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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Message From The Archdiocese Of Agana

                                                 May 31, 2016

Another malicious and calumnious accusation against the Archbishop has surfaced; this time from the mother of a man who has been deceased for eleven years. The Archbishop strongly denies this accusation as he had done so before.

The fierce attacks against the Archbishop exploded three years ago when he removed the administration of the Cathedral-Basilica, the Museum and the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam for reasons of financial mismanagement.

Tim Rohr and his associates launched a vicious and calumnious attack on the Archbishop and the Church. They demanded that the Archbishop return to the former ways of financial administration, when the archdiocese was increasing debts every year because of mismanagement. They wanted to sell the seminary in Yona to cover the substantial debt accumulated by the previous administration of these three entities. The Archbishop was adamantly opposed to the idea of selling the seminary to cover these debts. Thus began a malicious campaign to denounce and attack the Archbishop at whatever cost to get him out of the way.

The perpetrators of these calumnies have resorted to insults and violence revealing their true intention to destroy the Catholic Church and discredit the Archbishop by whatever means. Their method is to confuse and mislead the faithful, even to the point of inducing some to bring false testimony. This was predicted even before the first accusation was revealed.

Those who are orchestrating this campaign are inciting people into hatred of the Archbishop and the Catholic Church. They have produced scandal, confusion and grave errors with the cruel intent to injure the Archbishop, the Catholic Church in Guam and many other people of good will who have been outraged and harassed. Therefore, the Archdiocese of Agana is in the process of taking canonical and legal measures against those perpetrating these malicious lies.

Archbishop Anthony urges the faithful not to be afraid, and to stand for the truth and he asks for your


                  Celebrating our Golden Jubilee as a Diocese 1965-2016


  1. Diana,
    How long before legal measures are taken against Roy Quintanilla and Doris Concepcion for the so-called perpetrating of malicious lies?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:52 pm,

      According to what the Archdiocese stated above, they are already in the process of taking canonical and legal measures. How long it would take them is uncertain. In my opinion, I think the canonical measure would come first. I do not know how many people they will take legal action against. Naturally, Tim Rohr is number one on their list.

    2. Naturally. The truth would be despised by these people, so the first objective would be to rub out Tim Rohr. Good luck with that. He has shown himself to be a step ahead all along. Do you think that he has predicted every move the chancery (and you Neos) has made. What a joke. This just goes to show how disconnected you are from the truth and from the Holy Spirit.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:25 am,

      If he is a step ahead, then why does he get so upset every time the Archdiocese gives out a press release? The Archdiocese said that they are already working on it. The Archbishop said "enough is enough!" I believe three years is enough. This is not going into four years.

  2. Seems like all talk. Haven't seen any action except through press releases. Where is Jackie in all this? Thought she could weigh in legally since she's a lawyer.

  3. Here is what the archbishop said about Father Luis Camacho.
    "Statement Regarding Fr. Luis Camacho

    Father Luis Camacho was accused last year for ‘custodial interference’ and not for sexual misconduct with a minor.

    Following the accusation, a canonical investigation was begun into the matter and according to the zero tolerance guidelines, the Archbishop applied the precautionary measures according to canon 1722 of the Code of Canon Law, upon opening a preliminary investigation. The Archbishop asked him to resign as pastor, which he did willingly, and Father Luis Camacho agreed to be sent to a place where he could be followed psychologically and spiritually while waiting for the outcome of the investigation.

    In the subsequent year, no criminal case has been brought forth, as required under Guam law. Since the case has not been prosecuted, as required by Guam’s laws, the law requires its expungement, and no information can be provided by law enforcement authorities; in fact, law enforcement agencies are required by law to refuse to admit the existence of any records.

    While the canonical investigation is still going on, evaluating also the recent legal conclusion of the case, no further information can be provided at this time.

    Father Luis Camacho is still a priest of the Archdiocese of Agana and is under supervised ministry."

    SO TELL ME - why doesn't apuron take precautionary measures against himself??????????????????????

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:15 am,

      That is a question you would have to ask him. I am not the Archbishop. In order for the investigation to happen, an investigator has to be appointed, and the review board need to find replacement for three members. As far as I know, they are still looking for people to replace three members.

      In my opinion, I think that he is not stepping down because he does not want to give the jungle what they want. It would only give them satisfaction. If he steps down and another Archbishop is appointed who is a "Neo" (according to the jungle), the jungle would only give him the same treatment.

    2. Diana, the Archbishop has to step down for an impartial investigation to occur. He has to inhibit himself in the process and allow the course of the law to take over. Out of love for Jesus Christ and His Church. He has to step down be it temporary only.

    3. And you know for a fact Diana, that a person in the Way cannot go to court.

    4. As these allegations are denied by the Archbishop, then he should have no fear on an investigation being conducted. On a personal level, the longer the committee prolongs the duties tasked upon them, it seems that FEAR is the HUGE CLOUD over their heads. Are they afraid that as this cloud collects moisture there will be more than a thunderstorm in the horizon?

      I am very disappointed with the Archbishop. How can I trust and have faith in a Shepherd to lead his flock, when he has no trust and faith in himself to move the investigation forward.

      If suing and collecting X amount of $$$ is going to give him peace of mind and lift the burden from his heart and his soul, then by all means move on it.


    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:06 am,

      I think the Archbishop is going through with canonical and legal measures. Perhaps, the best way would be to settle it in a secular court and through a Church tribunal.

      This is no longer about sexual abuse. This is about a conspiracy to topple the Church leadership. Stepping down would not resolve the problem behind the conspiracy. If you go back three years, all this started with the removal of Father Paul and Monsignor James, the conflict with the Neocatechumenal Way and the RM Seminary. Bringing in a new Archbishop will not resolve anything especially if the new Archbishop will not get rid of the NCW. The jungle would simply give the same treatment to the new Archbishop.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:05 am,

      Where is it written that a person walking in the Way cannot go to court? The person walking in the Way always has a choice. He can go to court if he/she wants to.

    7. settle with your opponent before you reach the courts. Well it is clear you have not reach the deeper steps of the Way. Just giving you a heads up.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 2:53 pm,

      How many times do you want the Archbishop to say that the RMS property belongs to the Archdiocese of Agana? He has been saying that for the past three years, and the opponents continues to say he is a liar. After three years, I think the matter should be settled in court.

    9. Not about RMS Diana.
      It is about sexual abuse of Apuron.
      Victims are increasing in numbers.

  4. So much hate in all your hearts.

    Prayers for Archbishop, and the Church.

  5. So what is your answer? I commented several hours ago, but you did not post. Why hasn't Mr. Quintanilla been contacted by the review board?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:16 am,

      That is a question you would have to ask the review board. I am not on the review board nor part of it.

    2. When I was listening to Patti Arroyo interview Vincent Pereda he said that the review board only reviews what is given to them by the investigator. Patti asked Pereda when the board would appoint the investigator but he said the investigator is appointed by the archbishop. He said that it is the investigator and not the board who will contact the victims. Until the investigation is done the review board won't be doing anything. Pereda said that in the end all the board can do is review the information from the investigator and recommend action for the archbishop to take. The archbishop can accept or reject the recommendation. It's all up to the archbishop.
      It all seems to depend on how soon the archbishop will act to (1) appoint an investigator and (2) replace the members on the board.
      But it seems that all he is doing right now is threatening to sue. And threatening is not suing. It's looking more and more like all talk but no action.


  6. Deacon Martinez gave press conference.
    What do you think about his conference ?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:26 pm,

      Deacon Martinez was mistaken when he said that the Archbishop threatened a lawsuit. That is not a threat. There will be a lawsuit.

    2. You seem so sure that there will be a lawsuit. Highly doubt that there will be one. Too many skeletons would come out of Archbishop's closet! It's just all talk and threats. We shall see, right Diana?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:18 pm,

      Yes there will be a lawsuit.

  7. No there will not be a lawsuit Diana.
    Please will you stop making up stories.
    Archbishop knows he must not file a lawsuit.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:18 am,

      And why should he not file a lawsuit?

    2. Q: Why should His Excellency not file a lawsuit?
      A: Discovery.


      N.B. Truth is a defense to slander allegations, and need be proven only by a “preponderance of the evidence” (50+%). This is unlike a criminal case where the standard of proof is the far more rigorous “beyond a reasonable doubt” (~ 95+%), the highest burden of proof known to the law.

      Prayerful best wishes.

    3. Dear CNMI Lawyer,

      The Archbishop will file a lawsuit.


  8. Diana first thing Archbishop should have dine is invite Roy and Dorris to talk with him privately. He did not he immediately threatened lawsuits.
    He showed no compassion what so ever victims. This is reason victims left Guam. Even now he victimizes Roy and Dorris.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:23 am,

      If a private meeting is what they wanted, then why go public? Where was their compassion when they went public?

  9. all priests, and lay people like us are all sinners.....but we all answer to a higher authority. We all must abide to the laws of man and laws from God, same goes to the bishops.

    All accusers, whether true or not...will be revealed in God's time....same goes to the accused.

    The Church established by Jesus Christ and its many legitimate charisms are perfect on its own way....only their leaders tend to screw it up!
