Blog Song

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Prayer Meeting

The prayer meeting in the afternoon was wonderful.  We got there a little after 4:00 pm, but we managed to find seats.  We started the meeting with the evening prayer  The morning and evening prayers are usually prayers that the brothers in the Way are very familiar with.  In our monthly convivience, we always start with the morning prayer. The songs were also very suitable for the occasion and in light of the difficulties we are experiencing on Guam.  I also enjoyed Archbishop Hon's homily. It was very touching and inspirational.  He even told a funny story that got people laughing.  He spoke of unity, harmony, and a love that comes from the heart.  It was a very beautiful homily.  And we all prayed for our Archbishop Apuron.  We were instructed to work toward unity and harmony. 


  1. And Archbishop Hon said that Apuron will not make ANY decisions at all about our archdiocese and that Apuron MUST cooperate with him. You forgot that part.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:53 pm,

      And Archbishop Hon said that Archbishop Apuron is still the Archbishop of Agana Guam while his position here is temporary. Did you forget that part?

  2. Diana is correct. Archbishop Hon did say that Apuron remains the Archbishop of this archdiocese. However, Archbishop Hon will be making ALL the decisions.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:15 pm,

      That is correct. So there is nothing to argue about. :-)

  3. This is The Year of Mercy NOT MURDER! If only Archbishop Hon had added that in. I will continue to pray for Archbishop Apuron and for
    those who feel ... otherwise.

  4. lol Diana your reports on this blog basically read like the North Korean Central News Agency. Everything is fine and dandy! Roses for everyone!

    1. Deaf Anonymous 4:58 am,

      I do not know who wants hostility. But Archbishop Hon is correct. We all belong to the family of God and should work together at building up the Church using the talents that God gave each one of us. So, now let us see who fires the first shot. He who fires that first shot is the one who do not want peace and is the cause of division.

    2. Diana, you forget that it was Apuron who fired the first shot by sodomizing boys. He inflicted unrepairable damage on so many boys . He is a pedophile.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:15 pm,

      A man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That is the rule of law in our justice system.

  5. So then want Diana? We just pretend that the allegations of rape of little altar boys never happened?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:48 am,

      This whole thing was a conspiracy to remove the Archbishop at whatever cost. Just listen to Tim Rohr's interview today in the weblink below:

      Tim Rohr himself stated that he was involved in the letter that Walter Denton wrote to the Vatican. In that interview, he also admitted that it was him who decided which victim should go out publicly first and which would go second. Tim also corrected Denton's interview by stating that it was in August, 2015 that the letter was sent, not August, 2014. As you can see, Tim Rohr knew more about when the letter was sent to the Vatican while Walter Denton was confused about it. Why do you think that is?

      If a person is truly a victim, they do not allow someone to dictate to them WHEN they should come out publicly. They come out on their own time when they feel comfortable and ready. Therefore, this whole thing was all staged. They have been planning this for a year since Monsignor James was removed. In his pride for wanting to take credit for everything, Tim Rohr has now revealed that he was behind the letter that was sent to the Vatican under Walter Denton's name.

    2. So, you believe that the sexual assault allegations are false and Denton, Concepcion, Quintanilla were all paid (or rewarded somehow) to lie to everyone. Pawns in Tim Rohr's conspiracy, as it were.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:49 am,

      In looking at the broader picture, that is a possibility. Again, I can play the Devil's advocate. The Vatican will investigate the sexual allegations, and in time we will know their verdict. Just because a man is accused of sex abuse does not mean that the accuser is lying. But it also does not mean that the accused is guilty. In helping the investigation in Rome, it is also possible that Archbishop Hon can mail the written letters that Quintanilla gave or even take the written testimony of each alleged victim to be sent to Rome. In time, the truth will come out. For now, I think it best to follow what Archbishop Hon work together in building unity for the Church.

    4. "to work together in building unity for the Church. "

      Ok, then. Stop the illicit aspects of the NCW liturgy. Stop the stupid arguments - eg that Rome has approved those illicit things, even though there is no written evidence for that. Stop arguing that just because you have been "getting away with it" is not equivalent to permission. Be critical of your own catechists and catechesis. Insist that the full texts are made available to everyone and that there ought to be the opportunity to discuss properly what is taught.

      Reject the idea that the bulk of the Church is mistaken, burdened by pagan accretions, that the NCW is the future of the Church, that leaving the Way is tantamount to "walking the road to perdition".

      Reject the premise that the catechists are like angels with divinely inspired discernment, that they know the will of God for you, that they MUST be obeyed in everything.

      That would be a start. Only then might there be an opportunity for healing and reconciliation. Can you do this?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:39 pm,

      First of all, you do not need to attend our celebrations. That way, you do not need to see what you call illicit liturgies. In this way, we can have peace.

      Secondly, we are not arguing. When you ask us why are we having Mass the way we do, we give you an answer. If you do not like to hear our answer, then do not ask us questions. In this way, we can have peace.

      In the third place, we do not need to be critical of our Catechists or insist that they follow OUR way. If anyone in the Way do not like what the Catechists say or do, they always have the option to leave the Way. No one is forcing them to stay. The brothers in the Way understands this and are able to live peacefully with it.

      And finally, we never teach that our Catechists are angels. We recognize them as sinners. We do not teach many of the things you claim.

      Now, for our conditions:

      1. Will you learn that the word "presbyter" is simply the Latin word for priest and mean exactly the same thing?

      2. Will you recognize the RM Seminary as a true seminary who forms priests for the Archdiocese?

      3. Will you concede that the RMS property does indeed belong to the Archdiocese of Agana with the Archbishop in full control?

      4. Will you recognize that the NCW is Catholic?

      Those are only four things that only require a yes or no answer. This would be a start.

    6. 8:48 AM 3 years and nothing and now?????????????????????????

  6. 1. Yes
    2. No
    3. No
    4. No

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:18 pm,

      Then the dialogue begins on numbers 2,3, and 4. The last one, number 4, is the most crucial one of all, and that is the one we should begin with. The question is.......who and what determines one to be "Catholic"?

    2. My Dear diana; we ALL MUST "talk the talk ... walk the walk"

      4.Will you recognize that the NCW is Catholic? "who and what determines one to be "Catholic"?

      The NCW is "Catholic" provided the practice stays within the statues.

      as to "who and what" determines a Catholic...

      see link

    3. Dear Anthony,

      No where in that document you cited did it say that the NCW is Catholic provided that the practices stays within the statutes. Neither does it say who determine who is Catholic and who is not. Nowhere in any of the Popes' speeches will you find that statement anywhere. At no time did any Pope ever proclaim that the NCW is "Catholic" provided that it's practice stays within its Statutes. Rather, they have provided us an approved statutes and instructed us to follow it.

      As for the "who" and "what" determines one to be Catholic, you cited a document from Vatican II. BEFORE Vatican II came about, people already knew "who" and "what" determined a person to be a Catholic. These documents did not exist. It had always been our baptism into the Catholic Church that determines that we are Catholic.

    4. Catholics don't decorate the altar and dance around it like its some kind of party. Kiko is wrong, Jesus is right.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 9:12 pm,

      Jesus started the very first Eucharist with His Apostles reclining at the table. He did not celebrate the Eucharist on an altar but on a table.

  7. To Anon 1:39p
    Where is the desire for unity in your blogging? All i read is spoilt child- like demands. Your healing would begin if maybe you ...:
    3. CHANGE negative connotations to positive ones.
    FINALLY You choose the Christian walk that works for YOU and i will choose what works for me.
    A "spiritual spanking" from our heavenly Father is in order for you!

    I shudder to think if Opus Dei was to come to Guam. Lol
    Let peace begin with us brother ... or sister 😉

  8. Diana, what do you make of this statement from Tim?

    "Had Edi the Waldo NOT done those statements and had not launched his movie director career with that Daffy Deacon cartoon starring Deacon Tenorio, Apuron might be here yet. So thank you Edi, Adrian, and Putrid. You sunk the archbishop, and now you're probably trying to save your sorry asses by blaming everything on him. LOL."

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:18 pm,

      Was that what Tim Rohr wrote in his blog??? So, let me see if I understand this correctly...........Tim Rohr is saying that if Father Edivaldo did not make those statements and Deacon Tenorio did not speak out for the Archbishop, then those victims would NOT have come out and the Archbishop would still be here? Is that how it is done????? What is wrong with this picture? Sounds like a conspiracy to me.

    2. that Tim Ain't too Bright, }}}conspiracy((((

    3. I believe he meant that those as the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". He never really denied that he conspired to have Apuron removed -- after a few things that happened to piss him off, then the whole Father Paul and Msgr James affair.
      He lays it all out on his blog for everyone--including Archbishop Hon or his assistants-- to read. Anonymous @6:48, if you think he "ain't too bright", I wouldn't be too sure about that.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:26 pm,

      This is what makes everything appear suspicious. Now, I hear that Tim Rohr is upset because,Father Adrian's name is on the header of an email, and is planning on doing something. Is another victim going to come out at the bidding of Tim Rohr? This is what this whole thing appears like. It appears orchestrated that one wonders whether these are real victims or false witnesses.

    5. That Tim Rohr one bad person...... must have a lot hate for the bishop, for what ??? just doing his job,what are the NEO doing so wrong....don't they worship the same God?

    6. 9:26 PM maybe you're Right he sits the and write all the bad stuff about the Bishop, he get the old people to protest, and hate the NEO, and trying to take the church property which was donated,and now hiring people to be victims,I guess you're right...Anonymous 9:26 PM

  9. So are you (Neo's) going to come to mass at the regular Churches every Sunday or are you still gonna do your special Saturday in the meeting rooms ??? Just wondering if people will still have to choose? Like the 7pm at St. Anthony. There are 2 masses going on at the same time?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:10 pm,

      Some of us go to both. Some of us go to the Saturday Eucharist held by our communities and then go to the Sunday Mass because many of us volunteer in the Sunday Mass as Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, alterservers, and even sing in the choir. Those who miss Saturday Eucharist go to Sunday Mass. I do not know about St. Anthony as I am not from that parish. The Eucharist in the Way always starts at 7:30 pm, 8:00 pm, or even 9:00 pm. But it does not conflict with the parish Mass.

  10. If im in a hurry and only have 1hr to spend with the Lord that evening in mass, i go to regular mass. Other than that 2 to 3 hrs is good in the neo mass..... its my choice.....
    I do not spend enough time with the Lord during the week.... so 2 to 3 hrs is good. More intimate.....

  11. Were any "neo" songs sung that only the brothers in the Way are familiar with?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:20 pm,

      Anyone who reads the Bible would recognize that a majority of the songs came from the Book of Psalms. We also sing the Manificant, which is recited in the Evening prayers.

  12. Photos of the Vigil for Unity at the Cathedral tonight were posted on jw AND tr went off like a bandshee seeing the AA (Apostolic Adm NOT Archbishop Apuron) standing next to the Vicar General Msgr David. You could almost hear the gnashing of teeth !

  13. I am seeing photos of the protesters outside the Cathedral and the AA (Achbishop H) inviting them into the Mass .... ARE THEY SERIOUS?!!! HOW EMBARRASSING! tom ada at the forefront again? Did he have a memory lapse of the front page news scandal he made years ago? Was he asked to resign? Careful tomas ... you may be subjecting your family to alot of hurt. Talk about hurt and humiliation.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:07 am,

      Did the protestors go into the church with Archbishop Hon to pray together or did they remain outside to continue their protest?

    2. What is wrong with you Anon 10:07 am? What is embarrassing is keeping secrets of child sexual abuse?

    3. Anon 4:10 Nothing is wrong w 10:07. Nothing as embarrasing as adults acting like spoiled juveniles not getting their way telling AA Hon " we went to our own masses!" You werent there i was! In the meantime the subject at hand is about UNITY. we will wait for the Vatican to decide these issues u speak of that they allegedly kept silent to themselves for over 40 yrs. Stick to the facts! You all keep screaming "unity" ... well ... man-up and quit your belly aching !

    4. Nothing wrong with 10:07 Talking about UNITY. Let the Vatican deal with the other alleged accusations. 10:07 was only reminding the Sen of his own disgression.

  14. Who is the president of CCOG? Or the LFM?
