seminary? Really, anonymous.......I doubt it.

    2. Don't forget, Diana, there is a committee to study the RMS headed by Fr Jeff. Withdrawn seminarians is part of scenario. Doubt away. Give Pius a call. Deny, then verify. Just tell the truth.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:43 am,

      I would prefer to rely on the committee's findings once it is made public rather then rely solely on your words. Of course, I would also believe Father Pius or Father Julio since they are the rector and vice rector respectively. I am not like the jungle that swallows everything Tim Rohr says.

    4. I read on Tim Rohr Blog Tim was upset at John Toves the typhoon whatever,about John telling all,Tim wrote who in HELL BOUGHT YOUR ticket to come here, go ahead tell then get out of `way, I guess just like the vic-tims tickets ,that's something to look into.

  9. Talking about the airplane interview with Pope Francis, let me place here, somewhat edited, what he had to say about Martin Luther, who started his protest against the practices of the church of his time exactly 500 years ago! Many Catholics hold grudges against our Protestant brothers in Christ, even against Martin Luther, but nobody can deny his indispensable and highly valuable contribution to the most crucial theological doctrine of justification by faith in Jesus Christ!

    Pope Francis:

    "I think that the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken. He was a reformer. Perhaps some methods were not correct. But in that time, if we read the story of the Pastor, a German Lutheran who then converted when he saw reality – he became Catholic – in that time, the Church was not exactly a model to imitate. There was corruption in the Church, there was worldliness, attachment to money, to power... and this he protested.

    Then he was intelligent and took some steps forward justifying, and because he did this, today Lutherans and Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on the doctrine of justification. On this point, which is very important, he did not err!

    He made a medicine for the Church, but then this medicine consolidated into a state of things, into a state of a discipline, into a way of believing, into a way of doing, into a liturgical way [...] That document of justification I think is one of the richest ecumenical documents in the world, one in most agreement. [...]

    Today we seek to take up the path of encountering each other after 500 years. I think that we have to pray together, pray. Prayer is important for this. Second, to work together for the poor, for the persecuted, for many people, for refugees, for the many who suffer; to work together and pray together and the theologians who study together. [...] One time jokingly I said: I know when full unity will happen. - “when?” - “the day after the Son of Man comes!” "

    The whole interview can be read here:
