Blog Song

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

thousand years - Jesus loves You

Dear Brothers and sisters walking in the Way,

I understand that we are human and can fall. But Christ is there to lift you up. Do not stoop to the level of the jungle.  Remember that our battle is not with a man. It is with the devil, and the weapon we use are truth and prayer.     

We are not savages and barbarians using profanity. We live in a civilized nation governed by the rule of law.  We are the children of God.  And in Guam, a man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. This is not North Korea, where a man is guilty until proven innocent. So shame on all those who have already incriminated Father Luis of being guilty without a trial and without even being charged of the crime they accused him of.  

Furthermore, please vote for Pale Mike Crisostomo for his nomination in the Lumen Christi Award. Pale Mike is a son of Guam just as Father Luis is also a son of Guam. We support all priests. Remember that God loves us all and sent His only Begotten Son who died for us even while we were sinners.  :-) 


  1. Sorry, but are you suggesting that a sin or fault is present only when charges are laid? It would be quite wrong to desecrate the Blessed Sacrament, but I doubt you would be charged civilly with having committed a crime.

    As I understand it, Fr Luis was allegedly caught in the act - but because the girl was 17, and there was a suggestion of consent, no charges were laid in association with any particular sexual act. That doesn't mean there is no problem or that that alleged behavior is acceptable for a priest.

    So when you say "So shame on all those who have already vindicated Father Luis of being guilty without a trial and without even being charged of the crime they accused him of", are you forgetting all moral values, and simply looking for a way to justify something untoward?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:53 pm,

      As I said, we live in a civilized society governed with the rule of law. There is no record of any sexual molestation. How do you or anyone know what actually took place inside the car when there were no witnesses. Not even the police report says anything about a sexual activity.

      Unlike you, God knows a person's heart, and He knows mercy. I find it ironic that you can find mercy for a murderer who have been CONVICTED of a crime. Yet, you have no mercy for Father John or Father Luis who have NOT been charged of sexual molestation. And then you speak of moral values???

      This reeks of the same kind of prejudice that African Americans went through. They were incriminated of crimes based on skin color alone. Before going on your NCW witch hunts, show me the police report stating that he was charged with sexual molestation.

    2. We all know what happened to Father John. JW labeled him a sex offender. Nevermind that he's never been charged nor convicted. Then later, he was acquitted of all charges. This is why we have laws as Diana pointed out. It is so people don't go on a witch hunt or play vigilante by hanging people without a trial.

    3. I meant to say he was acquitted of all allegations.

    4. "How do you or anyone know what actually took place inside the car when there were no witnesses. "

      Well, thats why you have a canonical investigation. Presumably, if they conducted one, it would become clear exactly what happened . But the suggestion of an investigation was simply another lie, wasn't it? How typical.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:48 pm,

      It was not the Archdiocese who started the rumor of sexual molestation. The fact that you created this sexual molestation allegation was your doing. How do you know what is the truth and a lie when in the first place your side invented the sexual molestation allegation without any investigation on your part?

    6. It was deacon Martinez who reported the incident To the archdiocese and the authorities.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 10:57 pm,

      Yes, and Deacon Steve is part of CCOG.just as John Toves is part of the jungle........the very same groups who want to remove the Archbishop and destroy the NCW.

  2. Readers need to be reminded that the scandal of sexual activity was created by the jungle. GPD never said that Fr. Luis was caught in the act. It was the popular commenters over at the jungle who started that rumor. They should all be ashamed of themselves. Its understood when silence brings reason for scandal but to place scandal because of outward motives is scandalous in itself. They are responsible for that and should take ownership of the scandal they created. Instantly, the archdiocese released a statement on the matter but they( jungle people) decided they were not satisfied with it as in all things and took the matter into their own hands. So the Archdiocese did their part and have no fault in the rumors that are being passed around.
    I do from time to time read some comments at the jungle and it does make me sick to my stomach when reading many of the nasty more so perverted comments coming from mostly men who claim to be christian. I find Fr. Edivaldos comments on oranges rather light compared to the comments of those two mongmong men.

    Ror admits that the clergy are "quiet in all this". Why Tim? you know the answer but the answer draws the attention away from your goal to rid the church of NCW. You know the NCW is not the problem neither is the Archbishop.
    My lips are sealed unless you want me to say anything further Tim. Lets say, scandal!

    -Jokers Wild

    1. Dear Jokers Wild, you say "it does make me sick to my stomach when reading many of the nasty more so perverted comments coming from mostly men who claim to be christian." These people are not Christian! Period. They are the worst of hypocrites don't having any single Christian bone in them!

      The perverted comments should make everyone ashamed who read them. It is just outrageous that Rohr openly promotes this obscene language. This perversion is not coming from normal minds though, it is coming from damaged people who are mentally vulnerable. Rohr is famously recruiting his sherpas among the mentally ill whom he trains to jump on finger point.

    2. Anon 9:24 hate blinds him

    3. RIGHT>>>>>>>ON JOKERS WILD <:o)

  3. Fr. Edivaldo and I find the orange stuff hilarious. People are so silly.

  4. Martinez should be relief from his duties.

    1. Why for telling the TRUTH?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:12 pm,

      What truth? No victim came forward. And the police who were there did not cite any sexual misconduct.

    3. We will just wait for the church's investigation. Like Deacon Steve pointed out, there is the civil law and the church law.

    4. So Diana, you saying Luis was arrested by the police for no reason? Seriously?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:01 am,

      Where in my comment did I say that?????

    6. Ummmm Diana, if you read up, you said

      "DianaApril 14, 2016 at 10:12 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 9:12 pm,

      What truth? No victim came forward. And the police who were there did not cite any sexual misconduct"

      Did you not? So it is implied that the police must've arrested Luis for no apparent reason since there was no sexual misconduct.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 9:12 pm,

      Are you telling me that Father Luis was arrested for sexual misconduct???????? We all know he was arrested, but it was NOT for sexual misconduct.

    8. Ummm Diana, you seem to have gotten off subject. It started out with

      "AnonymousApril 14, 2016 at 5:54 PM
      Martinez should be relief from his duties."

      Then me saying " for what, the truth"

      Then you said,

      "DianaApril 14, 2016 at 10:12 PM
      Dear Anonymous at 9:12 pm,

      What truth? No victim came forward. And the police who were there did not cite any sexual misconduct."

      So the point is that the police DID ARREST LUIS and that's no lie. So why should deacon Martinez be stripped of anything when he's speaking the truth?

    9. Diana, don't worry about these pitiable trolls. They give you their essence and only reason to be: trolling! So what is new? Lol!

    10. do you think the church should be dragging it's feet on the canonical investigation? Seems to me they don't want to budge. how long has it been? Thirteen months? Are they playing hide and seek, or peek--a-boo?

    11. So Diana are you condoning Luis's actions? Knowing that he's a priest? Police officers don't just arrest priest for no reason so apparently he must've done something against the law, correct?

    12. Shouldn't we all know the truth? Why should deacon Martinez be stripped for seeking justice and the truth? Isn't that what everyone wants or are we all blinded because the archdiocese is a hypocrite to its own sexual abuse policy? Who wouldn't like to know the truth?

    13. Dear Tim Rohr at 10:12 am,

      I do not play semantics. We all know that Father Luis was arrested for custodial interference. The allegation of sexual misconduct came from the jungle of which Deacon Steve is a part of.

    14. Dear Anonymous at 2:53 pm,

      Do not play ignorant. We all know that Father Luis was arrested for custodial interference.

    15. Diana,

      So deacon Steve is a part of the jungle and should be stripped of his duties for seeking the truth.

      Yey Luis, was arrested but because he's a NEO, he should be rewarded by sending him off to instruct more teens when the archdiocese has not even completed its own investigation that it said it launched over a year ago.

      This is what I'm sending from all this when it's obvious what the facts have been.

    16. Dear Anonymous at 8:49 pm,

      The fact that he was arrested shows that it does not matter whether a person is a "Neo" or not. I think that the Archdiocese already has Father Luis' testimony of the incident that day. I cannot say why the investigation takes 13 months. As you know, investigations done by the police department can even take up years.

    17. So why should deacon Steve be striped of his duties again?

    18. " I think that the Archdiocese already has Father Luis' testimony of the incident that day"

      On what basis do you say this? Do you know something we don't?


  5. Discouraging to our community all this sexual talk all over internet. It is not representing life culture of our island home.

    1. Trolls are not representing any culture. They are only representing their troll minds and depraved souls sold to serve the devil.

  6. Diana. What exactly is the nature of the relationship between you and Archbishop Anthony Apuron.?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:15 pm,

      The Archbishop does not know who I am.

    2. Diana, what a whopppppppppppppperrrrrrrr that one is.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:26 am,

      What I say is true. Whether you believe me or not is not my problem. The Archbishop does not know who I am. My Responsible and Catechists also do not know my identity.
